Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996
Statutory Rules No. 292, 1996
made under the
Airports Act 1996
Compilation No. 17
Compilation date: 14 October 2024
Includes amendments: F2024L01299
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 14 October 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self‑repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Name of regulations
1.02 Object of Regulations
1.03 Effect on State laws
1.04 Interpretation
Part 2—Building activity approvals
2.01 Purpose of Part
2.02 Application for approval to carry out building activity
2.03 Airport‑lessee company consent
2.04 Considerations for grant or refusal of consent
2.04A Publication of details of applications
2.04B Publication of decisions on applications
2.05 Information about proposed building activity
2.06 Information about performance of building activity
2.07 Additional information for application for a building permit
2.08 Additional information for application for a works permit
2.09 Additional information for application for a demolition authorisation
2.10 Amendment or withdrawal of application
2.11 Decision on application—duty of airport building controller
2.12 Airport‑specific considerations
2.13 Criteria for building permit
2.14 Criteria for works permit
2.15 Criteria for demolition authorisation
2.16 Amendment of approval
2.17 Duties attaching to building approval
2.18 Additional powers of airport building controller
2.19 Duration of approval
2.20 Revocation of approval
2.21 Register of applications
2.22 Oversight of approval process
2.23 Inspections—airport building controller to be timely
2.24 Exemption from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act
2.25 Transitional—existing building entitlement
2.26 Building activities on associated sites for Sydney West Airport
Part 3—Certificates of compliance
3.01 Interpretation
3.02 Application for issue of certificate of compliance
3.03 Amendment of application
3.04 Certificate of compliance—decision of airport building controller
3.05 Additional criteria for certificate for occupancy
3.06 Additional criteria for certificate for use
3.07 Duties attaching to certificate of compliance
3.08 Content of certificate of compliance
3.09 Amalgamation of related certificates of compliance
3.10 Variation of certificate of compliance
3.11 Duration of certificate of compliance
3.12 Revocation of certificate of compliance
3.13 Transfer or termination of airport lease—effect on certificate of compliance
3.14 Issue of certified copy of certificate of compliance
3.15 Function of certificate of compliance
3.16 Exemption from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act
3.17 Special exemptions for Sydney West Airport from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act
Part 4—Airport building controller
4.01 Appointment of airport building controller
4.02 Immunity from certain liability
4.03 Confidential information in hands of airport building controller
Part 5—General penalty provisions
Division 1—Continuing offences
5.01 Continuing offences
Division 2—Infringement notices
5.02 Purpose of this Division
5.03 Infringement notices
5.04 Extension of time to pay
5.05 Payment by instalments
5.06 If infringement notice disputed
5.07 Payment of penalty if infringement notice not withdrawn
5.08 Effect of payment of infringement notice penalty
5.09 Admissions under paragraph 5.03(2)(h)
5.10 Matter not to be taken into account in determining sentence
5.11 Refund of infringement notice penalty if notice withdrawn
5.12 Evidence for hearing
5.13 Payment of penalty by cheque
5.14 Infringement notice not compulsory, etc
Part 6—Miscellaneous
6.01 Review by Administrative Review Tribunal
Schedule 1—Fees payable for building applications
Part 1—Adelaide and Parafield Airports
Part 2—Alice Springs Airport
Part 3—Brisbane, Archerfield and Gold Coast Airports
Part 4—Canberra Airport
Part 5—Darwin International Airport
Part 6—Hobart International Airport
Part 7—Launceston Airport
Part 8—Melbourne (Tullamarine), Essendon Fields and Moorabbin Airports
Part 9—Perth and Jandakot Airports
Part 10—Sydney (Kingsford Smith), Sydney West, Camden and Bankstown Airports
Part 11—Townsville Airport
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
These regulations are the Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996.
The object of these Regulations is to establish, for Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act, a system for the approval of building activity on airports to which that Part of the Act applies.
Note: Approval for a particular building activity on a core regulated airport may also be necessary under the Airports (Protection of Airspace) Regulations.
Nothing in these Regulations affects the operation of a State law in respect of:
(a) the registration of builders or other persons having professional qualifications relating to construction;
(b) builder insurance;
(c) occupational health and safety;
(d) the protection of persons against fire.
(1) In these Regulations:
airport building controller, for an airport site, means a person appointed, for that site, under regulation 4.01.
approved final master plan, for an airport site, means the final master plan for the site approved under subsection 81(2) of the Act.
authorised person means a person authorised by the Secretary, in writing, for a purpose of the provision in which the expression appears.
building includes a structure (within the meaning of subsection 98(2) of the Act).
building approval means an approval under regulation 2.11 to carry out a building activity on an airport site.
building permit see subregulation 2.02(2).
Building Code means the Building Code of Australia, as in force, or existing, from time to time.
building expert, for building activity on an airport site, means a person generally recognised within the building industry as having expert knowledge about, or qualifications for, the construction of buildings, and includes:
(a) a person licensed to practice any of the following professions or trades in the State:
(i) building surveyor;
(ii) architect;
(iii) engineer engaged in the building industry;
(iv) fire‑safety engineer; and
(b) the person responsible for the building activity, or any stage of the building activity; and
(c) a corporation that carries on the business of being a building expert in the State.
demolition authorisation see subregulation 2.02(2).
expert in demolition procedures, for building activity on an airport site, means a person generally recognised within the building industry as having expert knowledge about, or qualifications for, the demolition of buildings.
FAC means the Federal Airports Corporation.
regulatory authority includes:
(a) an authority or body authorised by law to regulate works for the supply of gas, water, electricity or sewerage services; or
(b) AUSTEL; or
(c) the Spectrum Management Agency.
Secretary means the Secretary to the Department.
State includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.
works includes:
(a) earthworks or engineering works (within the meaning of subsection 98(3) of the Act); and
(b) electrical works; and
(c) hydraulic works.
works expert, for building activity on an airport site, means a person generally recognised within the building industry as having expert knowledge about, or qualifications for, the carrying out of works, and includes:
(a) a person:
(i) licensed to practice as an engineer in the State; or
(ii) qualified for the carrying out of that type of building activity; and
(b) the person responsible for the building activity, or any stage of the building activity; and
(c) a corporation that carries on the business of being a works expert.
works permit see subregulation 2.02(2).
(2) An expression used in these Regulations and in Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act has the same meaning in these Regulations as in that Division.
(3) An expression used in these Regulations and in the Airports Regulations 1997 has the same meaning in these Regulations as in those Regulations.
(4) A reference in these Regulations to Australian building standards:
(a) for a building activity other than demolition—is a reference to:
(i) the Building Code, as the Code is applied in the State in which the building activity is taking place; or
(ii) if the Building Code does not apply to the building activity, or a part of the building activity—standards determined by the airport building controller, in writing, to be applicable to the building activity, or part, having regard to customary standards for the kind of activity being carried out; or
(b) for a demolition—is a reference to Australian Standard AS 2601‑1991, The demolition of Structures, as in force, or existing, from time to time.
(5) A reference in these Regulations to the airport building controller, for an airport site for which the Secretary has not appointed an airport building controller, is a reference to the Secretary.
(6) A reference in these Regulations to an appropriate building expert, for a part of a building activity, is a reference to a building expert having the qualifications appropriate for the carrying out of that part.
Part 2—Building activity approvals
The purpose of this Part is:
(a) to establish a system for approval of appropriate building activities on airport sites; and
(b) to exempt certain building activities from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act.
Note: The requirement to obtain a building approval is affected by regulation 2.25.
2.02 Application for approval to carry out building activity
(1A) The following persons may apply for a building approval:
(a) the airport‑lessee company for the airport site, or a person on behalf of the airport‑lessee company;
(b) the sub‑lessee, or a person on behalf of the sub‑lessee, of the building or of the land in or on which the building work is to be carried out;
(c) a person who has an interest in land at the airport, or a person on behalf of the person who has an interest in land at the airport.
(1) The person must:
(a) apply in writing to the airport building controller for the airport site; and
(b) pay a fee of:
(i) if the proposed building activity is the demolition of a structure—$400; or
(ii) in any other case—the amount, according to the total estimated cost of the proposed building or works, set out in Schedule 1 for the airport site.
(2) An application may be for an approval of any of the following kinds:
(a) if the proposed building activity is the construction or alteration of a building—a building permit;
(b) if the proposed building activity is the construction or alteration of works—a works permit;
(c) if the proposed building activity is the demolition, destruction, dismantling or removal of a building, or works—a demolition authorisation.
2.03 Airport‑lessee company consent
(1) If the applicant for a building approval is not the airport‑lessee company, the applicant must give to the airport‑lessee company a copy of the application and of each document mentioned in regulation 2.05.
(2) If the applicant is a person described in paragraph 2.02(1A)(b) or (c), approval must be refused by the airport building controller for the airport site unless the application for approval has the consent of the airport‑lessee company for the airport site.
(3) The airport‑lessee company must:
(a) grant consent; or
(b) grant consent subject to any condition that it considers appropriate; or
(c) refuse consent.
(4) Before the end of 28 days after receipt of an application, or, if the applicant has agreed to a longer period, the end of that period, the airport‑lessee company must give written notice of its decision:
(a) to the applicant; and
(b) to the airport building controller;
and, if consent is refused, or is granted subject to a condition, the notice must set out the reasons for the decision.
(5) Despite subregulation (3), if at the end of the applicable period under subregulation (4), the airport‑lessee company has not given written notice to the applicant, consent is taken to have been refused.
2.04 Considerations for grant or refusal of consent
(1) An airport‑lessee company must not refuse consent to an application for building approval unless the proposed building activity is inconsistent with:
(a) the final master plan for the airport (if any); or
(b) an approved major development plan for the airport (if any); or
(ba) in the case of Sydney West Airport:
(i) if Part 2 of an airport plan for the airport is in force—Part 2 of the airport plan; or
(ii) if the building activity wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day, an airport plan for the airport is in force, and the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of the airport plan—Part 3 of the airport plan; or
(c) the final environment strategy (if any), under Part 6 of the Act, for the airport; or
(d) the airport‑lessee company's planning objectives for the airport.
Note: It is possible that a proposal that, under paragraphs (a), (b) and (ba), has no inconsistency, could, nevertheless, be found to be unsatisfactory under paragraph (c) or (d). It is also possible that a proposal that is inconsistent in a way mentioned in subregulation (l) is preserved from refusal of consent, under subregulation (2).
(2) An airport‑lessee company must not refuse consent to an application for building approval if, to do so, would be inconsistent with an obligation of the company, relating directly or indirectly to approval of the building activity:
(a) as lessor under a sublease to which subsection 22(2) of the Act, or subsection 26(2) of the Airports (Transitional) Act 1996, applies; or
(b) under an interest to which subsection 22(3) of the Act, or subsection 26(3) of the Airports (Transitional) Act 1996, applies; or
(c) in the case of the airport‑lessee company for Sydney West Airport—under a contract with the Commonwealth that relates to the airport.
(3) In determining whether to refuse consent because a proposed building activity is inconsistent with a plan mentioned in paragraph (l)(a), (b), (ba) or (c), the airport‑lessee company must have regard to the significance of the inconsistency.
(4) In determining whether to refuse consent because a proposed building activity is inconsistent with planning objectives for the airport, the airport‑lessee company must have regard to the significance of the inconsistency and, in particular, to:
(a) the type, location, shape, size, height, density, design and external appearance of the development that will result from the proposed building activity; and
(b) if a building is intended to be constructed—the siting of the building in relation to the size, and shape, of the site it will occupy; and
(c) the relationship the results of the activity will have:
(i) to existing buildings and other structures on adjoining land at the airport; and
(ii) to other approved development on adjoining land at the airport; and
(d) if appropriate—the proposed means of entrance to, and exit from, the resulting development and, in particular, whether adequate provision has been made for loading, unloading, manoeuvring and parking of vehicles; and
(e) if appropriate—the management of travel of vehicles and pedestrians to and from the resulting development; and
(f) the impact the building activity, or resulting development, is likely to have on the environment and, if an adverse impact is likely, whether it is reasonably possible to protect the environment.
(5) In determining whether it is appropriate to grant a conditional consent, the airport‑lessee company must have regard to possible impacts of the proposed building activity on:
(a) the safety and security of persons at the airport, in general; and
(b) airport services and the efficient operation of the airport.
2.04A Publication of details of applications
(1) This regulation applies if a person applies, under regulation 2.02, for a building approval for an airport site.
(2) The airport‑lessee company for the airport site must publish the following information on the airport’s website:
(a) the name of the person making the application;
(b) if the applicant is the airport‑lessee company—the date on which the company submitted the application to the airport building controller for the airport site;
(c) if the applicant is not the airport‑lessee company—the date on which the company received the application;
(d) a description of the proposed building activity covered by the application;
(e) the location of the building activity on the airport site.
(3) The information must be published:
(a) if the applicant is the airport‑lessee company—within 5 business days after the day the company submits the application to the airport building controller for the airport site; or
(b) if the applicant is not the airport‑lessee company—within 5 business days after the day the company receives the application.
2.04B Publication of decisions on applications
(1) This regulation applies if any of the following events apply in relation to an application, under regulation 2.02, for a building approval for an airport site:
(a) the airport‑lessee company for the airport site, under regulation 2.03:
(i) grants consent (whether or not subject to conditions); or
(ii) refuses consent;
(b) consent is taken to have been refused under subregulation 2.03(5);
(c) the airport building controller for the airport site, under regulation 2.11:
(i) approves (whether or not subject to conditions) the building activity; or
(ii) refuses to approve the building activity; or
(iii) is taken to have refused to approve the building activity;
(d) the applicant withdraws the application.
(2) The airport‑lessee company for the airport site must publish the following information on the airport’s website:
(a) details of the event;
(b) the date on which the event occurred.
(3) The information must be published within 5 business days after the event occurs.
2.05 Information about proposed building activity
(1) An application for a building approval must be in a form acceptable to the airport building controller for the airport site concerned, and must include:
(a) a description of the proposed building activity, and its location on the airport site; and
(b) if there is a final master plan for the airport—a statement describing how the proposed building activity is consistent with the plan; and
(ba) if:
(i) the airport is Sydney West Airport; and
(ii) Part 2 of an airport plan for the airport is in force;
a statement describing how the proposed building activity is consistent with Part 2 of the plan; and
(c) if the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a major airport development (within the meaning of section 89 of the Act), and paragraph (caa) does not apply—a statement describing how the proposed building activity is consistent with:
(i) the approved major development plan for the airport; or
(ii) any exemption declared under paragraph 90(1)(d) of the Act; and
(caa) if:
(i) the airport is Sydney West Airport; and
(ii) an airport plan for the airport is in force; and
(iii) the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of the airport plan; and
(iv) the proposed building activity is to occur wholly or partly before the Sydney West Airport completion day;
a statement describing how the proposed building activity is consistent with Part 3 of the airport plan; and
(ca) if the proposed building activity is not, or does not comprise part of, a major airport development—a statement to that effect; and
(cb) if the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a draft major development plan—a statement to that effect; and
(d) if there is a final environment strategy for the airport—a statement describing how the proposed building activity is consistent with the strategy; and
(e) 2 copies of the site plan for the proposed building activity, including a depiction of the proposed development resulting from the building activity
(f) a copy of any other information about the proposed building activity required by a regulatory authority, or other body having a regulatory function, in relation to the resulting building, works or demolition.
(2) If there is a final master plan, an approved major development plan, or a final environment strategy for the airport, the application must be supported by a declaration by the airport‑lessee company for the airport.
(3) A declaration under subregulation (2) must state whether the proposed building activity is consistent with the final master plan, the approved major development plan, or the final environment strategy, as the case may be.
(4) If:
(a) the proposed building activity is to take place on the airport site for Sydney West Airport; and
(b) an airport plan for the airport is in force; and
(c) the activity is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of the airport plan; and
(d) the proposed building activity is to occur wholly or partly before the Sydney West Airport completion day;
the application must be supported by a declaration by the airport‑lessee company for the airport.
(5) A declaration under subregulation (4) must state whether the proposed building activity is consistent with Part 3 of the airport plan.
Note: Major airport development is defined in section 89 of the Act. See also the Airports Regulations 1997.
2.06 Information about performance of building activity
An application for a building approval must include:
(a) an estimate of the cost of the proposed building activity; and
(b) an estimate of the time necessary to complete the proposed building activity; and
(c) a statement setting out the precautions to be taken to:
(i) protect persons, using the airport while the proposed building activity is going on, from injury arising from the building activity; and
(ii) protect property at the airport from damage arising from the building activity; and
(d) a statement setting out the proposed arrangements for clean‑up and rehabilitation of the site of the proposed building activity.
2.07 Additional information for application for a building permit
(1) If an application is for a building permit, the following documents must be included:
(a) 2 copies of the building plan;
(b) 2 copies of the specification for the proposed building activity;
(c) all certificates required, under any applicable law, approving arrangements for health and comfort of persons (including heating, insulation, cooling, sanitation, disposal of refuse, sewerage, drainage, lighting and ventilation), fire resistance, fire protection, or telecommunications services;
(d) any certificate given by an appropriate building expert, approving the structural elements of the building plan;
(e) if approval under the Airport (Protection of Airspace) Regulations is required—a statement that the applicant has received approval, or has applied for approval, as the case may be, under those Regulations, for the proposed construction.
(2) The building plan must:
(a) identify the class or classes, under the Building Code, of the building proposed to be built; and
(b) describe, in accordance with Part Cl of the Code, the proposed type of construction of the building; and
(c) show the dimensions of all parts of the building, including the footings; and
(d) include a section plan of the building at the level of each floor, at an appropriate and legible scale; and
(e) depict each elevation of the building, at an appropriate and legible scale; and
(f) depict designed provision of fire safety measures in the building; and
(g) give details of the construction materials proposed to be used for the building; and
(h) provide for periodic inspections under paragraph 2.17(1)(h), by:
(i) if the proposed contractual arrangement for the construction of the proposed building is a ‘design and construct’ contract—setting out each ‘design and construct’ stage for the project; or
(ii) in any other case—specifying the progress stages that it is proposed will be the inspection stages.
(3) If the proposed building activity is the alteration or repair of an existing building, the building plan must be marked in such a way as to distinguish the proposed alteration or repair from the existing building.
(4) The specification for the proposed building must:
(a) describe in detail the type of construction and construction materials for the proposed building; and
(b) describe in detail the proposed methods of drainage, sewerage, water supply and gas supply (if any); and
(c) state whether it is intended to use in the building any second‑hand material that could adversely affect the structural integrity of the building or have any other adverse safety consequence.
2.08 Additional information for application for a works permit
If an application is for a works permit, the following documents and information must be included:
(a) 2 copies of the works plan;
(b) 2 copies of the specification for the proposed works;
(c) all certificates required, under any applicable law, approving arrangements for sewerage, drainage, lighting, ventilation, fire resistance and fire protection;
(d) any certificate given by an appropriate works expert, approving the structural elements of the works plan;
(e) details of the progress stages that it is proposed will be the inspection stages for paragraph 2.17(1)(h);
(f) details of the construction materials proposed to be used for the works.
2.09 Additional information for application for a demolition authorisation
If an application is for a demolition authorisation the following documents and information must be included:
(a) 2 copies of the demolition plan;
(b) nomination of the provisions of the Australian building standards with which the work is proposed to comply;
(c) any certificate given by an expert in demolition procedures, approving the structural elements of the demolition plan;
(d) the progress stages that it is proposed will be the inspection stages for paragraph 2.17(1)(h).
2.10 Amendment or withdrawal of application
(1) At any time before the airport building controller has made a decision on an application for a building approval, the applicant may vary the application by:
(a) giving the airport building controller written notice of the variation; and
(b) paying the fee specified in subregulation (3).
(2) However, subregulation (1) does not permit an applicant to vary an application in a way that would significantly alter the character, size or impact of the building activity, or the resulting development.
(3) The fee is the total of:
(a) $250; and
(b) if the estimated cost of the works, if constructed according to the application as varied, would be greater than that of the works if constructed according to the original application—the difference (if any) in the application fee payable for the original application and the application fee that would have been payable for the application as varied.
(4) At any time before the airport building controller has made a decision on an application for a building approval, the applicant may withdraw the application by:
(a) giving the airport building controller written notice of the withdrawal; and
(b) paying a fee of $250.
(5) If an application is withdrawn, the airport building controller must refund the fee originally paid for the application.
2.11 Decision on application—duty of airport building controller
(1) Subject to subregulations (1A) and (1B), an airport building controller must deal with an application for approval of a building activity by:
(a) approving the building activity; or
(b) approving the building activity subject to any condition the airport building controller determines to be appropriate; or
(c) undertaking to the applicant that the building activity will be approved if the applicant complies with a direction in the undertaking; or
(d) refusing to approve the building activity.
(1A) If the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a major airport development, the airport building controller must not make a decision on the application for its approval before the major development plan has been decided, or taken to be approved, by the Minister under section 94 of the Act.
Note: Subregulation (1A) does not apply to a building activity at Sydney West Airport that is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport and that wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day—see subregulation (9).
(1B) If the Minister refuses to approve the draft major development plan, the airport building controller must not deal with the application for approval of the building activity.
Note: Subregulation (1B) does not apply to a building activity at Sydney West Airport that is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport and that wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day—see subregulation (9).
(1C) If the proposed building activity is, or comprises part of, a major airport development, the airport building controller must advise the applicant, orally or in writing, of the effect of subregulations (1A) and (1B).
Note: Subregulation (1C) does not apply to a building activity at Sydney West Airport that is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport and that wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day—see subregulation (9).
(2) Subject to subregulation (2A), if, to enable an application to be competently determined, further information is reasonably required by the airport building controller, the airport building controller may request, in writing:
(a) the applicant, to give the information; or
(b) if the airport‑lessee company for the airport has the information—that company, to give the information.
(2A) The airport building controller must not request further information under subregulation (2) in respect of a building activity that is, or comprises part of, a major airport development before the major development plan has been decided, or taken to be approved, by the Minister under section 94 of the Act.
Note: Subregulation (2A) does not apply to a building activity at Sydney West Airport that is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport and that wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day—see subregulation (9).
(3) The airport building controller need not make a decision under subregulation (1) until the requested further information is received.
(4) If the airport building controller gives an undertaking and direction under paragraph (1)(c), and the applicant complies with the direction, the airport building controller must approve the building activity.
(5) When an airport building controller has decided an application, it must:
(a) give notice, in writing, of its decision to:
(i) the applicant; and
(ii) if the applicant is not the airport‑lessee company for the affected airport—the airport‑lessee company; and
(b) if the decision is an approval—specify in the notice the inspection stages (if any) at which the building activity is to be inspected by an appropriate expert or a regulatory authority under paragraph 2.17(1)(h); and
(c) if the decision is not an unconditional approval—include a statement of the reasons for the decision.
(6) If a building activity is not, or does not comprise part of, a major airport development, the airport building controller is taken to have refused to approve the building activity if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 28 days after:
(a) if no further information is requested in accordance with subregulation (2)—receiving the application for approval of the building activity; or
(b) if further information is requested in accordance with subregulation (2)—receiving the further information.
Note: Subregulation (6) does not apply to a building activity at Sydney West Airport that is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport and that wholly or partly occurs before the Sydney West Airport completion day—see subregulation (9).
(7) If a building activity is, or comprises part of, a major airport development for which a major development plan has been approved, or taken to be approved, under section 94 of the Act at the time of the application for approval of the building activity, the airport building controller is taken to have refused to approve the building activity if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 28 days after:
(a) if no further information is requested under subregulation (2)—receiving the application for approval of the building activity; or
(b) if further information is requested under subregulation (2)—receiving the further information.
(7A) If:
(a) a building activity is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for Sydney West Airport; and
(b) the building activity is to wholly or partly occur before the Sydney West Airport completion day;
the airport building controller is taken to have refused to approve the building activity if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 28 days after:
(c) if no further information is requested under subregulation (2)—receiving the application for approval of the building activity; or
(d) if further information is requested under subregulation (2)—receiving the further information.
(8) If a building activity is, or comprises part of, a major airport development for which a major development plan had not been approved, or taken to be approved, under section 94 of the Act at the time of the application for approval of the building activity, the airport building controller is taken to have refused to approve the building activity if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 28 days after:
(a) if no further information is requested under subregulation (2)—the major development plan is approved, or taken to be approved, under section 94 of the Act; or
(b) if further information is requested under subregulation (2) after the major development plan is approved, or taken to be approved—receiving the further information.
(9) Subregulations (1A), (1B), (1C), (2A), (6) and (8) do not apply to a building activity that:
(a) is carried out on the airport site for Sydney West Airport; and
(b) is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport; and
(c) is to wholly or partly occur before the Sydney West Airport completion day.
Note 1: A proposed building activity could be affected by a requirement of the Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997.
Note 2: Under subregulation (2A), an airport building controller must not request further information about a building activity that is, or comprises part of, a major development plan before it has been approved by the Minister.
2.12 Airport‑specific considerations
(1) An airport building controller must not approve a building activity unless:
(a) if the applicant is not the airport‑lessee company for the airport (or a person acting on behalf of the airport‑lessee company)—the airport building controller is satisfied that the airport‑lessee company has consented to the proposed building activity; and
(b) if approval of the proposed building activity is necessary under the Airports (Protection of Airspace) Regulations—the airport‑lessee company for the airport, or the Secretary, has approved the proposed building activity under those Regulations.
(2) An airport building controller may direct, as a condition of a building approval, that building activity not be carried out at specified times, or that certain types of building activity not be carried out at specified times, being times at which other activities at the airport should not be disrupted.
2.13 Criteria for building permit
(1) If an application is for a building permit, an airport building controller must not approve the proposed building activity unless the airport building controller is satisfied that:
(a) the proposed building, if completed in accordance with the plan and specification attached to the application, will be fit for occupancy; and
(b) the building activity will be carried out in accordance with appropriate standards.
(2) For subregulation (1), the building activity will be carried out in accordance with appropriate standards if:
(a) the design of the proposed building ensures compliance with the applicable Australian building standards; or
(b) if the design does not ensure compliance with particular applicable Australian building standards—the applicant provides a written explanation of the inappropriateness of compliance with those standards, and the airport building controller approves the non‑compliance.
(3) An airport building controller may comply with subregulation (1) in relation to a matter mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) by relying on:
(a) a report prepared by an appropriate building expert; or
(b) a certificate issued by a regulatory authority.
(4) In considering an application for a building permit, an airport building controller must also have regard to:
(a) public safety during conduct of the building activity; and
(b) amenity of buildings and services at the airport during conduct of the building activity; and
(c) the appropriateness of proposed linkages, for the building activity, with services and facilities outside the airport; and
(d) the appropriateness of proposed arrangements for clean‑up and rehabilitation of the site of the building activity.
2.14 Criteria for works permit
(1) If an application is for a works permit, an airport building controller must not approve the proposed building activity unless the airport building controller is satisfied that:
(a) the proposed works, if completed in accordance with the plan and specification attached to the application, will be fit for use; and
(b) the building activity will be carried out in accordance with appropriate standards.
(2) For subregulation (1), the building activity will be carried out in accordance with appropriate standards if:
(a) the design of the proposed building ensures compliance with the applicable Australian building standards; or
(b) if the design does not ensure compliance with particular applicable Australian building standards—the applicant provides a written explanation of the inappropriateness of compliance with those standards, and the airport building controller approves the non‑compliance.
(3) An airport building controller may comply with subregulation (1) in relation to a matter mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) by relying on a report prepared by an appropriate works expert.
(4) In considering an application for a works permit, an airport building controller must have regard to:
(a) public safety during conduct of the building activity; and
(b) amenity of buildings and services at the airport during conduct of the building activity; and
(c) the appropriateness of proposed linkages, for the building activity, with services and facilities outside the airport; and
(d) the appropriateness of proposed arrangements for clean‑up and rehabilitation of the site of the building activity.
2.15 Criteria for demolition authorisation
(1) If an application is for a demolition authorisation, an airport building controller must not approve the proposed building activity unless the airport building controller is satisfied that:
(a) the demolition will be carried out in accordance with applicable Australian building standards; and
(b) the demolition, if completed in accordance with the plan attached to the application, will cause no greater disruption to other activities at the airport than is the least disruption reasonably practicable.
(2) An airport building controller may comply with subregulation (1) in relation to a matter mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) by relying on a report prepared by an appropriate expert in demolition procedures.
