Statutory  Rules  1992   No. 1231




Jury Exemption Regulations 2 (Amendment)



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Jury Exemption Act 1965.


 Dated 7 May 1992.


             BILL HAYDEN


 By His Excellency’s Command,








1.   Amendment

1.1   The Jury Exemption Regulations are amended as set out in these Regulations.


[NOTE: These Regulations commence on gazettal: see Acts Interpretation Act 1901 s. 48]


2.   Regulation 4 (Exemption of certain Commonwealth employees)

2.1   Omit “Level 5”, substitute “Band 3”.



3.   Regulation 5 (Exemptions relating to administration of justice)

3.1   Subparagraph 5 (2) (a) (iii):

Omit “office”, substitute “Office”.


3.2   Paragraph 5 (2) (d):

Omit the paragraph, substitute:

 “(d) a person performing the duties of a parole officer or of a probation officer for the purposes of the Public Service Act 1922 in relation to the Australian Capital Territory;

 (da) a person holding an appointment under section 6 or 6a of the Remand Centres Act 1976 of the Australian Capital Territory;

 (db) an authorised officer within the meaning of the Supervision of Offenders (Community Service Orders) Act 1985 of the Australian Capital Territory;”.


3.3   Paragraph 5 (2) (e):

Omit “Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories”, substitute “Housing and Community Services Bureau of the Australian Capital Territory”.


3.4   Subparagraph 5 (2) (e) (i):

Omit the subparagraph, substitute:

   “(i) Executive Director, Welfare Services Branch;”.


3.5   Subparagraph 5 (2) (e) (iii):

Omit the subparagraph.


3.6   Subparagraph 5 (2) (e) (v):

Omit the subparagraph.


3.7   Paragraph 5 (2) (f):

Omit “Ordinance”, substitute “Act”.


3.8   Paragraph 5 (2) (i):

Omit “and”.

 “; (k) a member, or a member of the staff, of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal; and

 (l) an officer or employee of:

   (i) the Attorney-General’s Department of the Australian Capital Territory; or

   (ii) the Legal Aid Office of the Australian Capital Territory; or

   (iii) the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions of the Australian Capital Territory;

  being an officer or employee whose duties involve the provision of legal professional services”.



4.   Regulation 6 (Exemptions relating to public need)

4.1   Paragraph 6 (2) (c):

Omit the paragraph.



5.   Regulation 7 (Exemptions relating to public administration)

5.1   Paragraph 7 (2) (e):

Omit the paragraph, substitute:

 “(e) the Industrial Registrar, and any Deputy Industrial Registrar, within the meaning of subsection 62 (2) of the Industrial Relations Act 1988; and”.


5.2   Subparagraph 7 (2) (g) (v):

Omit the subparagraph, substitute:

 “(v) Assistant Secretary (Committees);”.


5.3   Subparagraph 7 (2) (g) (vii):

Omit the subparagraph, substitute:

 “(vii) Assistant Secretary (Corporate Services);”.


5.4   Subparagraph 7 (2) (g) (xi):

Omit “and” (last occurring).


5.5   Paragraph 7 (2) (g):

Add at the end:

   “(xii) First Assistant Secretary (Committees and Corporate Services); and”.

5.5   Paragraph 7 (2) (g):

Add at the end:

   “(xii) First Assistant Secretary (Committees and Corporate Services); and”.


5.6   After paragraph 7 (2) (i), insert:

 “(ia) a person holding, or performing the duties of, any of the following offices of the Legislative Assembly of the Australian Capital Territory:

   (i) Clerk;

   (ii) Deputy Clerk;

   (iii) Clerk Assistant;

   (iv) Serjeant-at-Arms;

   (v) Editor of Debates;

   (vi) Secretary of a Committee of the Assembly;”.





1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 14 May 1992.


2. Statutory Rules 1987 No. 186 as amended by 1989 No. 185; 1990 No. 205.