Commonwealth Coat of Arms











I, SAM MOSTYN AC, GovernorGeneral of the Commonwealth of Australia, hereby appoint MARGARET BEAZLEY AC KC, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, to be my deputy within any part of the Commonwealth.

In her capacity as my deputy, and upon receipt of a request from me and in accordance with the terms of that request, MARGARET BEAZLEY is authorised to exercise the following powers and perform the following functions of the GovernorGeneral:

  1.      To make recommendations with respect to the appropriation of revenue or moneys by message to a House of the Parliament and to communicate other matters to a House of the Parliament;
  2.      When a proposed law passed by both Houses of the Parliament is presented for The King’s assent –
    1.        to declare, according to her discretion, but subject to the Constitution, that she assents in The King’s name, or that she withholds assent or that she reserves the law for The King’s pleasure; or
    2.      except in the case of a proposed law to alter the Constitution, to return the proposed law to the House in which it originated and to transmit therewith any amendments which she may recommend;
  3.      To make, sign or issue any proclamation, order, regulation, ordinance, appointment, instrument, or document in accordance with the advice of the Federal Executive Council;
  4.      To administer such oaths or affirmations as may be necessary to be taken or made by any person in respect of his or her having been chosen or summoned to be a member of the Federal Executive Council or appointed to administer a Department of State;
  5.      To grant to convicted offenders pardons and to remit fines, penalties (including sentences) and forfeitures;

  1.       In accordance with section 8A of the Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Act 1923, to grant to a  person a licence to be at large or to vary or revoke a licence granted to a person under that Act;
  2.      To sign any correspondence with which it is necessary to deal urgently.


Dated   6 August 2024











Sam Mostyn AC




By Her Excellency’s Command










Anthony Albanese

Prime Minister