Statutory Rules 1983 No. 262

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations













Provisions giving effect to certain provisions contained in a zoning plan


Use of, or entry into, a zone with the permission of the responsible agency


Use of, or entry into, a zone after notification to the responsible agency


Advertising of application


Further particulars in relation to an application


Grant or refusal of relevant permission


Areas of restricted use


Offences relating to use of zones


Taking certain fish in the Marine Park


Offence relating to the discharge or deposit of waste


Littering prohibited


Litter notices


Offences relating to spearfishing


Persons shall not furnish false information


Suspension of permission


Revocation of permission


Reconsideration and review of decisions of Authority


Giving of notices


Form of identity card


Animals, Plants and Marine Products


Protected Species


Identity Card

S.R. 233/ 83 Cat. No. Recommended retail price $1.40

Statutory Rules 1983 No. 2621

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975.

Dated 3 November 1983.


By His Excellency’s Command,

Barry Cohen

Minister of State for

Home Affairs and Environment


1. These Regulations may be cited as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations.


2. These Regulations shall come into operation on 7 November 1983.


3. (1) The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Capricornia Section) Regulations (being Statutory Rules 1981 No. 108) are repealed.

(2) The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Cormorant Pass Section) Regulations (being Statutory Rules 1981 No. 347) are repealed.


4. (1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—

“Cairns Section” means the area declared to be a part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by Proclamation made under sub-section 31 (1) of the Act and published in the Gazette on 19 November 1981 and assigned by that Proclamation the name ‘Great Barrier Reef Marine Park—Cairns Section’;

“Capricornia Section” means the area declared to be a part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by Proclamation made under sub-section 31 (1) of the Act and published in the Gazette on 21 October 1979 and assigned by that Proclamation the name ‘Great Barrier Reef Marine Park—Capricornia Section’;

“Cormorant Pass Section” means the area declared to be a part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by Proclamation made under sub-section 31 (1) of the Act and published in the Gazette on 30 October 1981 and assigned by that Proclamation the name ‘Great Barrier Reef Marine Park—Cormorant Pass Section’;

“relevant permission” means a permission referred to in sub-regulation 7 (1);

“the Act” means the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975;

“zoning plan” means a zoning plan as in force on the commencement of these Regulations prepared by the Authority in pursuance of section 32 of the Act in respect of the Cairns Section, the Capricornia Section or the Cormorant Pass Section;

“zone” means a zone into which the Cairns Section, the Capricornia Section or the Cormorant Pass Section has been divided by a zoning plan.

(2) Except in so far as the contrary intention appears, where a word or expression is used in these Regulations and is used in a zoning plan and is defined for the purposes of that zoning plan then, in the application of these Regulations to and in relation to the area, or part of the area, in respect of which the zoning plan is in force, the word or expression has the same meaning as it has in the zoning plan.

(3) In these Regulations, a reference to an application for a relevant permission shall be read as a reference to such an application that has not been withdrawn.



5. (1) Where, before the commencement of these Regulations, an application for a permission was made under regulation 5 of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Capricornia Section) Regulations, being an application that has not under those Regulations been taken to have lapsed, but such permission had not, immediately before the commencement of these Regulations, been granted, refused or taken to have been refused, the application shall be taken to

be an application for a relevant permission under these Regulations and anything done in relation to the application under those Regulations shall be taken to have been done under these Regulations.

(2) Where, immediately before the commencement of these Regulations—

(a) a declaration made by the Authority;

(b) a designation made by the Authority;

(c) a permission granted by the Authority;

(d) a direction given by the Authority; or

(e) a litter notice served, or caused to be served, by an inspector,

is in force under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Capricornia Section) Regulations, that declaration, permission, direction or litter notice shall continue in force as if it had been made, granted, given, served or caused to be served under these Regulations.

Provisions giving effect to certain provisions contained in a zoning plan

6. (1) For the purposes of the definition of “collecting” contained in a zoning plan—

(a) each animal, or each animal of a species, specified or referred to in Part I of Schedule 1, other than an animal, or an animal of a species, that is excepted in that Part, is a declared animal;

(b) each plant of a species specified or referred to in Part II of Schedule 1 is a declared plant; and

(c) each marine product specified or referred to in Part III of Schedule 1 is a declared marine product.

(2) For the purposes of the definition of “fishing” contained in a zoning plan, each animal, or each animal of a species, specified or referred to in Part I of Schedule 1, other than an animal, or an animal of a species, that is excepted in that Part, is a declared animal.