(3) In considering an application for a demolition authorisation, an airport building controller must have regard to:
(a) public safety during the carrying out of the demolition; and
(b) amenity of buildings and services at the airport during conduct of the demolition; and
(c) the appropriateness of proposed arrangements for clean‑up and rehabilitation of the site of the demolition.
(1) At any time, the person carrying out a building activity under a building approval may apply to the airport building controller for the airport to vary the building approval, by:
(a) giving the airport building controller written notice setting out the variation sought; and
(b) paying the fee specified in subregulation (2A).
(2) However, the airport building controller must not approve an application under subregulation (1) to vary a building approval if:
(a) the variation would significantly alter the character, size or impact of the building activity, or the resulting development; or
(b) if the building activity is on the airport site for an airport other than Sydney West Airport—the variation relates to a major airport development and there is no major development plan approved for the development; or
(c) in the case of a building activity on the airport site for Sydney West Airport:
(i) the variation relates to a major airport development; and
(ii) there is no major development plan approved for the development; and
(iii) if the building activity is to wholly or partly occur before the Sydney West Airport completion day—the development is not covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport.
(2A) The fee is the total of:
(a) $250; and
(b) if the estimated cost of the works, if constructed according to the approval as varied, would be greater than that of the works if constructed according to the original approval—the difference (if any) in the application fee payable for the application for the original approval and the application fee that would have been payable for the application for the approval as varied.
(3) The airport building controller must deal with the application by:
(a) granting a varied building approval; or
(b) granting a varied building approval subject to any condition the airport building controller determines to be appropriate; or
(c) undertaking to the applicant that a varied building approval will be granted if the applicant complies with a direction in the undertaking; or
(d) refusing to grant a varied building approval.
(4) When an airport building controller has decided an application, it must:
(a) give notice, in writing, of its decision to:
(i) the applicant; and
(ii) if the applicant is not the airport‑lessee company for the affected airport—the airport‑lessee company; and
(b) if the decision alters the inspection stages at which the building activity is to be inspected under paragraph 2.17(1)(h) specify in the notice the altered inspection stages; and
(c) if the decision is not an unconditional grant—include a statement of the reasons for the decision.
(5) The airport building controller is taken to have refused to grant a varied building approval if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 21 days after receiving the application.
2.17 Duties attaching to building approval
(1) Unless the airport building controller determines otherwise, in writing, a building approval imposes the following duties on the person carrying out the building activity:
(a) for a building permit—the materials used in the building and the methods of use of those materials must comply with the Australian building standards for materials of that type when used in a building of that type;
(b) for a works permit—the materials used in the works and the methods of use of those materials must comply with the Australian building standards for materials of that type when used in works of that type;
(c) the building activity must be carried out with appropriate expertise;
(d) the building activity must be carried out in accordance with the plan, specifications and conditions, if any, in respect of which the building approval was granted;
(e) the building activity must be carried out by appropriately qualified and licensed persons;
(f) the building activity must be supervised by appropriately qualified and licensed persons;
(g) all necessary safety precautions must be taken in carrying out the building activity;
(h) at least 7 days before the expected date on which the building activity will reach an inspection stage:
(i) the airport building controller must be notified of that expectation; and
(ii) further work on that part of the building activity must not occur until a regulatory authority, or other appropriate expert has inspected the building activity and:
(A) found it to be in accordance with the approval; and
(B) if the inspection is not by a regulatory authority—provided a certificate to that effect to the airport building controller;
(j) the airport building controller must be given access to inspect the building activity at any reasonable time after notice is given to the person carrying out the building activity:
(i) in writing; and
(ii) a reasonable period in advance of the inspection;
(k) if the airport building controller so requires, work must be opened up in order to verify that it has been properly performed;
(l) any work or materials considered defective by the airport building controller must be rectified, or if that is not possible, removed;
(m) the airport building controller must be provided with the results of any tests that it directs, in writing, be carried out;
(n) before the end of 6 months after practical completion of the building activity, the airport building controller must be given detailed drawings of the resulting construction, in the form actually constructed;
(o) as soon as the building activity is complete, the site of the building activity must be cleaned up and rehabilitated.
(2) For paragraph (h), an inspection stage is a particular stage reached in the building activity, that the notice of approval under subregulation 2.11(5) specifies as an inspection stage.
2.18 Additional powers of airport building controller
(1) An airport building controller may impose, at any time, an additional condition on a building approval if, in the course of the building activity, it appears to the airport building controller that, in the interests of the protection of persons from injury, or property from damage, compliance with the additional condition is appropriate.
(2) If the airport building controller considers that an action carried out in the performance of a building activity is a significant contravention of a provision of the Act, or these Regulations, the airport building controller may issue a written stop work order.
(1) A building approval has effect from the time it is granted:
(a) until the end of the applicable period after the grant; or
(b) if it specifies a period shorter than the applicable period—until the end of the specified period; or
(c) if it is extended under this regulation—until the end of the extended period; or
(d) if, under regulation 2.20, it is revoked before it would otherwise cease to be in force—until the time it is revoked.
(2) On application by the person carrying out the building activity, an airport building controller may extend the period for which the approval has effect for an additional period of 1 year.
(3) The application is ineffective unless made before the approval ceases to be in force, but may be granted after the approval has ceased to be in force.
(4) Application may be made, and granted, whether or not the period during which an approval has effect has already been extended, but an approval may be extended no more than twice.
(5) A building approval does not cease to have effect for the reason only that the person to whom it was granted has given up all, or any, of its interest in the proposed building, structure or works or the land on which it is to be constructed.
(6) Building activity that is commenced to be carried out on an airport site only after an approval for the building activity has ceased to be in force is a contravention of subsection 99(1) or (3) of the Act, as the case may be.
(7) In this regulation:
applicable period means:
(a) in the case of a building activity that:
(i) is on the airport site for Sydney West Airport; and
(ii) is, or comprises part of, a development covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport; and
(iii) is to wholly or partly occur before the Sydney West Airport completion day;
5 years; or
(b) in any other case—3 years.
An airport building controller may revoke a building approval if:
(a) the building activity:
(i) 2 years after the approval is given—has not begun, and, in the opinion of the airport building controller, is not likely to begin before the approval expires; or
(ii) has ceased, and, in the opinion of the airport building controller, is not likely to be resumed; or
(iii) can no longer be carried out in accordance with the approval; or
(iv) is not being carried out in accordance with a plan, specification or standard on the basis of which the approval was given; or
(v) is not being carried out in accordance with applicable Australian building standards; or
(vi) is not being carried out in accordance with a condition of the approval; or
(b) the person holding the approval so requests; or
(c) the airport building controller finds that the application, or a document or statement supplied in support of the application, was false, or misleading, in a significant way; or
(d) the person carrying out the building activity fails to comply with a duty under regulation 2.17; or
(e) in contravention of a stop work order under subregulation 2.18(2)—the building activity has not ceased, or has recommenced without the written consent of the airport building controller.
(1) An airport building controller must keep a register of applications made to it for approval of building activity, showing:
(a) the result of each application; and
(b) for an approved application—any conditions attaching to the approval.
(2) If the appointment of an airport building controller for an airport site ceases, the airport building controller must pass the register:
(a) to the Secretary; or
(b) if, before the cessation, the Secretary has given the airport building controller notice of the name and address of the proposed succeeding airport building controller for the site—to the proposed succeeding airport building controller.
(3) The Secretary, or an authorised person, after giving reasonable notice to the airport building controller, may inspect the register at the office of the airport building controller, and may copy any part of the register, during normal office hours.
2.22 Oversight of approval process
(1) To enable monitoring of an airport building controller's approvals of building activities, the Secretary, or an authorised person, may require, by notice in writing, an airport building controller to give the Secretary, or authorised person, any of the following documents or things:
(a) a copy of an application made to the airport building controller for approval of a building activity;
(b) a copy of a document, or a thing, given by an applicant to the airport building controller in support of an application;
(c) a copy of a document, or a thing, made by the airport building controller in connection with an application;
(d) a copy of a document, or a thing, made, in connection with an application, by a person other than the airport building controller and in the possession of the airport building controller.
(2) The documents and things to which paragraph (1)(d), applies include documents and things made by a regulatory authority.
(3) The airport building controller must comply with the notice before the end of 28 days after it is given.
(4) If the Secretary is not the airport building controller for the building activity, the Secretary, or an authorised person must be given access to inspect the building activity at any reasonable time, after 2 days written notice given to:
(a) the airport building controller for the airport at which the building activity is being carried out; and
(b) the person carrying out the building activity;
(5) A person authorised for subregulation (1) or (4) must be:
(a) an officer of the Department; or
(b) an appropriate expert.
2.23 Inspections—airport building controller to be timely
If, under these Regulations, work on a building activity is stopped until an airport building controller has made an inspection, the airport building controller must make the inspection as soon as is reasonably practicable.
