Statutory Rules 1984 No. 3451
Meat Export Charge Regulations
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and in pursuance of section 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, hereby make the following Regulations under the Meat Export Charge Act 1984.
Dated 27 November 1984.
By His Excellency’s Command,
(Sgd) John Kerin
Minister of State for Primary Industry
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Meat Export Charge Regulations.
2. In these Regulations—
“manual” means Volume 2 (sub-titled “Requirements of Overseas Countries”) of the Second Edition of the manual entitled “Manual of Instruction for Meat Inspection and Meat Handling Procedures”, published by the Australian Government Publishing Service, as in force at the commencement of these Regulations;
“the Act” means the Meat Export Charge Act 1984.
Prescribed tissue—definition of “meat”
3. For the purposes of paragraph (d) of the definition of “meat” in sub-section 3 (1) of the Act, tissue of a kind that is commonly known as pharmaceutical material is prescribed.
S.R. 321/84 Cat. No. Recommended retail price 20c 10/7.11.1984
Prescribed products—definition of “meat product”
4. For the purposes of the definition of “meat product” in sub-section 3 (1) of the Act, the following products are prescribed:
(a) gelatin;
(b) regenerated collagen;
(c) soup;
(d) tallow.
Certificate in relation to import from Australia
5. For the purposes of sub-section 3 (3) of the Act—
(a) a form of the following kind is specified, namely, the form in the manual that makes provision for an authorized officer under the Export Control Act to certify that the meat or meat products described in the form is or are fit for human consumption; and
(b) the following manner of completion and lodgement of a form is specified, namely—
(i) completion in accordance with the requirements of the manual; and
(ii) lodgement at—
(a) the principal office of the Department in Canberra or in the capital city of a State; or
(b) the office of the Department in Fremantle in Western Australia.
Relevant period in relation to meat or meat products
6. For the purposes of sub-section 3 (4) of the Act, the period of 3 months commencing upon the day of grant of an export permit in relation to meat or meat products is, for the purposes of the Act, the relevant period in relation to that meat or those meat products.
Rate of charge payable in relation to application
7. (1) For the purposes of sub-section 6 (1) of the Act, the rate of 2.4 cents for each kilogram of meat to which the application relates is prescribed.
(2) For the purposes of sub-section 6 (2) of the Act, the rate of 2.4 cents for each kilogram of meat that was used as an ingredient in the production of meat products to which the application relates is prescribed.
Determination of weight of meat
8. Where meat to which an application of the kind referred to in paragraph 5 (1) (a) or (b) of the Act relates comprises part of a carcase, or part of a portion of a carcase, being a carcase or portion from which none of the bone has been removed, the weight of that meat shall be deemed to be—
(a) in the case of meat (other than meat the trade description of which, under the Export Control Act, is veal) from bovine animals, buffaloes or equine animals—a weight equal to 66% of the weight of that carcase or portion; and
(b) in any other case—a weight equal to 50% of the weight of that carcase or portion.
1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 30 November 1984.
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