Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Statutory Rules 1989 No. 1921


Civil Aviation (Buildings Control)

Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Civil Aviation Act 1988.

Dated 14 July 1989.



By His Excellencys Command,

Ros Kelly

Minister of State for Telecommunications

and Aviation Support


Principal Regulations

1. In these Regulations, Principal Regulations means the Civil Aviation (Buildings Control) Regulations.

Grant or refusal of approval

2. Regulation 8 of the Principal Regulations is amended:

(a) by inserting in subregulation (2) or lighting after marking;

(b) by inserting in subregulation (3) or lighting after marking (wherever occurring);

(c) by inserting in paragraph 4(c) or lighting after marking.

Removal, marking or lighting of hazards to air navigation

3. Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations is amended by omitting from paragraph (l) (f) , whether by way of lights or otherwise, and substituting or lighting.


(S.R. 100/89)—Cat. No. 14/12.4.1989

4. Regulation 14 of the Principal Regulations is repealed and the following regulation substituted:

Compensation in respect of certain loss, damage or expense

14. Where:

(a) because of the removal under these Regulations of a building, structure or object from any land a person suffers loss or damage, or incurs expense, in or as a direct result of that removal; or

(b) because of the marking or lighting under these Regulations of a building, structure or object upon any land a person suffers loss or damage, or incurs expense, in or as a direct result of that marking or lighting;

that person is entitled to be paid by the Authority such reasonable amount of compensation in respect of that loss, damage or expense as is agreed between the person and the Authority or, failing agreement, as is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction..

Authority and authorised persons to have certain powers

5. Regulation 15 of the Principal Regulations is amended by adding at the end the following subregulations:

(3) A person authorised by the Authority under subregulation (1) shall carry an identification card issued by the Authority.

(4) An identification card shall be in a form approved by the Authority.

(5) Where a person authorised under subregulation (1) proposes to enter or enters upon any land, the authorised person shall, if requested to do so by the owner or occupier of the land, produce the identification card for inspection by the owner or occupier..



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 21 July 1989.

2. Statutory Rules 1988 No. 161.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer