Telecommunications Act 1997

Subsection 83(1)


REVOCATION OF NOMINATED CARRIER DECLARATION – Tas Communications Pty Ltd (formerly Integrated Community Networks Pty Ltd) (NCD number 74)


I, Naomi Turton, delegate of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (‘the ACMA’), acting under subsection 83(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 and being satisfied that:

(a)    Tas Communications Pty Ltd (formerly Integrated Community Networks Pty Ltd) (ACN 101 787 508) was granted a nominated carrier declaration under subsection 81(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 on 12 September 2005 in relation to network units owned by Burnie City Council ABN 298 469 79 690 (the ‘Nominated Carrier Declaration’), a copy of which is included in Attachment A; and


(b)    If Tas Communications Pty Ltd was to apply for the Nominated Carrier Declaration today, the ACMA would refuse to make the declaration;

hereby revoke the Nominated Carrier Declaration under subsection 83(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997.



Dated: 20 May 2024

Naomi Turton

Naomi Turton

Delegate of the Australian Communications and Media Authority






Attachment A




Telecommunications Act 1997

Subsection 81(1)



I, John Neil, delegate of the Australian Communications and Media Authority acting under subsection 81(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 being satisfied that:

(a)   if Integrated Community Networks Pty Ltd, ACN 101 787 508, is declared to be the nominated carrier in relation to the network units, it would be in a position to comply with all of the obligations imposed on the carrier in its capacity as the nominated carrier in relation to the units; and


(b)   the making of the declaration will not impede the efficient administration of the Telecommunications Act 1997 and the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999;

declare that Integrated Community Networks Pty Ltd is the nominated carrier for single and multiple line links located in the municipality of Burnie and radiocommunications facilities located in the municipalities of Burnie, Circular Head, Waratah-Wynyard, Central Coast, Devonport, Latrobe and Kentish owned by Burnie City Council, ABN 298 469 79 690.


Dated the Twelfth day of       September   2005



Signed   John Neil

Delegate of the Australian Communications and Media Authority