Statutory Rules 1993   No. 1781


Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Act 1983.

Dated 28 June 1993.




By His Excellency’s Command,




Minister for Communications


1.   Commencement

1.1   These Regulations commence on 1 July 1993.

2.    Amendment

2.1   The Radiocommunications Taxes Collection Regulations are amended as set out in these Regulations.

3.    Regulation 2 (Interpretation)

3.1   Regulation 2, definition of “public mobile telecommunications service, Class B”:

Omit the definition, substitute:

“‘public mobile telecommunications service, Class B’ means a service consisting of two or more base stations operated:

 (a) for the purposes of providing public mobile telecommunications services; and

 (b) by a person who holds a public mobile licence under section 57 of the Telecommunications Act 1991; and

 (c) on a frequency or frequencies in the range 935 MHz to 960 MHz (inclusive);”.

3.2   Regulation 2, definition of “transmitter licence tax”:

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

4.   Regulation 4 (Refund on surrender of licence)

4.1   Paragraph 4 (1) (a):

Omit the paragraph, substitute:

 “(a) the Spectrum Manager has issued an apparatus licence to a person; and”.

4.2   Subregulation 4 (1):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

4.3   Subregulation 4 (2):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

4.4   Subregulation 4 (2):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.

5.   Regulation 4A (Refund on cancellation of instrument)

5.1   Paragraph 4A (1) (a):

Omit the paragraph, substitute:

 “(a) the Spectrum Manager has issued an instrument (other than a permit issued under section 167 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992) to a person; and”.

5.2   Subregulation 4A (1):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

5.3   Paragraph 4A (1) (b):

Omit “Minister”, substitute “Spectrum Manager”.

5.4   Subaragraph 4A (1) (b) (i):

Omit “Radiocommunications Act 1983”, substitute “Radiocommunications Act 1992”.

5.5   Subaragraph 4A (1) (b) (i):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.

5.6   Subregulation 4A (2):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

5.7   Subregulation 4A (2):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.

5.8   Subregulation 4A (4):

Omit “3 or”.

6.   Regulation 5 (Exemption from tax)

6.1   Subregulation 5 (1):

Omit “transmitter licences and receiver licences”, substitute “apparatus licences”.

6.2   Subregulation 5 (1):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.

6.3   Subregulation 5 (2):

Omit “transmitter licences and receiver licences”, substitute “apparatus licences”.

6.4   Subregulation 5 (2):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.


7.   Regulation 7 (Payment of transmitter licence tax on public mobile telecommunications service licence)

7.1   Subregulation 7 (1):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

7.2   Subregulation 7 (2):

Omit “grant”, substitute “issue”.

8.   Regulation 8 (Remission of transmitter licence tax on public mobile telecommunications licence, Class B)

8.1   Subregulation 8 (1):

Omit “granted”, substitute “issued”.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on  30 June 1993.

2. Statutory Rules 1985 No. 200 as amended by 1989 No. 355; 1991 No. 361; 1992 No. 388.