2.24 Exemption from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act
Exempt building activities on airport sites generally
(1) For subsections 99(1) and (3) of the Act, the following building activities are exempt from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act:
(a) erection, or installation, of a manufactured home or moveable dwelling, or a similar construction;
(b) erection of a building that is a class 10a building under the Building Code, having a floorspace of 10 square metres or less;
(c) erection of a building that is a class 10b building under the Building Code, except:
(i) a fence more than 2 metres high; or
(ii) a fence that includes barbed wire or razor wire; or
(iii) a mast, pole, antenna or similar structure that:
(A) if erected on a building—is more than 3 metres higher than its highest point of attachment to the building; or
(B) otherwise—is more than 8 metres high; or
(iv) a wall (including a retaining wall) more than 1 metre in height; or
(v) a sign unless:
(A) at its highest point, it is less than 8 metres above ground level; and
(B) it is a sign erected by the airport‑lessee company for the regulation of traffic, or for a similarly advisory purpose;
(d) repair, or alteration, of an existing building, if the repair or alteration:
(i) does not adversely affect any aspect of the safety of the building; and
(ii) does not adversely affect the structural soundness of the building; and
(iii) does not involve underpinning of, or replacement of, the footings; and
(iv) is in the nature of:
(A) appropriate maintenance; or
(B) cosmetic changes, or fitout, to the interior or exterior of the building; or
(v) is essential, because of an emergency relating to the safety of persons;
(e) repair, or alteration, of an existing works, if the repair or alteration is minor and:
(i) does not adversely affect the structural soundness of the works; and
(ii) is appropriate maintenance
(f) minor works, being a works that the airport building controller determines, in writing, should be exempt from the subdivision because:
(i) the interference with the airport site is minor; and
(ii) no danger arises of injury to a person using the airport.
Additional exempt building activities on airport site for Sydney West Airport
(1A) For the purposes of subparagraphs 99(1)(e)(i) and (3)(e)(i) of the Act, building activities that occur wholly or partly before the Sydney West Airport completion day and are, or are incidental to, any of the following are exempt from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act:
(a) installation of an underground high‑voltage transmission cable;
(b) construction of points of transition, of an underground high‑voltage transmission cable from underground to above ground, on or near the boundary of the airport site for Sydney West Airport;
(c) construction of access roads and crossing structures to facilitate:
(i) a building activity that is described in paragraph (a) or (b); and
(ii) access for maintenance;
(d) removal of an above‑ground high‑voltage transmission line.
This subregulation does not limit the operation of subregulation (1) in relation to the airport site for Sydney West Airport.
Notifying airport building controller of exempt building activity
(2) The airport building controller for an airport site must be notified in writing of a building activity that, under this regulation, is exempt from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act.
Certifying safety of building repaired or altered because of emergency
(3) If building activity of the kind mentioned in subparagraph (1)(d)(v) is carried out, the person under whose direction the activity was carried out must, as soon as is practicable, give the airport building controller for the airport a certificate attesting to the structural safety of the building as repaired or altered.
Keeping and inspecting records relating to exempt building activities
(4) A person who carries out an exempt building activity, or on whose behalf an exempt building activity is carried out, must keep a record of all plans for the building activity, and of details of all work undertaken, until the end of 1 year after completion of the activity.
(5) The airport building controller for an airport site on which exempt building activity has been carried out may inspect a record referred to in subregulation (3):
(a) at any reasonable time on a day when the office of the person keeping the record is normally open for business; and
(b) after giving the person written notice at least 24 hours before making the inspection.
2.25 Transitional—existing building entitlement
(1) A building activity on an airport site, that, before an airport lease for the airport is granted by the Commonwealth, is the subject of a written permission, or approval, however described, granted by the FAC, has, for section 99 of the Act, approval:
(a) until the end of 3 years after the date on which the building permit was granted; or
(b) if the permit is expressed to be in force for a period shorter than 3 years—until the end of the specified period; or
(c) if the term for which the building permit is expressed to be in force has been extended, in writing, by the FAC—until the end of the earlier of:
(i) the extended period; and
(ii) 3 years after the date the extension was granted.
(2) A condition, subject to which the building permit was granted, has effect as if it were a condition imposed by the building controller for the airport, and, to the extent that it is inconsistent with a duty under regulation 2.17, prevails over the duty.
(3) If:
(a) before commencement of the Act, the FAC consented to a building activity under a lease of land that, under the Act, is on an airport site; and
(b) had not, immediately before commencement of the airport lease of the airport site, issued a permit to commence work on the building activity; and
(c) under the Airports (Transitional) Act 1996, the airport‑lessee company for the airport site has acquired the rights and obligations of the FAC in relation to the person to whom the consent was given;
the airport‑lessee company must not withdraw the consent for the purpose only of avoiding a contractual obligation touching on, or concerning, the lease.
(4) In subregulation (1), airport lease means:
(a) an airport lease under the Airports (Transitional) Act 1996; or
(b) if an airport lease for the airport site is not granted under that Act—under the Act.
2.26 Building activities on associated sites for Sydney West Airport
For the purposes of these Regulations, if:
(a) a building activity is, or comprises part of, an ancillary development on an associated site for Sydney West Airport; and
(b) the ancillary development is covered by Part 3 of an airport plan for the airport;
the activity is taken to be a building activity on the airport site for Sydney West Airport.
Part 3—Certificates of compliance
In this Part:
building includes a part of a building.
certificate for occupancy means a certificate of compliance to which paragraph 3.04(1)(a) applies.
certificate for use means a certificate of compliance to which paragraph 3.04(1)(b) applies.
3.02 Application for issue of certificate of compliance
(1) Application for a certificate of compliance for a building, or works, on an airport site may be made, in writing, to the airport building controller for the airport by:
(a) the airport‑lessee company for the airport; or
(b) the person carrying out the building activity that has resulted in the building, or works; or
(c) a person whose interest in the building, or works, or the land on which the building, or works, is located, entitles the person to carry out the building activity that has resulted in the building, or works.
(2) If the building or works is not the subject of a building approval given by the airport building controller for the airport, then, before the airport building controller begins to investigate whether the building or works is to be treated as complying with these Regulations:
(a) the airport building controller must estimate the time that will be required to carry out the investigation; and
(b) the applicant must pay, for the application, a fee worked out by multiplying $125 by the number of hours (taking any fraction of an hour as 1 hour) of the estimated time.
(3) In making the estimate, the airport building controller must invite the applicant to comment on the investigation, and, in particular, the time likely to be required to carry out the investigation, and must take into account any comments made by the applicant.
An applicant for a certificate of compliance may vary, or withdraw, the application, at any time before the airport building controller has made a decision on the application, by giving the airport building controller appropriate written notice.
3.04 Certificate of compliance—decision of airport building controller
(1) A certificate of compliance may be issued for:
(a) if application is for a building—occupancy; or
(b) if application is for works—use.
(2) An airport building controller must deal with an application for a certificate of compliance by:
(a) issuing the certificate; or
(b) issuing the certificate subject to any condition the airport building controller determines to be necessary and reasonable; or
(c) refusing to issue the certificate.
(3) The airport building controller for an airport must not issue a certificate of compliance for a building or works on the airport site unless the airport building controller is satisfied that the building or works, as completed:
(a) is in accordance with the plan and specification submitted to the airport building controller with the application for the building approval for the building activity that has resulted in the building or works; and
(b) makes proper provision, in accordance with Australian building standards, for the health, safety and comfort of any occupants or users; and
(c) can reasonably be used for the purpose for which it was built; and
(d) complies with the requirements mentioned in regulation 3.05 or 3.06, as the case requires.
(4) An airport building controller may rely on a relevant certificate issued, or report prepared, by a building expert, or a regulatory authority, for the purpose of satisfying the airport building controller in respect of a matter mentioned in subregulation (3).
(5) If, under the Building Code, different parts of a building are differently classified, an airport building controller may issue:
(a) one certificate of compliance for the building; or
(b) different certificates of compliance for the different parts of the building.
(6) If the airport building controller is satisfied, under subregulation (2), in respect of part only of the building or works, the airport building controller may issue a certificate of compliance for that part.
(7) When an airport building controller has decided an application, the airport building controller must:
(a) give the applicant notice, in writing, of the decision; and
(b) if the decision is not an unconditional certificate—include a statement of the reasons for the decision.
(8) The airport building controller is taken to have refused to issue a certificate of compliance if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 14 days after receiving the application.
3.05 Additional criteria for certificate for occupancy
For paragraph 3.04(3)(d), the building, as completed must:
(a) be consistent with the approval given under regulation 2.11 for the building activity resulting in the building; and
(b) make adequate provision, in its proposed use, for the protection of occupants against fire; and
(c) make adequate provision, in its proposed use, for insulation, sanitation, disposal of refuse, sewerage, drainage, heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation; and
(d) make adequate provision, in its proposed use, for services, installations and ancillary equipment likely to be required by users.
3.06 Additional criteria for certificate for use
For paragraph 3.04(3)(d), the works, as completed must be consistent with the approval given under regulation 2.11 for the building activity resulting in the works.
3.07 Duties attaching to certificate of compliance
(1) A certificate for occupancy of a building imposes the following duties on the holder of the certificate:
(a) the building must not be used for a purpose that is inconsistent with the classification of the building under the Building Code;
(b) the building must be maintained in a condition that is consistent with its classification.
(2) A certificate for use of works imposes the following duties on the holder of the certificate:
(a) the works must not be used for a purpose that is inconsistent with the standards to which it was constructed; and
(b) the works must be maintained in a condition that is consistent with its use.
3.08 Content of certificate of compliance
(1) A certificate for occupancy of a building must:
(a) identify the building; and
(b) set out the classification of the building under the Building Code; and
(c) set out any conditions that the certificate is subject to; and
(d) state that the airport building controller is satisfied in respect of the matters mentioned to in subregulation 3.04(3); and
(e) if the airport building controller is satisfied that the building, as completed, complies with Australian building standards—state that fact; and
(f) if the airport building controller is not satisfied that the building, as completed, complies with those standards—state that the airport building controller has approved the non‑compliance.