(3) For the purposes of the definition of “commercial netting” contained in a zoning plan, each net described in serial numbers 2, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in column 2 of Part A of the Fifth Schedule to the Fisheries Regulations 1977 of the State of Queensland, as in force at the commencement of these Regulations, is declared.

(4) A word or expression that is used in a provision of the Fisheries Regulations 1977 of the State of Queensland, as in force at the commencement of these Regulations, specified in sub-regulation (3) and is defined for the purposes of those regulations shall, for the purposes of the definition of “commercial netting” in a zoning plan, have the same meaning as it has in those regulations, except that where the same word or expression is defined for the purposes of that zoning plan, that word or expression shall, for the purposes of the definition of “commercial netting” have the same meaning as it has in that zoning plan.

Use of, or entry into, a zone with the permission of the responsible agency

7. (1) Where, under a provision of a zoning plan making provision with respect to the purposes for which a zone may be used or entered, the permission of the responsible agency is required in respect of a purpose referred to in that provision, the Authority is the body having the function of granting such permissions for the purposes of that provision.

(2) An application to the Authority for a relevant permission shall be in writing unless, for the purpose of giving urgent consideration to the application, the Authority agrees to accept an oral application.

(3) An application to the Authority for a relevant permission shall contain the following information:

(a) the name and address of the person making the application;

(b) the name assigned to the area forming part of the Marine Park that is to be used or entered;

(c) the name of the zone that is to be used or entered;

(d) the purposes for which the zone is to be used or entered;

(e) the proposed movements in the zone of any person proposing to use or enter the zone;

(f) the name of the shoals or reefs (if any) on or near which such use or entry is proposed;

(g) the period in respect of which the relevant permission is sought;

(h) the means of transport to be used in respect of the use of, or entry to, the zone;

(j) where permission is required in respect of more than one person, the maximum number of persons in respect of whom the permission is to apply.

(4) In addition to the information required under sub-regulation (3), an application for a relevant permission for the purposes of research, however described, shall contain the following information:

(a) the purpose of the research;

(b) a brief description of the manner in which the research is to be undertaken including—

(i) a description of the sequence and location of fieldwork to be carried out; and

(ii) an explanation of the experimental design and methods of analysis to be used in the research;

(c) the frequency and the duration of visits to the zone for the purposes of the research.

(5) In considering an application for a relevant permission, the Authority shall have regard to—

(a) the objectives of the zone to be used or entered;

(b) the orderly and proper management of the zone to be used or entered;

(c) the conservation of the natural resources of the Marine Park;

(d) the existing use and amenity and the future or desirable use and amenity, of the area and of adjacent areas;

(e) the size, extent and location of any proposed use in relation to any nearby use;

(f) the likely effects of any proposed use on adjoining and adjacent areas and any possible effects of the proposed use or entry on the environment;

(g) the proposed means of access to and egress from any use and the adequacy of provisions for aircraft or vessel mooring, landing, parking, loading and unloading;

(h) where the purpose in respect of which the relevant permission is required is research in a Scientific Research Zone—

(i) the environmental impact of the research;

(ii) the need for the long-term conservation of the Great Barrier Reef; and

(iii) the needs of other researchers; and

(j) where the purpose in respect of which the relevant permission is required is traditional fishing or traditional hunting—

(i) the need for conservation of endangered species;

(ii) the means to be employed in traditional fishing or traditional hunting, as the case may be;

(iii) in the case of traditional fishing, the number of fish, crustaceans, echinoderms or molluscs to be taken; and

(iv) in the case of traditional hunting, the number of animals, other than fish, crustaceans, echinoderms and molluscs, to be taken.

Use of, or entry into, a zone after notification to the responsible agency

8. Where, under a provision of a zoning plan, a zone may, after notification to the responsible agency, be used or entered for a purpose specified in that provision, the Authority is the body to be notified for the purposes of that provision.

Advertising of application

9. (1) Where, in considering an application for a relevant permission, the Authority considers that the granting of such permission may restrict the reasonable use by the public of a part of the Marine Park, the Authority may, by notice in writing given to the applicant within 70 days after the receipt of the application, require the applicant, within the period specified in that notice, to give public notice—

(a) setting out such information relating to the application as the Authority requires;

(b) inviting interested persons to lodge with the Authority comments in writing in relation to the application not later than the date specified in

the notice being a date that is not later than 30 days after the first date of publication of the notice; and

(c) specifying an address to which such comments may be forwarded.

