Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Statutory Rules 1989 No. 1851


Jury Exemption Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Jury Exemption Act 1965.

Dated 28 June 1989.



By His Excellencys Command,

Lionel Bowen



Exemptions relating to public administration

Regulation 7 of the Jury Exemption Regulations is amended:

(a) by omitting and from paragraph (2) (d);

(b) by adding at the end of subregulation (2) the following paragraphs:

(f) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following offices in the Department of the Senate:

(i) Clerk of the Senate;

(ii) Deputy Clerk of the Senate;

(iii) Clerk-Assistant (Table);

(iv) Clerk-Assistant (Procedure);

(v) Clerk-Assistant (Management);

(vi) Clerk-Assistant (Committees);

(vii) Usher of the Black Rod;

(viii) Principal Parliamentary Officer, Table Office;

(ix) Secretary to a committee established by the Senate, or jointly by the Senate and the House of Representatives, including a committee established by an Act;

(S.R. 125/89)—Cat. No. 14/24.5.1989

(g) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following offices in the Department of the House of Representatives:

(i) Clerk of the House of Representatives;

(ii) Deputy Clerk of the House of Representatives;

(iii) First Clerk Assistant;

(iv) Clerk Assistant (Procedure);

(v) Clerk Assistant (Committees);

(vi) Clerk Assistant (Table);

(vii) Clerk Assistant (Administration);

(viii) Serjeant-at-Arms;

(ix) Senior Parliamentary Officer, Table Office;

(x) Senior Parliamentary Officer, Bills & Papers Office;

(xi) Secretary to a committee established by the House of Representatives, or jointly by the House of Representatives and the Senate, including a committee established by an Act;

(h) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following offices in the Department of the Parliamentary Reporting Staff:

(i) Principal Parliamentary Reporter;

(ii) Assistant Principal Parliamentary Reporter;

(iii) Leader of Staff;

(iv) Supervising Reporter;

(v) Reporter;

(vi) Administrative Officer;

(vii) Parliamentary Officer (Finance);

(viii) Parliamentary Officer (Personnel);

(ix) Personnel Officer;

(i) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, the office of Secretary to the Joint House Department; and

(j) a person holding, or for the time being performing the duties of, one of the following positions in the Department of Defence:

(i) Deputy Director, Defence Signals Directorate;

(ii) Assistant Secretary, Special Undertakings Branch;

(iii) Deputy Chief of Facility, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap;

(iv) Australian Chief of Security, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap;

(v) Engineer Class 3, Joint Defence Facility, Pine Gap.”.


1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 6 July 1989.

2. Statutory Rules 1987 No. 186.

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