(2) A certificate for use of works must:
(a) identify the land on which the works were carried out; and
(b) set out any conditions that the certificate is subject to; and
(c) state that the airport building controller is satisfied in respect of the matters mentioned in subregulation 3.04(3); and
(d) set out the standards to which the works were required to be completed and:
(i) if the airport building controller is satisfied that the works, as completed, comply with those standards—state that fact; and
(ii) if the airport building controller is not satisfied that the works, as completed, comply with those standards—state that the airport building controller has approved the non‑compliance.
3.09 Amalgamation of related certificates of compliance
If an airport building controller has issued separate certificates of compliance for parts of a building, or works, during its construction, the airport building controller may issue:
(a) one certificate of compliance for the building, or works, as completed; or
(b) one certificate of compliance for all the parts of the building, or works, as completed, that have the same classification under the building standards or standards to which the works were required to be completed; or
(c) different certificates of compliance for the different parts of the building, or works, as completed.
3.10 Variation of certificate of compliance
(1) The airport building controller for an airport may vary a certificate of compliance for a building, or works:
(a) if application is made, in writing, by:
(i) the airport‑lessee company for the airport concerned; or
(ii) the holder of the certificate; or
(iii) a person whose interest in the building, or works, or the land on which the building, or works, is located, entitles the person to carry out the building activity that has resulted in the building, or works; or
(b) if the airport building controller is satisfied that the variation is necessary, in the public interest, to ensure, as the case requires, that:
(i) the building is safe for occupancy; or
(ii) the works are safe for use.
(1A) If the building, or works, is not the subject of a building approval given by the airport building controller for the airport, then, before the airport building controller begins to investigate whether the building or works is to be treated as complying with these Regulations:
(a) the airport building controller must estimate the time that will be required to carry out the investigation; and
(b) the applicant must pay, for the application, a fee worked out by multiplying $125 by the number of hours (taking any fraction of an hour as 1 hour) of the estimated time.
(1B) In making the estimate, the airport building controller must invite the applicant to comment on the investigation, and, in particular, the time likely to be required to carry out the investigation, and must take into account any comments made by the applicant.
(2) In considering whether to vary a certificate of compliance, the airport building controller must take into account the matters mentioned in subregulation 3.04(3), as if the airport building controller were considering issuing a certificate of compliance.
(3) The airport building controller is taken to have refused to grant a varied certificate of compliance if it has not given the applicant notice of its decision before the end of 14 days after receiving the application.
3.11 Duration of certificate of compliance
(1) A certificate of compliance has effect from the time it is granted:
(a) until the building, or works, to which it applies ceases to exist, or undergoes alteration not accommodated by the information on which the certificate is based; or
(b) if it is revoked before it would otherwise cease to be in force—until the time it is revoked.
(2) A certificate of compliance does not cease to have effect for the reason only that the person to whom it was granted has given up all, or any, of its interest in the building, or works, or the land on which it is constructed.
3.12 Revocation of certificate of compliance
(1) The airport building controller for an airport may revoke a certificate of compliance for a building, or works, on the airport, if:
(a) the building or works ceases to be suitable for the purpose mentioned in the certificate; or
(b) the airport building controller is satisfied that the application, or a document or statement supplied in support of the application, for the certificate, was false or misleading in a significant way; or
(c) the holder of the certificate fails to comply with an applicable duty under regulation 3.07.
(2) A certificate of compliance under these Regulations for a building, or works, is taken to be revoked if another certificate of compliance is issued under these Regulations for, as the case may be:
(a) the building, or a building that includes that building; or
(b) the works.
3.13 Transfer or termination of airport lease—effect on certificate of compliance
Transfer or termination of an airport lease has no effect on a certificate of compliance under these Regulations.
3.14 Issue of certified copy of certificate of compliance
(1) If the airport building controller for an airport site is satisfied that:
(a) a certificate of compliance for a building, or works, has been issued, and then lost or destroyed; and
(b) the content of the certificate is reliably ascertainable;
the airport building controller may issue a copy of the certificate to:
(c) the holder of the original certificate; or
(d) a person who is the successor, for the time being, in title to the interest in the building, or works, of the holder of the original certificate; or
(e) a person authorised, in writing, by the person mentioned in paragraph (c) or (d), as appropriate, to hold the certificate, or a copy.
(2) The airport building controller must endorse on the copy a statement that the copy is a true copy of the original certificate.
3.15 Function of certificate of compliance
A certificate of compliance is evidence that the building, or works, to which it applies may be occupied, or used, but is not evidence that the airport building controller has authorised the building to be used for a particular purpose.
3.16 Exemption from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act
(1) For subsections 106(1) and (4) of the Act, a building or an eligible alteration of a building, on an airport site, is exempt from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act if:
(a) the building, or alteration, was completed before the airport site on which it is located was first leased, and the building:
(i) continues to have the use it had immediately before the airport site on which it is located was first leased; and
(ii) has been maintained in a condition consistent with the structural needs of that use; or
(b) the building, or alteration, is the result of a building activity to which subregulation 2.24(1) applied.
(2) For subsections 106(1) and (4) of the Act, a works, or an eligible alteration of works, on an airport site, is exempt from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act if:
(a) the works, or alteration, was completed before the airport site on which it is located was first leased; and
(b) the works continues to have the use it had immediately before the airport site on which it is located was first leased; and
(c) the works has been maintained in a condition consistent with the structural needs of that use.
(3) For this regulation, an eligible alteration is an alteration that constitutes only repair to, or reconstruction of, an existing building, or works, and that does not affect the safety or structural soundness of the building, or works, and that:
(a) is appropriate maintenance; or
(b) does not involve underpinning of, or replacement of, the footings; or
(c) for a building—is in the nature of cosmetic change, or fitout, to the interior or exterior of the building.
(4) In subregulation (1), first leased means:
(a) first leased under the Airports (Transitional) Act 1996; or
(b) if an airport lease for the airport site is not granted under that Act—first leased under the Act.
(1) For the purposes of paragraphs 106(1)(e) and (4)(e) of the Act, buildings, structures, earthworks, engineering works, electrical works, hydraulic works or eligible alterations (as defined in section 105 of the Act) resulting from building activities to which subregulation 2.24(1A) applies are exempt from Subdivision D of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act.
Note: Subregulation 2.24(1A) declares that certain building activities at Sydney West Airport are exempt from Subdivision C of Division 5 of Part 5 of the Act.
(2) This regulation does not limit the operation of regulation 3.16 in relation to the airport site for Sydney West Airport.
Part 4—Airport building controller
4.01 Appointment of airport building controller
(1) The Secretary may appoint, as airport building controller for an airport site:
(a) an authority of the Commonwealth, or of the State in which the airport site is located; or
(b) a local government body; or
(c) an individual, a body or a corporation:
(i) qualified under the law of the State in which the airport site is located, to approve building activity or certify the fitness of buildings in the State; and
(ii) that does not hold a stake (within the meaning given by clause 11 of the Schedule to the Act) of more than 5% in the airport‑lessee company for the airport; and
(iii) in the case of a body or a corporation—in which the airport‑lessee company does not hold a stake (within the meaning given by clause 11 of the Schedule to the Act) of more than 5%.
(1A) Subject to subregulation (1B), an individual, a body or a corporation (the relevant entity) may be appointed under subregulation (1) for an airport site in a State although not qualified under subparagraph (1)(c)(i) if the Secretary is satisfied:
(a) that there is no relevant entity so qualified that is reasonably available for the appointment; and
(b) that the relevant entity’s qualifications or experience give it sufficient capacity to discharge the powers, duties and responsibilities of an airport building controller for the airport site.
(1B) In deciding whether qualifications or experience give sufficient capacity, the Secretary must have regard to whether they relate to a field similar to building approval or certification such as building, architecture or engineering.
(1C) A corporation may be appointed under subregulation (1) for an airport site in a State although not qualified under subparagraph (1)(c)(i) if one of the following kinds of individual is so qualified:
(a) an employee or subcontractor of the corporation;
(b) a director or other officer of the corporation.
(2) At least 14 days before appointing an airport building controller for an airport site, the Secretary must give written notice of the proposed appointment to the airport‑lessee company for the airport, and invite the airport‑lessee company to make any submission it thinks appropriate in relation to the proposal.
(3) In determining whether to make a particular appointment, the Secretary must have regard to a submission by the airport‑lessee company if the submission is received before the day specified in the notice as the day on which it is proposed to make the appointment.
(4) In this regulation, qualified, for an individual, means qualified under the law of a State if the individual has, in relation to the approval of building activity or the certification of fitness of buildings:
(a) obtained any formal educational qualification such as a certificate, diploma or degree; and
(b) any vocational registration, accreditation or licence; and
(c) any practical experience;
required by that law.
4.02 Immunity from certain liability
(1) An airport building controller has no liability for anything done, or omitted to be done, in good faith, in reasonable reliance on a certificate given by a building or works expert.
(2) An airport building controller has no liability for anything necessarily or reasonably done, or omitted to be done, in good faith:
(a) in exercising a power or function under these Regulations; or
(b) in the reasonable belief that the act or omission was done in the exercise of a power or function under these Regulations.
4.03 Confidential information in hands of airport building controller
Information given to, or obtained by, an airport building controller in the performance of a power or function under these Regulations must not be disclosed to any person who does not have a lawful, and proper, need to see the information.
Part 5—General penalty provisions
Division 1—Continuing offences
For section 4K of the Crimes Act 1914, a requirement in a provision of Part 5 of the Act to do, or not do, an act or thing is a requirement that arises every day and is to be complied with on that day.
Division 2—Infringement notices
The purpose of this Division is to provide a procedure under which a person who is alleged to have committed an offence against Part 5 of the Act may, as an alternative to having the matter dealt with by a court, dispose of the matter by payment of a monetary penalty (an infringement notice penalty) specified in a notice (an infringement notice) served on the person.
(1) If there are reasonable grounds for believing that a person has committed an offence against Part 5 of the Act, an airport building controller may serve an infringement notice, or cause an infringement notice to be served, on the person.
(2) The notice must set out the following information:
(a) the name and address of the person served;
(b) the provision of the Act that it is alleged has been contravened;
(c) details of the alleged offence, including:
(i) the day, and (if appropriate) the time, on which it is alleged to have been committed; and
(ii) the place at which it is alleged to have been committed;
(d) the maximum penalty that may be imposed by a court for the offence;
(e) the amount payable as the infringement notice penalty;
(f) a statement that, if the person prefers that the matter not be dealt with by a court, he or she may signify that preference by paying the infringement notice penalty:
(i) before the end of 28 days after the day the notice is served; or
(ii) if a further period is allowed by an airport building controller under regulation 5.04—before the end of that further period; or
(iii) if payment by instalments is permitted under regulation 5.05—in accordance with the permission;
(g) how, and where, the infringement notice penalty may be paid;
(h) a statement that if, before the end of 28 days after service of the notice, the person notifies the Secretary, in the manner set out in the infringement notice, of any facts or matters that the person believes ought to be taken into account in relation to the alleged offence, time for payment of the penalty will be extended to the extent necessary to enable a decision to be made in relation to those facts or matters;
(i) a statement that, if the infringement notice penalty is paid in time:
(i) the person’s liability in respect of the offence is discharged; and
(ii) further proceedings cannot be taken against the person for the offence; and
(iii) the person is not taken to have been convicted of the offence;
(j) a statement to the effect that, if none of the things mentioned in paragraph (f) or (h) is done within the time specified, the person may be prosecuted in relation to the alleged offence;
(k) the name of the airport building controller by whom the notice is served.
(3) An infringement notice may contain any other information that the airport building controller considers necessary.
(4) The notice must be served on the person not more than 12 months after the alleged commission of the offence.
Note: The infringement notice penalty in respect of an offence is set at one‑fifth of the maximum fine that a court could impose for the offence—see Act, s. 111(2).
(1) On written application by a person on whom an infringement notice has been served, the Secretary or an airport building controller may permit, if satisfied that in all the circumstances it is proper to do so, a further period for payment of the infringement notice penalty, whether or not the period of 28 days after the date of service of the notice has ended.
(2) If application is made after the end of the 28 day period, the application must include an explanation setting out why the alleged offender could not deal with the notice within that period.
(3) The Secretary or airport building controller must:
(a) grant or refuse a further period; and
(b) give the applicant written notice of the decision; and
(c) if the decision is a refusal—mention in the notice the reasons for refusal.
(4) The person must pay the penalty:
(a) if a further period is granted—before the end of that period; or
(b) if the decision is a refusal—before the later of:
(i) the end of a period 7 days after receiving notice of the refusal; or
(ii) the end of the period of 28 days after the date of service of the notice.
(1) If the Secretary, or an airport building controller, is satisfied that in all the circumstances it is proper to do so, he or she may make an arrangement with a person on whom an infringement notice has been served (whether or not the period of 28 days after the date of service of the notice has ended) for the payment of the amount of the infringement notice penalty by instalments.
(2) The Secretary or airport building controller must:
(a) grant or refuse to make an arrangement; and
(b) give the applicant written notice of the decision; and
(c) if the decision is a refusal—mention in the notice the reasons for refusal.
(3) The person must pay the penalty:
(a) if an arrangement is made—in accordance with the arrangement; or
(b) if the decision is a refusal—before the end of the later of:
(i) the 28 day period; and
(ii) the period of 7 days following receipt of notice of the refusal.
5.06 If infringement notice disputed
(1) Whether or not a notice is received under subregulation (2), the Secretary, if satisfied that in all the circumstances it is proper to do so, may withdraw an infringement notice.
(2) If, before the end of 28 days after receiving an infringement notice, a person gives the Secretary notice under paragraph 5.03(2)(h), the Secretary must decide whether to withdraw the infringement notice.
(3) The Secretary must:
(a) withdraw, or refuse to withdraw, the notice; and
(b) give the applicant written notice of the decision; and
(c) if the decision is a refusal—mention in the notice the reasons for refusal.
(4) If the Secretary decides to refuse to withdraw an infringement notice, notice of that decision must state:
(a) that if the amount of the infringement notice penalty is paid within 28 days after notice of the decision is given to the person, the person will not be prosecuted for the alleged offence; and
(b) that if that amount is not so paid, the person may be prosecuted for the alleged offence.
(5) In making a decision, the Secretary must consider:
(a) the facts or matters set out in the notice (if any) given under paragraph 5.03(2)(h); and
(b) the circumstances in which the offence mentioned in the notice is alleged to have been committed; and
(c) whether the person has been convicted previously of an offence against Part 5 of the Act; and
(d) whether an infringement notice has previously been given to the person for an offence of the same kind as the offence mentioned in the notice; and
(e) any other matter the Secretary considers relevant to the decision.
5.07 Payment of penalty if infringement notice not withdrawn
If the Secretary refuses to withdraw an infringement notice, the applicant for withdrawal must pay the infringement notice penalty before the end of 28 days after receiving notice of the refusal.
5.08 Effect of payment of infringement notice penalty
(1) If a person served with an infringement notice pays the infringement notice penalty in accordance with this Division:
(a) the person’s liability in respect of the offence is discharged; and
(b) further proceedings cannot be taken against the person for the offence; and
(c) the person is not convicted of the offence.
(2) Subregulation (1) applies to a person who makes an arrangement to pay the infringement notice penalty by instalments, only if the person makes payments in accordance with the arrangement.
5.09 Admissions under paragraph 5.03(2)(h)
Evidence of an admission made by a person in a notice under paragraph 5.03(2)(h) is inadmissible in proceedings against the person for the alleged offence.
5.10 Matter not to be taken into account in determining sentence
(1) This regulation applies if a person served with an infringement notice:
(a) elects not to pay the infringement notice penalty; and
(b) is prosecuted for, and convicted of, the alleged offence mentioned in the infringement notice.
(2) In determining the penalty to be imposed, the court must not take into account the fact that the person chose not to pay the infringement notice penalty.
5.11 Refund of infringement notice penalty if notice withdrawn
If an infringement notice penalty is paid in accordance with an infringement notice that is subsequently withdrawn, an airport building controller must arrange to refund an amount equal to the amount so paid to the person who paid the penalty.
(1) At the hearing of a prosecution for an alleged offence specified in an infringement notice, a certificate signed by an airport building controller and stating:
(a) that the infringement notice was served on the alleged offender; and
(b) that the infringement notice penalty has not been paid in accordance with this Division;
is evidence of those facts.
(2) At the hearing of a prosecution for an alleged offence specified in an infringement notice, a certificate signed by an airport building controller and stating that the notice was withdrawn on a day specified in the certificate is evidence of that fact.
(3) A certificate that purports to have been signed by an airport building controller is taken to have been signed by that officer unless the contrary is proved.
5.13 Payment of penalty by cheque
If a cheque is given to the Commonwealth in payment of all or part of the amount of an infringement notice penalty, the payment is taken not to have been made unless the cheque is honoured on presentation.
5.14 Infringement notice not compulsory, etc
Nothing in this Division is to be taken to:
(a) require that a person suspected of having contravened a provision of Part 5 of the Act be served an infringement notice; or
(b) affect the liability of a person to be prosecuted for an alleged offence, if:
(i) an infringement notice is not served on the person for the offence; or
(ii) an infringement notice is served, and withdrawn; or
(c) limit the penalty that may be imposed by a court on a person convicted of an offence.
6.01 Review by Administrative Review Tribunal
Subject to the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024, application may be made to the Administrative Review Tribunal by a person described in an item in the following table for review of a decision mentioned in the item:
Item | Decision | Person |
Part 1 Decision by airport building controller | ||
1 | Subregulations 2.11(1), (6), (7), (7A) and (8)—refusal, or failure, to approve a building activity | the applicant for the approval |
2 | Subregulation 2.11(1)—imposition of a condition on a building approval | the applicant for the approval |
3 | Subregulation 2.11(1)—giving of a direction in relation to a building approval | the applicant for the approval |
4 | Paragraph 2.13(2)(b)—refusal to approve non‑compliance with Australian building standards | the applicant for the approval |
5 | Regulation 2.16—refusal to grant a varied building approval | the applicant for the approval |
6 | Subregulation 2.18(1)—imposition of a condition on a building approval | the person carrying out the building activity |
7 | Subregulation 2.18(2)—issuing of a stop work order on a building approval | the person carrying out the building activity |
8 | Subregulation 2.19(2)—refusal to extend duration of a building approval | the person carrying out the building activity |
9 | Regulation 2.20—revocation of a building approval (except at the request of the holder) | the person carrying out the building activity |
10 | Paragraph 3.02(2)(a)—estimate of time that will be taken to investigate a building or structure for the issue of a certificate of compliance | the person that applied for the certificate |
11 | Subregulation 3.04(2)—refusal to issue a certificate of compliance for a building or works | the holder of the building approval that authorised the building activity that resulted in the building or works |
12 | Subregulation 3.04(2)—imposition of a condition on a certificate of compliance | the holder of the building approval that authorised the building activity that resulted in the building or works |
13 | Subregulation 3.10(l)—variation of a certificate of compliance | the holder of the certificate of compliance |
14 | Paragraph 3.10(1A)(a)—estimate of time that will be taken to investigate a building or structure for the variation of a certificate of compliance | the person that applied for the variation |
15 | Subregulation 3.10(1)—refusal to vary a certificate of fitness | the holder of the certificate of fitness |
16 | Subregulation 3.12(1)—revocation of a certificate of compliance | the holder of the certificate of compliance |
17 | Subregulation 3.14(1)—refusal to issue certified copy of a certificate of compliance | the person who applied for the certified copy |
18 | Subregulation 5.04(1)—refusal to grant a period of time for payment of an infringement notice penalty | the person served with the infringement notice |
19 | Subregulation 5.05(2)—refusal to make an arrangement for periodical payment of an infringement notice penalty | the person served with the infringement notice |
20 | Subregulation 5.06(3)—refusal to withdraw an infringement notice | the person served with the infringement notice |
Part 2 Decision by airport‑lessee company | ||
21 | Subregulations 2.03(4) and (6)—refusal, or failure, to grant consent to application | the applicant for the approval |
22 | Subregulation 2.03(4)—imposition of a condition on a grant of consent | the applicant for the approval |
Schedule 1—Fees payable for building applications
(regulation 2.02)
Part 1—Adelaide and Parafield Airports
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 750 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 750 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 750 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 1 200 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 1 800 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 2 400 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 3 000 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 6 000 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 18 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 24 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 30 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 60 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 120 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 180 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 210 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 210 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 750 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 200 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 1 800 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 2 700 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 3 600 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 4 500 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 5 400 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Part 3—Brisbane, Archerfield and Gold Coast Airports
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 200 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 800 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 400 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 600 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 500 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 5 400 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 6 300 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 450 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 600 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 900 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 1 275 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 1 650 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 2 025 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 2 400 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 3 900 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 6 150 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 8 400 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 10 650 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 12 900 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 24 150 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 39 300 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 54 300 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 69 300 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 84 300 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 99 300 |
Part 5—Darwin International Airport
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 750 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 200 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 1 800 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 2 700 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 3 600 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 4 500 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 5 400 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Part 6—Hobart International Airport
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 680 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 875 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 250 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 900 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 800 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 5 700 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 6 600 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 12 000 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 18 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 24 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 30 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 36 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 66 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 126 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 186 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 246 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 306 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 429 000 |
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 680 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 875 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 250 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 000 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 125 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 4 875 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 5 625 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 9 375 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 19 575 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 24 375 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 31 875 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 39 375 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 76 875 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 151 875 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 226 875 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 301 875 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 376 875 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 528 000 |
Part 8—Melbourne (Tullamarine), Essendon Fields and Moorabbin Airports
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 200 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 800 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 400 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 600 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 500 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 5 400 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 6 300 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Part 9—Perth and Jandakot Airports
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 750 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 200 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 1 800 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 2 700 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 3 600 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 4 500 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 5 400 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Part 10—Sydney (Kingsford Smith), Sydney West, Camden and Bankstown Airports
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 200 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 800 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 400 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 600 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 500 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 5 400 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 6 300 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
Item | Total estimated cost of proposed building or works ($) | Application fee ($) |
1 | Up to 25 000 | 1 200 |
2 | 25 001 to 50 000 | 1 800 |
3 | 50 001 to 100 000 | 2 400 |
4 | 100 001 to 200 000 | 3 600 |
5 | 200 001 to 300 000 | 4 500 |
6 | 300 001 to 400 000 | 5 400 |
7 | 400 001 to 500 000 | 6 300 |
8 | 500 001 to 1 000 000 | 8 400 |
9 | 1 000 001 to 2 000 000 | 12 000 |
10 | 2 000 001 to 3 000 000 | 15 000 |
11 | 3 000 001 to 4 000 000 | 18 000 |
12 | 4 000 001 to 5 000 000 | 21 000 |
13 | 5 000 001 to 10 000 000 | 30 000 |
14 | 10 000 001 to 20 000 000 | 60 000 |
15 | 20 000 001 to 30 000 000 | 90 000 |
16 | 30 000 001 to 40 000 000 | 120 000 |
17 | 40 000 001 to 50 000 000 | 150 000 |
18 | 50 000 001 or more | 210 000 |
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Abbreviation key—Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section 15V of the Legislation Act 2003.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and “(md not incorp)” is added to the amendment history.
ad = added or inserted | o = order(s) |
am = amended | Ord = Ordinance |
amdt = amendment | orig = original |
c = clause(s) | par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s) |
C[x] = Compilation No. x | /sub‑subparagraph(s) |
Ch = Chapter(s) | pres = present |
def = definition(s) | prev = previous |
Dict = Dictionary | (prev…) = previously |
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament | Pt = Part(s) |
Div = Division(s) | r = regulation(s)/rule(s) |
ed = editorial change | reloc = relocated |
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have | renum = renumbered |
effect | rep = repealed |
F = Federal Register of Legislation | rs = repealed and substituted |
gaz = gazette | s = section(s)/subsection(s) |
LA = Legislation Act 2003 | Sch = Schedule(s) |
LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 | Sdiv = Subdivision(s) |
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given | SLI = Select Legislative Instrument |
effect | SR = Statutory Rules |
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment | Sub‑Ch = Sub‑Chapter(s) |
cannot be given effect | SubPt = Subpart(s) |
mod = modified/modification | underlining = whole or part not |
No. = Number(s) | commenced or to be commenced |
Number and year | FRLI registration or gazettal | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
292, 1996 | 12 Dec 1996 | 12 Dec 1996 |
114, 1997 | 21 May 1997 | 21 May 1997 | — |
200, 1997 | 24 July 1997 | 24 July 1997 | — |
52, 1999 | 1 Apr 1999 | 1 Apr 1999 | — |
190, 2002 | 1 Sept 2002 | 1 Sept 2002 | — |
43, 2009 | 17 Mar 2009 (F2009L01022) | 18 Mar 2009 | — |
118, 2009 | 19 June 2009 (F2009L02393) | 20 June 2009 | — |
145, 2009 | 24 June 2009 (F2009L02464) | 25 June 2009 | — |
231, 2009 | 8 Sept 2009 (F2009L03476) | 9 Sept 2009 | — |
376, 2009 | 16 Dec 2009 (F2009L04398) | 17 Dec 2009 | — |
51, 2010 | 26 Mar 2010 (F2010L00747) | 27 Mar 2010 | — |
75, 2011 | 3 June 2011 (F2011L00944) | 1 July 2011 | — |
188, 2012 | 8 Aug 2012 (F2012L01663) | 9 Aug 2012 | — |
244, 2015 | 16 Dec 2015 (F2015L02045) | Sch 1 (item 1): 17 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Name | Registration | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Airports Legislation Amendment (Essendon Fields Airport) Regulations 2017 | 11 Oct 2017 (F2017L01341) | Sch 1 (item 3): 12 Oct 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Airports Legislation Amendment (Sydney West Airport Measures No. 1) Regulations 2018 | 6 Apr 2018 (F2018L00469) | Sch 1 (items 1–6): 7 Apr 2018 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Administrative Review Tribunal Legislation Consequential Amendments (2024 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2024 | 11 Oct 2024 (F2024L01299) | Sch 10 (items 8–10): 14 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 1) | — |
Act | Number and year | Assent | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
Airports Amendment Act 2015 | 108, 2015 | 30 June 2015 | Sch 1 (items 47–69, 72–74): 1 July 2015 (s 2) | Sch 1 (items 72–74) |
Provision affected | How affected |
Part 1 |
r 1..................... | rs No. 52, 1999 |
r 1.04................... | am No.114, 1997; No. 43, 2009; No. 188, 2012 |
Part 2 |
r 2.02................... | am 1997 No. 200; 2002 No. 190; 2009 No. 376 |
r 2.03................... | am 2009 No. 376 |
r 2.04................... | am Act No 108, 2015 |
r 2.04A.................. | ad 2010 No. 51 |
r 2.04B.................. | ad 2010 No. 51 |
r 2.05................... | am 2009 No. 43; Act No 108, 2015 |
r 2.10................... | rs 1997 No. 200 |
| am 2002 No. 190 |
r 2.11................... | am No 43, 2009; No 118, 2009; Act No 108, 2015 |
r 2.16................... | am No 114, 1997; No 200, 1997; No 190, 2002; No 231, 2009; Act No 108, 2015 |
| ed C15 |
r 2.19................... | am Act No 108, 2015 |
r 2.24................... | am F2018L00469 |
r 2.25................... | ed C15 |
r 2.26................... | ad Act No 108, 2015 |
Part 3 |
Part 3 heading............. | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.01................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.02................... | am No 114, 1997; No 200, 1997 |
r 3.03................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.04................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.05................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.07................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.08................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.09................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.10................... | am No 114, 1997; No 200, 1997 |
r 3.11................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.12................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.13................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.14................... | am 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.15................... | rs 1997 No. 114 |
r 3.17................... | ad F2018L00469 |
Part 4 |
r 4.01................... | am 2009 No. 145 |
Part 5 |
Part 5................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
Division 1 |
r 5.01................... | rep 1997 No. 200 |
| ad 1999 No. 52 |
Division 2 |
r 5.02................... | am 1997 Nos. 114 and 200 |
| rs 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.03................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.04................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.05................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.06................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.07................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.08................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.09................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.10................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.11................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.12................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.13................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 5.14................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
Part 6 |
Part 6................... | ad 1999 No. 52 |
r 6.01................... | ad No 52, 1999 |
| am No 118, 2009; Act No 108, 2015; F2024L01299 |
Schedule................. | rep 1997 No. 200 |
Schedule 1 |
Schedule 1................ | ad No 190, 2002; No 43, 2009 |
| rs No 75, 2011 |
| am No 244, 2015; F2017L01341 |