(2) Before making a decision in respect of an application for a relevant permission in relation to which public notice is required to be given in accordance with sub-regulation (1), the Authority shall give due consideration to any comments in writing received by it in response to such a notice.

(3) In sub-regulation (1), a reference to public notice is a reference to a notice published on 2 separate days within a period of 14 days—

(a) in the Gazette;

(b) in a newspaper circulating generally in the State of Queensland; and

(c) in a newspaper, if any, that is a local newspaper circulating in that part of the State of Queensland adjacent to that part of the Marine Park that is proposed to be used or entered.

Further particulars in relation to an application

10. (1) The Authority may, in respect of an application for a relevant permission, by notice in writing given to the applicant—

(a) within 30 days after the date of receipt of the application; or

(b) if further particulars in relation to the application have previously been furnished by the applicant, on one or more occasions, within 30 days after the day on which such particulars were last received,

request the applicant to furnish to the Authority in writing such further particulars in relation to the application as are specified in the notice, being particulars that are necessary for a proper consideration of the application by the Authority.

(2) Where public notice of an application has been given under regulation 9, the Authority shall cease to be entitled to make a request for further particulars under sub-regulation (1), but may, by notice in writing given to the applicant—

(a) within 30 days after the date specified in such public notice as the last day for the receipt of written comments; or

(b) if further particulars in relation to the application have previously been furnished by the applicant under this sub-regulation, on one or more occasions, within 30 days after the day on which such particulars were last received,

request the applicant to furnish to the Authority in writing such further particulars in relation to the application as are specified in the notice, being particulars that are necessary for a proper consideration of the application by the Authority.

(3) Where further particulars requested in relation to an application are not furnished by the applicant within 30 days after the date of receipt of a notice last given under this regulation requesting those particulars or within

such longer period as the Authority before the expiration of that period of 30 days allows, the application shall be taken to have lapsed.

Grant or refusal of relevant permission

11. (1) Where a person has made an application for a relevant permission and has complied with any requirement or request duly made by the Authority in relation to the application, the Authority shall—

(a) grant such permission in writing subject to such conditions (if any) as are specified in the permission, being conditions necessary for the attainment of the object of the Act; or

(b) by notice in writing given to that person, refuse to grant such permission.

(2) Where a relevant permission has been granted subject to conditions, the Authority may, with the consent in writing of the person to whom the permission has been granted, vary such conditions so that the conditions, as varied, are necessary for the attainment of the object of the Act.

(3) Where a person has applied to the Authority for a relevant permission and, within the prescribed period, the Authority has failed to convey to the applicant a decision in respect of the application, the application for the relevant permission shall be taken to have been refused.

(4) In sub-regulation (3), “prescribed period” means—

(a) except where paragraph (b), (c) or (d) applies— the period of 70 days after the date of receipt of the application;

(b) where public notice of an application has been given in accordance with regulation 9 and paragraph (c) and (d) do not apply—the period of 70 days after the date specified in such notice as the date by which comments in writing had to be lodged with the Authority;

(c) where the Authority under regulation 10, has made a request for further particulars on one or more occasions and a direction referred to in paragraph (d) has not been given within the period of 70 days after the day on which further particulars were last received—that period of 70 days; or

(d) where, within the period specified in paragraph (a) or (b), as the case may be, or, if further particulars have been requested by the Authority on one or more occasions, within the period referred to in paragraph (c), the Minister administering the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974, in accordance with procedures approved for the purposes of that Act, has directed the submission to him of an environmental impact statement in relation to the conduct in respect of which the application was made —

(i) the period of 70 days after the completion of all procedures under that Act in connection with the environmental impact statement; or

(ii) the period that would, in the particular case, be the prescribed period if that Minister had not given such a direction,

whichever period expires last.

(5) A relevant permission remains in force for such period as is specified in the permission unless it is sooner surrendered or revoked.

Areas of restricted use

12. (1) Where, under a provision of a zoning plan, the responsible agency may make a declaration providing for—

(a) a Replenishment Area;

(b) a Seasonal Closure Area;

(c) a Reef Appreciation Area;

(d) a Reef Research Area; or

(e) an Aircraft Landing Area,

the Authority is the body having the function of making such declaration for the purpose of that provision.

(2) A declaration referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be made by notice in writing in accordance with the requirements of the provision of the zoning plan under which it is made.

