The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will acquire novated lease data from McMillan Shakespeare Group, Smartgroup Corporation, SG Fleet Group, Eclipx Group, LeasePlan, Toyota Fleet Management, LeasePLUS and Orix Australia for 2023–24 through to 2025–26.

The data items include:

We estimate that records relating to approximately 240,000 individuals will be obtained each financial year.

Novated leases data may be used to initiate nudge messaging to taxpayers and tax professionals through online services at, or before the time of lodgment.

This messaging will appear for taxpayers identified in the prior financial year and it will inform the taxpayer that motor vehicle expenses under a novated lease arrangement are not tax-deductible.

The nudge messaging will be available for:

           Online services for agents

           Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS) through Standard Business Reporting (SBR) enabled software

           label D1 – work related car expenses (prompts the taxpayer through online messaging when completing a return)

           label D2 – work related travel expenses (prompts the taxpayer through online messaging when completing a return).

The objectives of the novated leases data-matching program are to:

A document describing this program is available at

This program follows the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Guidelines on data matching in Australian Government administration (2014) (the guidelines). The guidelines include standards for the use of data matching as an administrative tool in a way that:

A full copy of the ATO’s privacy policy can be accessed at