Acts of Parliament assented to – Act Nos 11 to 17 of 2025
It is hereby notified, for general information, that Her Excellency the Governor-General, in the name of His Majesty, assented on 20 February 2025 to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives in the Parliament assembled, viz.:
No. 11 of 2025—An Act to amend the Customs Act 1901, and for related purposes. (Customs Amendment (Expedited Seizure and Disposal of Engineered Stone) Act 2025).
No. 12 of 2025—An Act to amend the law in relation to child care subsidy, and for related purposes. (Early Childhood Education and Care (Three Day Guarantee) Act 2025).
No. 13 of 2025—An Act to amend legislation relating to electricity infrastructure, and for related purposes. (Electricity Infrastructure Legislation Amendment Act 2025).
No. 14 of 2025—An Act to deal with miscellaneous and consequential matters arising from the enactment of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024, and for other purposes. (Administrative Review Tribunal (Miscellaneous Measures) Act 2025).
No. 15 of 2025—An Act to provide a framework for preventing and responding to scams, and for related purposes. (Scams Prevention Framework Act 2025).
No. 16 of 2025—An Act to amend the law relating to elections and referendums, and for related purposes. (Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Reform) Act 2025).
No. 17 of 2025—An Act to amend the law relating to veterans’ affairs and military rehabilitation and compensation, and for related purposes. (Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Act 2025).
C. A. Surtees
Clerk of the House of Representatives