(3) For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of sub-clause 3.3 of the zoning plan in force in respect of the Capricornia Section, the Authority may, by notice in writing, in accordance with the requirements contained in that sub-clause, declare—

(a) an area within the General Use “A” Zone to be, for such time as is specified in the notice—

(i) a Replenishment Area; or

(ii) a Reef Appreciation Area;

(b) an area within the General Use “B” Zone to be, for such time as is specified in the notice—

(i) a Replenishment Area;

(ii) a Seasonal Closure Area; or

(iii) a Reef Appreciation Area; or

(c) an area within the Marine National Park “A” Zone to be, for such time as is specified in the notice, a Reef Appreciation Area.

(4) For the purpose of giving effect to a zoning plan, the Authority may, by notice in writing, designate a part of a zone to be, for such time as is specified in the notice—

(a) a reef walking area;

(b) an aircraft landing area other than an aircraft landing area required, under a provision of a zoning plan, to be declared; or

(c) a mooring area.

(5) Before declaring an area within a zone to be a Reef Appreciation Area or a Reef Research Area, the Authority shall by notice in writing—

(a) state that it proposes to make such a declaration; and

(b) invite interested persons to make representations in writing, in relation to the proposed declaration, by such date, being a date that is not less than 30 days after the date of the notice, as is specified in the notice.

(6) A person may, not later than the date specified in the notice referred to in sub-regulation (5), make representations to the Authority in relation to the proposed declaration referred to in that sub-regulation and the Authority shall give due consideration to any representations so made.

(7) If, after having given due consideration to any representations made under sub-regulation (6) in relation to the proposed declaration of the part of the zone, the Authority decides not to make such a declaration, the Authority shall, by notice in writing, state that it does not propose to make such a declaration.

(8) Where the Authority has declared an area within a zone to be, for a specified time—

(a) a Replenishment Area;

(b) a Reef Appreciation Area;

(c) a Seasonal Closure Area; or

(d) a Reef Research Area,

the Authority shall, upon the expiration of that time, by notice in writing, state that the area is no longer a Replenishment Area, a Reef Appreciation Area, a Seasonal Closure Area or a Reef Research Area, as the case may be.

(9) In this regulation, a reference to a notice in writing, in relation to an area within a zone, is a reference to a notice published—

(a) in the Gazette;

(b) in a newspaper circulating generally in the State of Queensland; and

(c) in a newspaper, if any, that is a local newspaper circulating in that part of the State of Queensland that is adjacent to that area.

Offences relating to use of zones

13. (1) A person shall not use or enter a zone for a purpose other than a purpose that is permitted under the zoning plan that relates to that zone.

Penalty: $5,000.

(2) Where, under a zoning plan, a zone may be used or entered for a purpose with the permission of the responsible agency, a person shall not use or enter the zone for that purpose without the permission of the Authority granted under sub-regulation 11 (1).

Penalty: $5,000.

(3) Where a permission referred to in sub-regulation (2) is expressed to be subject to conditions, the person to whom the permission is granted shall not use or enter the zone otherwise than in accordance with those conditions.

Penalty: $5,000.

(4) Where, under a zoning plan, a zone may be used or entered for a purpose after notification to the responsible agency, a person shall not use or enter a zone for that purpose unless he has notified the Authority that he proposes to use or enter the zone for that purpose.

Penalty: $5,000.

(5) A person shall not fail to comply with a direction given to him under sub-regulation (6).

Penalty: $1,000.

(6) Where a person notifies the Authority that he proposes to use or enter a zone for the purpose of removing a vessel that is wrecked, stranded, sunk or abandoned, the Authority may give such directions to that person in respect of his use of, or entry to, the zone as are reasonably necessary for the protection and preservation of the Marine Park and property and things in the Marine Park.

Taking of certain fish in the Marine Park

14. (1) A person shall not, in the Marine Park, take, or have in possession, a fish of a species specified in Schedule 2, being a fish having a total length exceeding 1200 millimetres.

Penalty: $1,000.

(2) In sub-regulation (1), “take” means gather, catch, capture, kill, destroy or obtain by any means.

Offence relating to the discharge or deposit of waste

15. (1) A person shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the permission in writing of the Authority given for the purposes of this regulation, discharge or deposit household, industrial or commercial waste in the Marine Park.

Penalty: $5,000.

(2) Sub-regulation (1) does not apply to the discharging or depositing of waste in a zone where the relevant zoning plan makes provision for the zone to be used or entered for that purpose.

