Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Statutory Rules 1989 No. 3911


A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential

Provisions) Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988.

Dated 21 December 1989.



By His Excellencys Command,

Clyde Holding

Minister of State for the Arts, Tourism and Territories



1. These Regulations shall be taken to have commenced on 11 May 1989.

Schedule 1

2. Schedule 1 to the A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Regulations is amended by inserting in its appropriate alphabetical position (determined on a letter-by-letter basis according to the citation of the legislation to be modified) the following:

Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 1935

First Schedule, Item 74:

(a) omit or of a State or of the Northern Territory (first and second occurring), substitute , a State, the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory.

(b) omit or of the Northern Territory, an arrangement substitute , the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory, an arrangement.

(c) omit or the Administrator-in-Council of the Northern Territory, substitute , the Administrator-in-Council of the Northern Territory or the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory.


(S.R. 135/89)—Cat. No. 14/10.7.1989

(d) omit by the State or the Northern Territory, substitute by the State, the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory.

(e) omit or of the Northern Territory (second-last and last occurring), substitute , the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 21 December 1989.

2. Statutory Rules 1989 No. 3 as amended by 1989 Nos. 52, 88, 188, 209, 210, 234, 298, 299, and 304.

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