Coat of arms of Australia and the Logo of Australian Fisheries Management Authority

Torres Strait Finfish Daily Fishing Log - TSF02

A illustration on the cover page depicting two fish, namely a coral trout and a Spanish mackerel.

Vessel Name





Torres Strait Finfish Daily Fishing Log – TSF02

General Information and Instructions for Holders of Fishing Licences

A grey textbox including "purpose" as a heading.

This logbook is to be used when line fishing in the area of the Torres Strait Spanish Mackerel and Reef Line Fisheries. It is designed to provide a continuous record of fishing operations undertaken by Torres Strait licence holders.


Accurate data collected in this logbook is essential to provide information for research into and management of Torres Strait fisheries.


Important Information and Instructions


A grey textbox including "Completing the Logbook" as a heading.


A grey textbox including "Location of Logbook" as a heading.


A grey textbox including "Who Should Use This Logbook" as a heading.


A grey textbox including "Submitting Logsheets" as a heading.

This logbook contains numbered pages in duplicate which are referred to as logsheets. Original copies must be returned to AFMA in date order in either the reply paid envelope provided or posted to:

The Logbook Co-ordinator

Australian Fisheries Management Authority

BOX 376

Thursday Island QLD 4875


Original copies of logsheets must be returned within 3 calendar days of the completion of each fishing trip. All duplicate copies of logsheets should be retained.


A grey textbox including "Vessel, Gear and Skipper Details Form" as a heading.


A grey textbox including "Penalties" as a heading.

Fishing licence holders and persons completing this logbook on their behalf are advised that:

  1.                   a failure by a licence holder to ensure the completion of the logbook in accordance with these instructions,
  2.                 the giving of false or misleading information in the logbook by the fishing licence holder or a person completing the logbook on their behalf, or
  3.                the recording or communicating by the fishing licence holder or anyone else of information in a logbook concerning the affairs of another person, or the producing of such information, except in the performance of a duty under the Torres Strait Fisheries Management Act 1984 or the regulations made under that Act or in pursuance of a court order may constitute serious offences under Commonwealth laws.


Licence holders are also advised that failure to ensure the completion of the logbook in accordance with the instructions may lead to suspension or cancellation of their licence.


A grey textbox including "Penalties" as a heading.

There is an example of a completed logsheet and further information and instructions about how to complete the logbook at the front of this logbook. If you have any questions or problems, please contact AFMA on (07) 4069 1990.


Australian Fisheries Management Authority


June 2024

Torres Strait Finfish Daily Fishing Log – TSF02

How to Complete

The logbook must be completed daily

Page Header

Enter the Boat Name and Distinguishing Symbol here.

Extended Non-Fishing Period

If you are not fishing for an extended period within the month(s), please specify the non-fishing dates and the appropriate non-fishing code. This will reduce the number of logsheets needed to account for every day your fishing concession is valid.

Fishing Details

Non-Fishing Code

If you are not fishing please specify the non-fishing code for that day.

Trip Code & Port of Departure

The trip code should be completed on a daily basis. It is important that you indicate the start of the trip, the end of the trip, or if the trip is a day trip. You must record the port of departure at the start of each trip.


You must record the location of the primary boat. Please provide the location as a latitude and longitude (degrees and minutes).


Indicate which species is targeted for that day by circling ‘Mack’ for mackerel species and ‘Reef Fish’ for coral trout and other finfish species. If you target both groups of species in one day, please indicate hours spent targeting each fishery individually in the columns provided. This includes reporting targeted fishing sessions by morning (AM) and afternoon/evening (PM). See ‘Hours Fished’ below.

Hours Fished

Record the number of hours spent fishing by each individual tender, including the primary boat (if fishing), split into AM/PM sessions. This must be completed for hours spent fishing in each target fishery. For example, ‘tender 1’ could record 4 hours fishing for mackerel in the AM, then 2 hours for mackerel in the PM, followed by 2 hours targeting coral trout in the PM. If you have a ‘zero catch’ session, where no targeted fish are caught, still indicate the hours spent targeting that fishery.

Only indicate hours spent actively targeting ‘Mack’ and/or ‘Reef Fish’, do not include hours against fish caught only as incidental by-catch.

Method Used

Please indicate the main method used for the applicable fishing session (LHL – Handline, LTL – Trolling).

No of Lines

Record the number of lines used per tender (and the primary boat, if fishing) for the day. This must be completed individually based on each fishery targeted.


This section is provided for any further information that you think may be important such as: gear failure, weather, size of fish, crew experience, tender breakdowns (resulting in lost fishing time) etc. Additional information about shark interactions (such as species ID and behaviour) must also be recorded (sharks aggregating at, or following vessels).

Signature and Date Box

Each logsheet requires the date and signature of the Licence Holder or their authorised representative. This person must be the master (skipper) of the vessel when the fishing operation took place. The signature verifies that the information recorded in the logbook is a complete and accurate record of fishing activities.

Catch Information

Record the full name of driver/fisher for each tender. If more than four vessels are fishing (including primary boat), use the next page to record these additional vessels’ catch data, leaving the second column blank.

Spanish Mackerel, (Scomberomorus commerson)

Record the number of Spanish mackerel kept by each tender, split into fish caught during AM hours, and PM hours. You must also report the total whole weight (kg) of fish kept, no. of undersized fish discarded, the no. of fish lost/damaged to shark depredation, and number of lines used to target Spanish mackerel.

Reminder: you must record the number of hours fished actively targeting Spanish mackerel during the AM/PM periods for each individual tender. Also record, in the Spanish mackerel DAILY TOTAL section:

-          the total number of Spanish mackerel kept – sum of the fish kept for the entire operation day (all tenders, and the primary boat, if fishing);

-          the level of processing (use processing codes supplied);

-          the number of trays or cartons (by processing code); and

-          the average weight of the trays or cartons (by processing code).

Coral Trout

Record the total number and whole (kg) of each coral trout species kept for the entire day by each tender. You must also report the no. of undersized fish discarded, the no. of fish lost/damaged to shark depredation, and the number of lines used to target coral trout for each tender. You must record the number of hours fished actively targeting coral trout during the AM/PM periods for each individual tender.

Common names provided on the logsheet are defined as the following:

Also record, in the Coral Trout DAILY TOTAL* section:

-          the number of cartons of plate, medium and large size coral trout (if gilled & gutted or headed & gutted) – taken for that days’ fishing;

-          the number of cartons of fillets or other form (live);

-          the average weight of the cartons; and

-          the average number of fish per carton.

*The number of fish recorded in this section should equal the sum of fish kept for the entire operation day (all tenders, and the primary boat if fishing).

Other Catch Information – (please specify)

This section requires the daily reporting of all:

All interactions with finfish species, whether retained or otherwise, must be reported. See flip-out page divider for discard/retained codes.

Record the total number and estimated whole weight (ie. Whole weight before gutting, filleting etc) in kilograms for each finfish species kept each day (other than Spanish mackerel or coral trout recorded above). Please use one line per retained/discard code (report discarded fish separately to retained fish of the same species). If Coral trout or Spanish mackerel are discarded for reasons not listed under individual tender section, e.g. reaching ‘quota’ limit, report these fish in this section. See example page.

Listed Marine and Threatened Species

Please tick YES or NO on a daily basis to indicate if you had an interaction with a Listed Marine or Threatened Species (see list of back of fold out flap). If YES complete the Listed Marine and Threatened Species Form at the back of the logbook and submit it with the relevant log page.

This picture depicts an example TSF02 logsheet, blue in colour with red text to show fishers how to fill in the logsheet. Example dates, catch information such as fish species, and other fishing trip information are shown.

This picture depicts a blank Vessel, Gear and Skipper Details Form that is attached to the Torres Strait Finfish Daily Fishing Log. Required information includes vessel details, operational details, skipper contact details, owner contact details, and vessel contact details.

A blank TSF02 logsheet. This page is used by fishers to provide their catch information. Further information about fishing log contents are detailed in the "How to Complete" section of this logbook.

This picture depicts two listed marine and threatened species forms from the Torres Strait Finfish Log. Required information includes operation details, interaction details, and any additional comments.

How to Measure Your Fish

(To ensure compliance with legal size limits)

A picture showing a Spanish mackerel with an x-axis title of "Length of Fish (cm)". It shows that fish should be measured from the tip of the snout to the extremity of the tail.A textbox detailing the different processing codes for finfish. It states that:
W = Whole
GG = Gilled and Gutted
HG = Headed and Gutted
F = Filleted
L = Live


MP = Marketable species but it was considered uneconomical to land on this occasion.

NQ = Marketable species but no catch entitlement was held to land on this occasion.

US = Fish is below a regulated minimum size or it is a size that makes it unmarketable.

OS = Fish is above a regulated minimum size or it is a size that makes it unmarketable.

UM = Market place considers it to be inedible.

SD* = Shark damaged/depredated

* This code can be used for discarded or retained fish (e.g. if half a fish was retained).





MAO = School Mackerel

MAL = Spotted Mackerel

MAG = Grey/Broad Barred Mackerel

MSH = Salmon/Shark Mackerel

MAW = Tripletail Maori Wrasse

RDE = Red Emperor

SPE = Spangled Emperor

GSS = Stripey Snapper

BAM = Barramundi

HUS = Hussar

RSS = Large-mouthed nannygai

MNJ = Mangrove Jack

SRB = Red Bass

JOR = Rosey Snapper/Jobfish

VTU = Venus tuskfish

BKF = Black Kingfish/Cobia

Basket species

Report by species-basket if insufficient space on the log sheet to record all by-catch to species level. Prioritise reporting of discarded no-take species individually before utilizing basket codes/names. Basket classification include, but are not limited to the following:

RSE = Emperors (Family Lethrinidae)

SSB = Tropical Snappers (Lutjanus sp.)

Wrasses = Family Labridae

Cods/Gropers = Family Serranidae

*For species not listed, please record common name.

Don’t forget to insert this template under the log page you’re writing on








Listed Marine and Threatened Species List

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 the following species are listed as protected. This list is current at the date of publishing. For further information about Listed Marine and Threatened Species or to check updates to these lists please go to

Please be as specific as you can with regard to the species identification.



All species of Sygnathid (Pipefish, Seahorses & Sea Dragons)

Marine Reptiles

All species of Turtle, Sea Snake and Crocodile.


All species of Seal and Sea Lion.


All species of Dolphin, Whale, Porpoise and Dugong.

Sea Birds

All species of Seabird.


Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) – East and west coast population

Speartooth Shark (Glyphis sp. A)

Northern River shark (Glyphis sp. C)

Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Freshwater Sawfish (Pristis microdon)

Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)