(3) Sub-regulation (1) does not apply to the discharge from a vessel or an aircraft of—

(a) human waste where the vessel or aircraft, as the case may be, does not contain a storage tank of a kind designed for the storage of human waste;

(b) offal from a fish caught within the Marine Park; or

(c) biodegradable waste, other than waste to which paragraph (a) or (b) applies, where the aircraft or vessel, as the case may be, is more than 500 metres seawards from the seaward edge of a reef.

(4) A permission given by the Authority for the purposes of this regulation shall be subject to such conditions (if any) as are specified in the permission, being conditions necessary for the attainment of the object of the Act.

(5) In this regulation, “reef” includes bommie fields, sandy flats, reef slopes, moats and ramparts.

Littering prohibited

16. A person shall not deposit litter in the Marine Park.

Penalty: $200.

Litter notices

17. (1) Where an inspector has reason to believe that an offence against regulation 16 has been committed, he may serve or cause to be served a litter notice in accordance with this regulation.

(2) A litter notice may be served by serving the notice personally on the person who appears to have committed the offence, or by leaving it at his last-known place of residence or business with a person apparently over the age of 16 years and apparently an occupant of or employed at that place.

(3) A litter notice shall—

(a) clearly show on its face the full name, or surname and initials, and address of the person on whom it is served;

(b) clearly specify the nature of the alleged offence;

(c) clearly specify the day, time and place of the alleged offence;

(d) contain a notification to the person on whom it is served that, if he does not wish the matter to be dealt with by a court he may make a signed statement to that effect in the manner specified in the notice and pay the amount of the prescribed penalty specified in the notice within 30 days after the date of the notice; and

(e) clearly specify the place at which, and the manner in which, the prescribed penalty may be paid.

(4) For the purposes of this regulation, the prescribed penalty for an offence against regulation 16 is the amount of $25.

(5) Where a litter notice has been served and, before the expiration of the specified period of 30 days or at any time before the institution of proceedings in respect of the alleged offence, the amount of the prescribed penalty is paid in accordance with the notice and a statement signed by the person on whom the

notice was served, to the effect that he does not wish the matter to be dealt with by a court is received by the Authority—

(a) any liability of a person in respect of the alleged offence shall be discharged;

(b) no further proceedings shall be taken in respect of the alleged offence; and

(c) no person shall be regarded as having been convicted for the alleged offence.

(6) Nothing in this regulation prevents the service of more than one litter notice in respect of the same offence, but it is sufficient for the application of sub-regulation (5) to a person on whom more than one such notice has been served for that person to pay the prescribed penalty and to make the statement referred to in that sub-regulation in accordance with any one of the notices so served on him.

(7) Where the amount of the prescribed penalty is paid by cheque, payment shall be deemed not to be made unless and until the cheque is honoured upon presentation.

(8) Except as provided by sub-regulation (5), nothing in this regulation in any way prejudices or affects the institution or prosecution of proceedings in respect of an alleged offence or limits the amount of the fine that may be imposed by a court in respect of an offence.

(9) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed as requiring the serving of a litter notice under this regulation or as affecting the liability of a person to be prosecuted in a court in respect of an alleged offence against regulation 16 in relation to which a litter notice has not been served.

Offences relating to spearfishing

18. (1) A person shall not—

(a) in the Capricornia Section; or

(b) in a part of the Marine Park in respect of which a zoning plan is not in force,

use for the purpose of spearfishing—

(c) an underwater breathing apparatus other than a snorkel; or

(d) a power-head.

Penalty: $1,000.

(2) Sub-regulation (1) does not apply where a person uses a power-head for the purpose of protecting himself or other persons from attack by shark.

(3) In this regulation, “power-head” means a device by means of which a fish may be taken, being a device that may be attached to a spear and that consists of or contains an explosive charge.

Persons shall not furnish false information

19. (1) A person shall not, in an application for a permission under these Regulations, make a statement or furnish information that is false or misleading in a material particular.

Penalty: $1,000.

(2) Where—

(a) a permission has been granted to a person under these Regulations; and

(b) that person is convicted of an offence against sub-regulation (1) in relation to the application for that permission,

the Authority may, by notice in writing given to that person, revoke that permission.

Suspension of permission

20. (1) Where a relevant permission, or a permission granted for the purposes of regulation 15, has been granted subject to conditions and it appears to the Authority that—

(a) the person to whom the permission has been granted has not complied with any such condition; and

(b) by reason of such non-compliance, damage, degradation or disruption to the physical environment, or the living resources, of the Marine Park has occurred or there is an imminent threat that such damage, degradation or disruption will occur,

the Authority may suspend the permission.

(2) Where the Authority suspends a permission under sub-regulation (1) it shall, as soon as practicable, notify the person to whom the permission was granted of the fact.

(3) Where the Authority suspends a permission under sub-regulation (1) it shall investigate the matter in respect of which the permission was suspended.

(4) Where the Authority has investigated the matter in respect of which the permission was suspended and has not found any grounds for revoking the permission, the Authority shall forthwith remove the suspension.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, a suspension ceases to apply upon the expiration of a period of 10 days commencing on the day on which the permission was suspended.

Revocation of permission

21. (1) Where—

(a) a relevant permission, or a permission granted for the purposes of regulation 15, has been granted subject to conditions; and

(b) the person to whom the permission was granted fails to comply with any such condition,

the Authority may revoke the permission.

(2) Where the Authority has revoked a permission under sub-regulation (1), it shall, as soon as practicable, notify in writing the person to whom the permission was granted of the fact.

(3) Where a permission has been revoked under sub-regulation (1), the person who was the holder of that permission may be convicted of an offence by reason of his failure to comply with a condition of the permission notwithstanding that the permission has been revoked.

Reconsideration and review of decisions of Authority

22. (1) In this regulation, “decision” has the same meaning as in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

(2) A person affected by a decision made by the Authority under these Regulations—

(a) in respect of an application for a relevant permission or a permission referred to in regulation 15; or

(b) suspending or revoking such a permission,

(not being a decision that is deemed to be such a decision by sub-section 43 (6) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975) may, if he is dissatisfied with the decision, by notice in writing given to the Authority within 21 days after the day on which the decision first comes to the notice of the person, request the Authority to reconsider the decision.

(3) There shall be set out in the request the reasons for making the request.

(4) The Authority shall, within 40 days after the day on which it receives the request, reconsider the decision and may make any decision that it might have made in the first instance whereupon the first decision shall be deemed for all purposes not to have been made.

(5) The Authority shall give to the person who has requested the reconsideration of the decision notice in writing of the decision made under sub-regulation (4).

(6) An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the review of a decision by the Authority made under sub-regulation (4).

Giving of notices

23. Without prejudice to any other method of giving notice, the Authority may give a notice to a person by sending the notice by post addressed to the person at his last-known place of residence or business.

Form of identity card

24. An identity card issued under sub-section 45 (1) of the Act shall be in accordance with the Form in Schedule 3.


SCHEDULE 1 Regulation 6




All species of each of the following:

Family Chaetodontidae

Family Pomacentridae

Family Holocentridae

Family Syngnathidae

Genus Pterois

Genus Brachirus

Genus Pteropterus

Family Apogonidae

Genus Cirrhitiehthys

Genus Paracirrhites

Genus Anampses

Genus Epibulus

Genus Gomphosus

Genus Labroides

Genus Lienardella

Genus Macropharyngodon

Genus Stethojulis

Genus Thalassoma

Family Blenniidae

Family Clinidae

Family Gobiidae

Family Acanthuridae

Genus Lo

Family Ostraciontidae


All species of each of the following:

Phylum Porifera

Phylum Coelenterata

Phylum Bryozoa

Phylum Echinodermata

Class Foraminifera

Class Crustacea (except Family Palinuridae, Family Penaeidae, Family Scyllaridae, species Portunus sanguinolentus, males of the species Portunus pelagicus or Scylla serrata)

Class Gastropoda

Class Bivalvia (except Family Amusiidae)


All species of each of the following:

Family Cheloniidae

Family Dermochelyidae

Family Laticaudidae

Family Hydrophiidae

Family Acrochordidae


All species of each of the following:

Order Mysticeti

Order Odontoceti

Order Sirenia

SCHEDULE 1—continued


All species of marine plant


sea shells

coral limestone


star sand

SCHEDULE 2 Regulation 14


Epinephelus tukula (potatoe cod)

Promicrops lanceolatus (giant groper)

SCHEDULE 3 Regulation 24



The person whose name, signature and photograph appear hereon is an inspector under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975.




Identification No.........................


Dated                   19......................


Issuing Officer.........................


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.......


1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 4 November 1983.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer