Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Patents Regulations 1991

Statutory Rules No. 71, 1991

made under the

Patents Act 1990

Compilation No. 72

Compilation date: 26 August 2021

Includes amendments up to: F2020L00997

Registered: 3 September 2021

This compilation is in 2 volumes

Volume 1: regulations 1.1–23.52

Volume 2: Schedules and Endnotes

Each volume has its own contents

This compilation includes commenced amendments made by F2020L00398

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Patents Regulations 1991 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 26 August 2021 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Selfrepealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Schedule 5—Knowledge requirements

Part 1—Overall requirement

Part 2—Legal process and overview of intellectual property

Part 3—Professional conduct

Part 4—Intellectual property law

Part 5—Intellectual property systems

Schedule 7—Fees

Part 1—Patent Attorneys

1 Table of fees—patent attorneys

Part 2—General fees

2 Table of fees—general fees

Part 3—General fees for international applications

3 Table of fees—general fees for international applications

Part 4—Fees payable for benefit of International Bureau

4 Table of fees—fees payable for benefit of International Bureau

Schedule 8—Costs, expenses and allowances

Part 1—Costs

Part 2—Expenses and allowances

Division 1—Expenses

Division 2—Allowances


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Schedule 5Knowledge requirements

(regulation 20.8)

Part 1Overall requirement

 1. A course of study must provide for a student to have an appropriate level of:

 (a) knowledge and practical application so that the student can give advice about applicable categories of protection for particular activities; and

 (b) appreciation of the advantages of each form of protection for a client; and

 (c) understanding of how to get and maintain appropriate protection for a client; and

 (d) understanding of the required standard of professional conduct.

Part 2Legal process and overview of intellectual property

 2. A course of study must provide for a student to have an appropriate level of understanding of the Australian and New Zealand legal systems and how intellectual property rights may be protected.

Part 3Professional conduct

 3. A course of study must provide for a student to have an appropriate level of understanding of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a patent attorney or trade marks attorney.

Part 4Intellectual property law

 4. A course of study must provide for a student to have an appropriate level of understanding of the principles of trade marks, patents, designs and copyright.

Part 5Intellectual property systems

 5. A course of study must provide for a student to have an appropriate level of understanding of the systems of protecting and exploiting trade marks, patents and designs, both in Australia and New Zealand, and in other countries. This includes:

 (a) the ability to draft patent specifications; and

 (b) an understanding of patent specifications; and

 (c) the ability to advise on the interpretation, validity and infringement of patent specifications.

Schedule 7Fees

Note: See regulations 22.2, 22.3 and 22.4.

Part 1Patent Attorneys

1  Table of fees—patent attorneys

  The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified in the table.




Fee ($)


Applying for admission to sit for an examination conducted by the Board



Applying for grant of a supplementary examination conducted by the Board



Applying for a report of reasons for failure of an examination conducted by the Board



Applying for registration as a patent attorney



Annual registration of a patent attorney



Annual registration fee payable for combined registration as a patent attorney and trade marks attorney



Applying under regulation 20.29, 20.30 or 20.31



Applying for registration as an incorporated patent attorney



Annual registration of an incorporated patent attorney



Annual registration fee payable for combined registration as an incorporated patent attorney and incorporated trade marks attorney



Applying to be restored to the Register of Patent Attorneys, as authorised by regulation 20A.22


Part 2General fees

2  Table of fees—general fees

  The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified in the table.






Filing a request for a patent accompanied by a provisional specification:



(a) by preferred means;



(b) by another means



Filing a request for an innovation patent accompanied by a complete specification:



(a) by preferred means;



(b) by another means



Filing a request for a standard patent accompanied by a complete specification:



(a) by preferred means;



(b) by another means



Filing a request for an examination, under section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification for a PCT application if the Patent Office has established an international preliminary examination report under Article 35 of the PCT, other than a report under Rule 44bis.1 of the PCT, in respect of the application



Filing a request for an examination, under section 45 of the Act, of a standard patent request and complete specification if item 204 does not apply



Search by the Commissioner in relation to a patent request and complete specification for a standard patent as part of an examination, if the complete application was made on or after 15 April 2013



Filing a request under paragraph 101A(b) of the Act, by the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent



Filing a request under paragraph 101A(b) of the Act, by a person other than the patentee of an innovation patent, for examination of the complete specification relating to the innovation patent:



(a) payable by the person making the request; and



(b) payable by the patentee



Filing a request under subsection 44(3) of the Act requiring the Commissioner to direct an applicant to request examination



Filing a request under subsection 97(2) or paragraph 101G(1)(b) of the Act for reexamination of a complete specification



Continuation fee under paragraph 142(2)(d) of the Act, or renewal fee under paragraph 143(a) of the Act, for:



(a) the fourth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(b) the fifth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(c) the sixth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(d) the seventh anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(e) the eighth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(f) the ninth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(g) the tenth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(h) the 11th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(i) the 12th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(j) the 13th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(k) the 14th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(l) the 15th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(m) the 16th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(n) the 17th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(o) the 18th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(p) the 19th anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(q) if an extension of the term of a standard patent is granted under section 76 of the Act:



(i) the 20th anniversary, fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) the 20th anniversary, fee paid by another means;



(iii) the 21st anniversary, fee paid by preferred means;



(iv) the 21st anniversary, fee paid by another means;



(v) the 22nd anniversary, fee paid by preferred means;



(vi) the 22nd anniversary, fee paid by another means;



(vii) the 23rd anniversary, fee paid by preferred means;



(viii) the 23rd anniversary, fee paid by another means;



(ix) the 24th anniversary, fee paid by preferred means;



(x) the 24th anniversary, fee paid by another means



and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or before the anniversary but is paid within 6 months after the anniversary

$100 for each month, or part of a month, in the period between the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid


Renewal fee under paragraph 143A(d) of the Act for:



(a) the second anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(b) the third anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(c) the fourth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(d) the fifth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(e) the sixth anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means;



(f) the seventh anniversary:



(i) fee paid by preferred means;



(ii) fee paid by another means



and, in addition, if the fee is not paid on or before the anniversary but is paid within 6 months after the anniversary

$100 for each month, or part of a month, in the period between the anniversary and the day when the fee is paid


Acceptance of a patent request and complete specification under section 49 of the Act:



(a) if the specification does not contain more than 20 claims at acceptance;



(b) if the specification contains more than 20 claims at acceptance

The sum of:

(a) $250; and

(b) $125 for each claim in excess of 20, up to and including the 30th claim; and

(c) $250 for each claim in excess of 30 (if any)


Filing an application or request under section 17, 32 or 36, or subsection 191A(2) of the Act



National phase entry of a PCT application under paragraph 29A(5)(b) of the Act:



(a) fee paid by preferred means;



(b) fee paid by another means



Filing a request under subregulation 3.25(1) for the certification referred to in Rule 11.3(a) of the Budapest Treaty



Filing a notice of opposition under regulation 5.4, 5.6 or 5.10



Filing an application under subregulation 5.9(1) for an extension of time

$500 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought


Filing a request for leave to amend:

(a) a complete specification relating to an application for a standard patent, before a request for examination is filed or after the complete specification is accepted; or

(b) a complete specification relating to a standard patent



Grant of leave to amend a complete specification relating to a standard patent, or relating to an application for a standard patent, after the complete specification is accepted, if:

$250 for each additional claim that arises as described in paragraph (b)


(a) more than 20 claims are contained in the complete specification as proposed to be amended; and



(b) the effect of the proposed amendment would be to increase the number of claims in the complete specification



Filing a request for leave to amend a patent request for an innovation patent to make it a patent request for a standard patent



Filing a request for leave to amend a complete specification relating to an innovation patent:

(a) after the patent is granted but before a request for examination is filed; or

(b) after the patent is certified



Filing an application for an extension of time under subsection 223(2) of the Act on a ground specified in paragraph 223(2)(a) of the Act

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought


Filing an application under subsection 223(2) of the Act for an extension of time on the ground specified in paragraph 223(2)(b) of the Act



Filing an application for an extension of time under subsection 223(2A) of the Act

$100 for each month or part of a month for which the extension is sought


Filing a request for a hearing



Appearing and being heard at an oral hearing in person or by other means:



(a) for the first day

$1 000 less any amount paid under item 230 in relation to the hearing


(b) if the hearing runs for more than a day

$1 000 for each day, or part of a day, after the first day


Hearing on the basis of written submissions only, where the submissions are filed after the notice of hearing or invitation to be heard is issued

$600 less any amount paid under item 230 in relation to the hearing


Requesting the supply of not more than 3 documents relating to a single patent application or a single patent

$50 for each document


Requesting the supply of 4 or more documents relating to a single patent application or a single patent

$200 for each request


If a request is made for the supply of documents as mentioned in item 233 or 234—requesting that the supply be by means of expedited dispatch

$20 for each request for the supply of documents


Filing a request under regulation 3.14A for an internationaltype search



Preliminary search and opinion by the Commissioner in relation to a patent request and complete specification under subsection 43A(1) of the Act



Filing an application under subsection 70(1) of the Act for the grant of an extension of the term of a standard patent

$2 000

Part 3General fees for international applications

3  Table of fees—general fees for international applications

  The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified in the table.






Transmittal fee under Rule 14 of the PCT



Search fee under Rule 16 of the PCT

$2 200


Additional fee for search under Article 17(3)(a) of the PCT

$2 200


Preliminary examination fee under Rule 58 of the PCT



(a) if the international search report was issued by the Patent Office in respect of the international application;



(b) in other cases



Additional fee for international preliminary examination under Article 34(3)(a) of the PCT



For a copy of a document in accordance with Rule 44.3(b) or 71.2(b) of the PCT



For processing a request for restoration of priority under Rule 26bis of the PCT.


Part 4Fees payable for benefit of International Bureau

4  Table of fees—fees payable for benefit of International Bureau

  The following table sets out fees that are payable in relation to matters specified in the table.






International filing fee:
(Rule 15.2 of the PCT)

1,330 Swiss francs plus 15 Swiss francs for each sheet of the international application in excess of 30 sheets


Handling fee:
(Rule 57.2 of the PCT)

200 Swiss francs



The international filing fee is reduced by the following amount if the international application is, as provided for in the Administrative Instructions, filed:

(b) in electronic form, the request being in character coded format—200 Swiss francs;

(c) in electronic form, the request, description, claims and abstract being in character coded format—300 Swiss francs.


The international filing fee (where applicable, as reduced under item 403) and the handling fee are reduced in accordance with item 5 of the Schedule of Fees set out in the PCT.

Schedule 8Costs, expenses and allowances

Note: See subregulations 20.41(3) and 20A.16(3) and regulation 22.8.

Part 1Costs


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3





Notice of opposition



Statement of grounds and particulars



Receiving and perusing statement of grounds and particulars



Evidence in support

$1 500


Receiving and perusing notice of opposition



Receiving and perusing evidence in support



Evidence in answer

$1 500


Receiving and perusing evidence in answer



Evidence in reply



Receiving and perusing evidence in reply



Preparation of case for hearing

$1 000


Attendance at hearing by registered patent attorney or solicitor without counsel

$260 an hour, but not more than $1 170 a day


Attendance at hearing by registered patent attorney or solicitor instructing counsel

$200 an hour, but not more than $900 a day


Counsel fees for attendance at a hearing

$300 an hour, but not more than $1 350 a day

Part 2Expenses and allowances

Division 1Expenses

 1 A person who has paid a fee prescribed in these Regulations in relation to proceedings before the Commissioner or the Disciplinary Tribunal may be paid the amount of the fee.

 2 A person attending proceedings before the Commissioner or the Disciplinary Tribunal must be paid:

 (a) a reasonable amount for allowances for transport between the usual place of residence of the person and the place that he or she attends for that purpose; and

 (b) if the person is required to be absent overnight from his or her usual place of residencea reasonable amount for allowances up to a daily maximum of $700 for meals and accommodation.

Division 2Allowances

 3 A person who, because of his or her professional, scientific or other special skill or knowledge, is summoned to appear before the Commissioner or the Disciplinary Tribunal as a witness must be paid:

 (a) if the person is remunerated in his or her occupation by wages, salary or feesan amount equal to the amount of wages, salary or fees not paid to the person because of his or her attendance for that purpose; or

 (b) in any other casean amount of not less than $140, or more than $700, for each day on which he or she so attends.

 4 A person summoned to appear before the Commissioner or the Disciplinary Tribunal as a witness, other than a witness referred to in clause 3, must be paid:

 (a) if the person is remunerated in his or her occupation by wages, salary or feesan amount equal to the amount of wages, salary or fees not paid to the person because of his or her attendance for that purpose; or

 (b) in any other casean amount of not less than $80, or more than $130, for each day on which he or she so attends.


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3—Legislation history


Number and year

FRLI registration or gazettal


Application, saving and transitional provisions

1991 No. 71

26 Apr 1991

30 Apr 1991


1991 No. 456

19 Dec 1991

r 3, 5 and 7: 1 Jan 1992
Remainder: 19 Dec 1991

1992 No. 148

9 June 1992

r 5: 9 June 1992
Remainder: 1 July 1992

r 7

1993 No. 113

3 June 1993

1 July 1993

r 9

1993 No. 227

26 Aug 1993

r 3.1, 4.1 and 4.4: 1 Oct 1992
Remainder: 1 Jan 1993

1993 No. 340

10 Dec 1993

10 Dec 1993

r 8

1993 No. 341

10 Dec 1993

1 Jan 1994

1994 No. 182

16 June 1994

29 June 1994

1994 No. 317

6 Sept 1994

1 Oct 1994

r 10

1994 No. 387

21 Nov 1994

r 9 and 10: 30 May 1995
Remainder: 21 Nov 1994

r 10

1995 No. 16

14 Feb 1995

r 38: 30 Apr 1991
Remainder: 14 Feb 1995

r 45

1995 No. 20

22 Feb 1995

23 Feb 1995

1995 No. 82

9 May 1995

r 4–9, 11.2 and 12–14: 1 July 1995
Remainder: 9 May 1995

r 14

1995 No. 427

22 Dec 1995

1 Jan 1996

1996 No. 271

11 Dec 1996

11 Dec 1996

1997 No. 192

4 July 1997

4 July 1997

1997 No. 345

9 Dec 1997

r 3, 4, 8–10, 13 and 14:
1 Jan 1998
Remainder: 9 Dec 1997

r 3

1998 No. 45

25 Mar 1998

25 Mar 1998

1998 No. 56

8 Apr 1998

8 Apr 1998

r 13–17

1998 No. 141

25 June 1998

r 3–5: 1 July 1998
Remainder: 25 June 1998

1998 No. 241

31 July 1998

31 July 1998

1998 No. 257

12 Aug 1998

12 Aug 1998

1998 No. 264

26 Aug 1998

r 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4: 1 Nov 1998
Remainder: 26 Aug 1998

1998 No. 291

7 Sept 1998

7 Sept 1998

1998 No. 319

1 Dec 1998

27 Jan 1999 (r 2)

1998 No. 342

22 Dec 1998

1 Jan 1999

1998 No. 345

22 Dec 1998

27 Jan 1999

1999 No. 154

14 July 1999

14 July 1999

1999 No. 184

1 Sept 1999

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 1 Sept 1999
Remainder: 6 Sept 1999

1999 No. 261

27 Oct 1999

r 1–4 and Sch 1: 27 Oct 1999
Remainder: 1 Jan 2000

r 4

1999 No. 349

22 Dec 1999

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 22 Dec 1999
Remainder: 1 Jan 2000

2000 No. 317

29 Nov 2000

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 29 Nov 2000
Sch 2: 1 Jan 2001
Remainder: 1 Mar 2001

2001 No. 98

23 May 2001

24 May 2001 (r 2)

2001 No. 184

5 July 2001

5 July 2001

2001 No. 345

21 Dec 2001

Sch 2: 1 Jan 2002
Remainder: 21 Dec 2001

2002 No. 59

28 Mar 2002

1 Apr 2002

r 4

2002 No. 100

23 May 2002

23 May 2002

2002 No. 173

11 July 2002

r 1–5 and Sch 1–3: 11 July 2002
Remainder: 1 Sept 2002

2002 No. 263

6 Nov 2002

6 Nov 2002

2002 No. 317

19 Dec 2002

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 19 Dec 2002
Remainder: 1 Jan 2003

r 4

2003 No. 71

28 Apr 2003

28 Apr 2003

2003 No. 213

21 Aug 2003

Sch 1: 21 Aug 2003
Remainder: 26 Aug 2003 (r 2(b))

2003 No. 316

11 Dec 2003

r 1–4 and Sch 1: 11 Dec 2003 (r 2(a))
Remainder: 1 Jan 2004

r 4

2004 No. 23

26 Feb 2004

11 Mar 2004 (r 2)

2004 No. 193

1 July 2004

1 July 2004 (r 2)

r 4

2004 No. 250

20 Aug 2004

20 Aug 2004 (r 2)

2004 No. 395

23 Dec 2004

23 Dec 2004 (r 2)

r 4

2005 No. 51

29 Mar 2005 (F2005L00753)

r 1–4 and Sch 1: 30 Mar 2005
Sch 2: 1 Apr 2005
Sch 3: 3 Apr 2005

r 4

2006 No. 55

22 Mar 2006 (F2006L00846)

1 Apr 2006 (r 2)

r 4

2006 No. 355

15 Dec 2006 (F2006L03971)

1 Mar 2007 (r 2)

2007 No. 40

23 Mar 2007 (F2007L00650)

r 1–10 and Sch 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6: 27 Mar 2007
Sch 4 and 8: 1 Apr 2007 (r 2(b))
Sch 7: 27 Mar 2007
(r 2(c))

r 8

2007 No. 357

18 Oct 2007 (F2007L04114)

22 Oct 2007 (r 2)

2008 No. 122

23 June 2008 (F2008L02119)

1 July 2008 (r 2)

r 5

2008 No. 178

2 Sept 2008 (F2008L03228)

1 July 2008 (r 2)

2008 No. 279

19 Dec 2008 (F2008L04588)

1 Jan 2009 (r 2)

r 3

2009 No. 150

26 June 2009 (F2009L02472)

1 July 2009 (r 2)

r 3

2009 No. 332

27 Nov 2009 (F2009L04297)

12 Dec 2009 (r 2)

2010 No. 181

30 June 2010 (F2010L01791)

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 1 July 2010 (r 2(a))
r 4 and Sch 2:1 Aug 2010 (r 2(b))

2011 No. 62

16 May 2011 (F2011L00773)

1 July 2011 (s 2)

r 3 and 4

2011 No. 217

29 Nov 2011 (F2011L02480)

r 1–3 and Sch 1: 27 Dec 2011 (s 2(a))
r 4 and Sch 2: 1 Jan 2012 (s 2(b)

2012 No. 66

14 May 2012 (F2012L01031)

Sch 1 (Part 1–4): 1 July 2012 (s 2(a)(ii))
Sch 1 (Part 5): 1 Oct 2012 (s 2(b))

s 3

221, 2012

17 Sept 2012 (F2012L01878)

18 Sept 2012 (s 2)

31, 2013

18 Mar 2013 F2013L00479)

Sch 1, Sch 3 (items 1–9), Sch 4 (items 1–29), Sch 6 (items 5–86) and Sch 7 (items 1, 2): 15 Apr 2013 (s 2)

88, 2015

19 June 2015 (F2015L00852)

Sch 1 and Sch 4: 25 Aug 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 5)
Sch 2: 23 Jan 2017 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3 (item 3), Sch 5 (items 3–14) and Sch 6: 20 June 2015: 20 June 2015 (s 2(1) items 4, 6)





Application, saving and transitional provisions

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Fee Review) Regulation 2016

19 Aug 2016 (F2016L01306)

Sch 1 (items 10–51): 10 Oct 2016 (s 2(1) item 1)

Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment (Single Economic Market and Other Measures) Regulation 2016

14 Nov 2016 (F2016L01754)

Sch 1: 24 Feb 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 4 (items 1, 2): 15 Nov 2016 (s 2(1) item 3)

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Regulations 2018

16 Oct 2018 (F2018L01435)

Sch 1 (item 6) and Sch 2 (items 185, 186, 233, 234): 17 Oct 2018 (s 2(1) items 4, 8, 14)
Sch 2 (items 34–58, 124–138, 189, 190, 192–214): 24 Feb 2019 (s 2(1) items 6, 7, 9, 10)

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (PCT Translations and Other Measures) Regulations 2019

25 Mar 2019 (F2019L00376)

Sch 1: 25 Sept 2019 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2 (items 3–11): 26 Mar 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)

as amended by




Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (PCT Translations and Other Measures) Amendment Regulations 2019

9 Aug 2019 (F2019L01043)

10 Aug 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 2 and Other Measures) Regulations 2020

3 Apr 2020 (F2020L00398)

Sch 1 (items 1–4): 26 Aug 2021 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 1 (item 10): 26 Aug 2020 (s 2(1) item 4)
Remainder: 4 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) items 1, 3, 5)

Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Fee Amounts and Other Measures) Regulations 2020

7 Aug 2020 (F2020L00997)

Sch 1 (items 11–35): 1 Oct 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Chapter 1


r. 1.1....................

rs. 1998 No. 257

r 1.2....................

rep LA s 48D

r 1.3....................

am 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 98; 2004 No. 395; 2008 Nos. 122 and 279; 2009 No. 332; 2011 No. 217; 2012 No. 66; No. 31, 2013; No 88, 2015; F2016L01754; F2018L01435; F2019L00376; F2020L00997

r. 1.3A..................

ad. 2003 No. 213

r. 1.4....................

am. 1991 No. 456; 1992 No. 148; 1993 Nos. 227 and 341


rs. 1995 Nos. 16 and 427


am. 1997 No. 345; 1998 Nos. 141 and 342; 1999 No. 349; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 345; 2002 Nos. 59 and 317; 2003 No. 316; 2005 No. 51; 2006 No. 55; 2007 No. 40; 2008 No. 279; 2009 No. 150; 2010 No. 181; 2011 No. 62; 2012 No. 66


rs. No. 31, 2013

r 1.4A...................

ad No 88, 2015


am No 88, 2015

r. 1.5....................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 1.6....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2008 No. 279; 2009 No. 332


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 1.6A..................

rep. No. 31, 2013

r 1.7....................

am No 98, 2001


rep F2020L00398

r. 1.8....................

ad. 2009 No. 332

Chapter 2


r. 2.1....................

am. 2001 No. 98; No 88, 2015

r. 2.2....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.2A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.2B..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.2C..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.2D..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.3....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 2.4....................

rs. 1995 No. 16


am. 2001 No. 98

r. 2.5....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2007 No. 357

r. 2.6....................

rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 2.7....................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. 2001 No. 98


am F2019L00376

Chapter 3


Part 1


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 3.1....................

am 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2003 No. 316; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435; F2019L00376

r. 3.1A..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. No. 31, 2013


ed C69

r 3.2....................

am 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317


rs 2001 No. 98; No 88, 2015; F2018L01435

r 3.2A...................

ad 2001 No. 98


rs 2009 No. 332


am No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r 3.2AB..................

ad No 31, 2013


am F2020L00997

r 3.2B...................

ad 2001 No. 98


am 2002 No. 59; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435; F2020L00398

r 3.2C...................

ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015; F2016L01754; F2018L01435; F2019L00376

r. 3.3....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2002 No. 59; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r 3.4....................

am 1995 No. 16; 2002 No. 59; F2018L01435

r 3.5....................

am 2000 No. 317


rs 2001 No. 98


am No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r .3.5AA.................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 3.5A...................

ad 2001 No. 98


am 2002 No. 59; 2008 No. 279; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435; F2019L00376

r. 3.5AB.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2019L00376

r. 3.5AC.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2018L01435; F2019L00376

r. 3.5AD.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2018L01435

r. 3.5AE.................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.5AF.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2019L00376

r. 3.5AG.................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.5B..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.6....................

rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.7....................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.8....................

rs. 1995 No. 16


am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.9....................

rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.10...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r 3.11...................

rep No 98, 2001


ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 3.12...................

am No 16, 1995; No 98, 2001; No 40, 2007


rs No. 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r. 3.13...................

rs. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r 3.13A..................

ad No. 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r 3.13B..................

ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r 3.13C..................

ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r 3.13D..................

ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r 3.13E..................

ad No 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015

r. 3.14...................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

Division 3


Division 3 heading..........

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.14A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.14B..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.14C..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.14D..................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2019L00376

r 3.15...................

am No 98, 2001; No 31, 2013; No 88, 2015

r. 3.16...................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 3.17...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.17A..................

ad. 2002 No. 59


am. 2002 No. 263, 2003 No. 71


rs. 2003 No. 213; No. 31, 2013

r. 3.17B..................

ad. 2003 No. 213


am. 2007 No. 357


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.17C..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 3.18...................

am 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2007 No. 357; 2008 No. 279; No. 31, 2013


ed C65


am F2018L01435

r. 3.19...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 3.20...................

am. 2001 No. 98; 2008 No. 279


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.21...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 3.22...................

am. 1995 No. 16


rep. 2001 No. 98


ad. 2008 No. 279


rs. 2009 No. 332

Part 2


r. 3.23...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; F2019L00376

r 3.24...................

am 1995 No. 16; F2018L01435

r 3.25...................

am 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98


rs No 88, 2015


am F2018L01435

r 3.25A..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 3.25B..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 3.25C..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 3.25D..................

ad No 88, 2015


am F2020L00398

r 3.25E..................

ad No 88, 2015


am F2020L00398

r 3.25F..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 3.25G..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 3.25H..................

ad No 88, 2015


am F2018L01435

r. 3.26...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.27...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.28...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.29...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 3.30...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 3.31...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r 3.32...................

ad No 88, 2015

Chapter 4


r. 4.1....................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 4.2....................

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 82; 2001 No. 98; F2018L01435

r. 4.3....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 1998 No. 45; 1999 No. 261; 2002 No. 100; 2009 No. 332; No. 31, 2013

r. 4.4....................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

Chapter 5


Chapter 5.................

rs. No. 31, 2013

Part 5.1


r. 5.1....................

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 82; 1997 No. 192; 1998 No. 319; 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.2....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r 5.3....................

am 1995 Nos. 16 and 82; 1998 No. 319; 2001 No. 98


rs No. 31, 2013


rep F2018L01435

Part 5.2


Division 5.2.1


r. 5.3AA.................

ad. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.3A..................

ad. 1995 No. 16


am 2001 No 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.3B..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.4....................

am. 1993 No. 113; 1995 No. 82


rs. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 5.5....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.6....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.7....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.8....................

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 82; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.9....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.9A..................

ad. 2004 No. 250


rep. No. 31, 2013

Division 5.2.2


r. 5.10...................

am. 1993 Nos. 113 and 340; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59; 2004 No. 250


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.11...................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.12...................

rs. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

Part 5.3


r. 5.13...................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 5.14...................

rs. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 5.15...................

rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.16...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 5.4


r. 5.17...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.18...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 5.5


r. 5.19...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.20...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 5.6


r. 5.21...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.22...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.23...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.24...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 5.25...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 5.26...................

ad No. 31, 2013


am F2018L01435

Chapter 6


Part 1


Part 1 heading.............

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.1....................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 6.1A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 6.2....................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 6.2A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 6.3....................

am. 1999 No. 261


rs. 2001 No. 98


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 6.4....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r 6.5....................

rep. 2001 No. 98

r 6.6....................

rep. 2001 No. 98

r. 6.7....................

am. 1995 No. 16


rep. 1995 No. 82

Part 2


Part 2...................

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.7....................

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.8....................

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.9....................

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.10...................

ad. 1998 No. 319

r. 6.11...................

ad. 1998 No. 319


am. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 6A


Chapter 6A...............

ad. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 6A.1..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 6A.2..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2007 No. 40; No. 31, 2013

Chapter 7


r. 7.1....................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 7.2....................

am. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 8.................

rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.1....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.1A..................

ad. 1999 No. 184


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.1B..................

ad. 2003 No. 213


rep. 2004 No. 395

r. 8.2....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.3....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 1999 No. 261; 2001 No. 98; 2003 No. 316; 2004 Nos. 193 and 395; 2007 No. 40


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.4....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 Nos. 98 and 345; 2002 No. 100; 2004 No. 193; 2010 No. 181


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.5....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.6....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2008 No. 279; 2009 No. 332


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.6A..................

ad. 2009 No. 332


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 8.7....................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

Chapter 9


r 9.1....................

am 2001 No. 98


rs 2002 No. 59


am F2018L01435

r. 9.2....................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013; F2019L00376

r. 9.3....................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 9.4....................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 9.5....................

am. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 9A


Chapter 9A...............

ad. 2001 No. 98

r 9A.1...................

ad 2001 No. 98


am F2018L01435

r. 9A.2..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r. 9A.2A.................

ad. 2002 No. 59


am. 2002 No. 173; 2003 No. 213


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 9A.2B.................

ad. 2003 No. 213


am. 2007 No. 357


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 9A.3..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r 9A.4...................

ad 2001 No. 98


am 2002 No. 59; 2008 No. 279; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r. 9A.5..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 10


r 10.1...................

am No 16, 1995; No 98, 2001; No 316, 2003; No 31, 2013; No 88, 2015; F2018L01435

r. 10.2...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2004 No. 395; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r. 10.2A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 10.2B..................

ad No 31, 2013


am F2020L00398

r. 10.2C..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 10.3...................

am. 1997 No. 345; 2001 No. 98


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 10.4...................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 10.5...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 10.6...................

rs. 1995 No. 16


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 10.6A..................

ad. 2011 No. 217

r. 10.6B..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 10.7...................

am. 2005 No. 51; No. 31, 2013


rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 10.8...................

rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.9...................

rep. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.10..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.11..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.12..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.13..................

rep. 2001 No. 98

r. 10.14..................

am. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 11


r. 11.1...................

am. 1997 No. 345; No. 31, 2013

Chapter 12


Part 1


Part 1 heading.............

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.1...................

am No 98, 2001; No. 40, 2007;1 No 62, 2011; No 31, 2013; No 88, 2015; F2020L00398

r 12.2...................

am. 2001 No. 98; 2011 No. 62

Part 2


Part 2...................

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.2A..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.2B..................

ad No 88, 2015


am No 88, 2015

r 12.2C..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.2D..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.2E..................

ad No 88, 2015

r 12.2F..................

ad No 88, 2015

Part 3


Part 3 heading.............

ad No 88, 2015

r. 12.3...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 12.4...................

am. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 13


r. 13.1...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 13.1A..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2004 No. 395; No. 31, 2013

r. 13.1B..................

ad. 2004 No. 395


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 13.1C..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 13.2...................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 13.3...................

am. 1994 No. 317; 1998 No. 264; 2001 No. 98; 2002 Nos. 59, 100 and 173

r 13.4...................

rs 1995 No. 16


am 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59; 2008 No. 279; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435; F2019L00376)

r. 13.5...................

am. 2001 No. 98; 2004 No. 193

r. 13.5A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 13.6...................

am. 1994 No. 317; 1995 No. 82; 1998 Nos. 264 and 319; 2001 No. 98; 2002 Nos. 59 and 173

r. 13.7...................

ad. 2002 No. 59

Chapter 15


r. 15.1...................

rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 15.2...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 15.3...................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. 2001 No. 98

Chapter 17


r 17.1...................

rs No 98, 2001


rep F2020L00398

r. 17.1A..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r. 17.2...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

Chapter 19


r. 19.1...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 19.2...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59; No. 31, 2013

Chapter 20


Chapter 20 heading..........

rs. No. 31, 2013

Part 1


r. 20.1A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 20.1B..................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.1C..................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.1...................

am. 1994 No. 387; 1998 Nos. 56 and 345; 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122


am No 31, 2013; F2016L01754

Part 2


r. 20.2...................

rs. 1998 No. 56; 2008 No. 122

r. 20.2A..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.2B..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r 20.3...................

rs. 1998 No. 345; 2008 No. 122


am No 150, 2009; No 66, 2012; F2016L01754

r. 20.3A..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.4...................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 173


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.5...................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r 20.6...................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am No 150, 2009; F2016L01754

r. 20.7...................

rs. 1998 No. 345


am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.8...................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. 2009 No. 150

r. 20.9...................

am. 1998 No. 345; 1999 No. 154


rs. 2008 No. 122

r 20.10..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r. 20.11..................

rs. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r 20.12..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

Part 3


r. 20.13..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. 2009 No. 150

r. 20.14..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

Part 4


r. 20.15..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.16..................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. 1998 No. 345; 2008 No. 122

Division 3 heading..........

rs. 1998 No. 345
rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.17..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.18..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.19..................

am. 1998 No. 345; 1999 Nos. 184 and 349; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 173


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.19A.................

ad. 1998 No. 345


am. 1999 No. 349; 2002 No. 173


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.20..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.21..................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122

Part 5


r. 20.22..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.23..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.24..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.25..................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 Nos. 98 and 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

Part 6


Part 6 heading.............

rs. No. 31, 2013

r 20. 26..................

rs No 122, 2008


am N. 31, 2013

r. 20.27..................

am. 2001 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.28..................

rs. 2008 No. 122


am. No. 31, 2013

Part 6A


Part 6A..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.28A.................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 20.28B.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

Part 7


Part 7 heading.............

rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.29..................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.30..................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.31..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. 2012 No. 66; No. 31, 2013

Part 8


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

rs. 1998 No. 56
rep. 2008 No. 122

Division 1 heading..........

ad. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.32..................

am. 1994 No. 387; 1995 No. 82


rs. 1998 No. 56


am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 20.33..................

rep. 1998 No. 56


ad. 2008 No. 122

r. 20.34..................

rs. 1998 Nos. 56 and 345; 2008 No. 122

r 20.35..................

rs. 1998 No. 56; 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

Division 2


r 20.36..................

rep. 1998 No. 56


ad. 2008 No. 122


rs F2016L01754

r 20.36A.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.36B.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.36C.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.36D.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.36E.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.37..................

am. 1994 No. 387


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.38..................

am. 1994 No. 387


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.39..................

am. 1994 No. 387


rs. 1998 No. 56; 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.40..................

am. 1994 No. 387


rs. 1998 No. 56; 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

Division 2 heading..........

rs. 1998 No. 345
rep. 2008 No. 122

r 20.41..................

am. 1998 No. 345


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.42..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.43..................

am. 1997 No. 345; 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.44..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rs. 2008 No. 122


am No 31, 2013; F2016L01754

r 20.45..................

rs. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.46..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.47..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.48..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rs F2016L01754

r 20.49..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.50..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.51..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.52..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am No 279, 2008; F2016L01754

Part 9


r. 20.53..................

ad. 2008 No. 122

Part 10


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

rs F2016L01754

r 20.54..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rep F2016L01754

r 20.55..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rep F2016L01754

r 20.56..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.57..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.58..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.59..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.60..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rep F2016L01754

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

rs F2016L01754

r 20.61..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rs F2016L01754

r 20.61A.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.62..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

r 20.63..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rs F2016L01754

r 20.63A.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.63B.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20.64..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rs F2016L01754

r 20.65..................

ad. 2008 No. 122


rep F2016L01754

Chapter 20A


Chapter 20A..............

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 1


r. 20A.1..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 20A.1A.................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.1B.................

ad F2016L01754

r. 20A.2..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 2


r 20A.3..................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r. 20A.4..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 3


r. 20A.5..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 4


r. 20A.6..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 20A.7..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 20A. 8.................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Part 5


Division 1


r. 20A.9..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 20A.10.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

Division 2


r 20A.11.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


rs F2016L01754

r 20A.11A................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.11B................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.11C................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.11D................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.11E................

ad F2016L01754

r 20A.12.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.13.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.14.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.15.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.16.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.17.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.18.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.19.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.20.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

r 20A.21.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

Part 6


r 20A.22.................

ad. No. 31, 2013


am F2016L01754

Chapter 21


r. 21.1...................

am. 1999 No. 184

r. 21.2...................

ad. 1994 No. 182


rs. 1998 No. 257; 1999 No. 184


am F2019L00376

Chapter 22


Part 1


Division 1


r 22.1...................

am 1998 Nos. 241 and 342; F2018L01435

r. 22.2...................

am. 1991 No. 456; 1993 No. 113; 1994 No. 317; 1997 No. 345; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 173; 2003 No. 316; 2010 No. 181; 2012 No. 66; No. 31, 2013; F2016L01306; F2020L00997

r 22.2AA.................

ad 2012 No. 66


rep F2018L01435

r. 22.2A..................

ad. 1998 No. 241


rs. 2001 No. 98

r. 22.2B..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173; No. 31, 2013

r. 22.2C..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 Nos. 59 and 173; 2003 No. 213; No. 31, 2013; F2016L01306

r. 22.2D..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173

r. 22.2E..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173


rep. No. 31, 2013

r. 22.2EA.................

ad. 2010 No. 181


rs. 2011 No. 62

r. 22.2F..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173; 2010 No. 181; No. 31, 2013

r. 22.2G..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173; 2012 No. 66

r. 22.2H..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


am. 2002 No. 173; F2016L01306; F2020L00997

r 22.2HA.................

ad F2020L00997


ed C71

r. 22.2I..................

ad. 2002 No. 173

r. 22.3...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 173

r. 22.4...................

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 427; 1998 No. 342; 2003 No. 316

r. 22.5...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98; No 88, 2015

r. 22.6...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 22.7...................

am. 1995 No. 16

Division 2


r. 22.7A..................

ad. 1993 No. 340

r. 22.8...................

am. 1993 No. 340; 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

Part 2


r. 22.8A..................

ad. 2001 No. 98


rep. 2009 No. 332

r. 22.9...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r 22.10..................

am 2001 No. 98; 2011 No. 62; No. 31, 2013; F2016L01754; F2018L01435

r 22.10A.................

ad 2001 No. 98


rep F2018L01435

r. 22.10AA................

ad. 2007 No. 40


am. No. 31, 2013

r. 22.10AB................

ad. 2007 No. 40


am 2011 No. 62; 2011 No 217; No. 31, 2013

r 22.10AC................

ad 2007 No. 40


rs No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r. 22.11..................

am. 1993 No. 113; 1995 No. 82; 1998 Nos. 241, 264 and 319; 2001 No. 98; 2002 No. 59; 2004 No. 250; 2008 No. 122; No. 31, 2013; F2020L00398

r 22.12..................

am No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r 22.13..................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2009 No. 150


rs. 2012 No. 66


am F2016L01754

r 22.15..................

am 1995 No. 16


rs 1998 No. 141


am 2003 No. 213


rs No. 31, 2013


am No 88, 2015; F2018L01435; F2019L00376

r 22.15A.................

ad F2019L00376

r 22.16..................

am 2001 No. 98; 2009 No. 332; No. 31, 2013; F2018L01435

r 22.16A.................

ad F2018L01435

r 22.18..................

rep No 88, 2015

r. 22.20..................

am. 1995 No. 16

r. 22.21..................

am. 2001 No. 98; No. 31, 2013

r. 22.22..................

rs. No. 31, 2013

r. 22.23..................

am. 1995 No. 16


rs. No. 31, 2013

r 22.26..................

am 1995 No. 16; 1998 Nos. 45, 291 and 345; 2001 No. 98; 2004 No. 395; 2005 No. 51; 2008 No. 122; No. 31, 2013; No 88, 2015; F2016L01754


ed C65

r. 22.27..................

ad. No. 31, 2013

Chapter 23


Chapter 23 heading..........

rs F2018L01435

Part 1


Part 1 heading.............

ad. No. 31, 2013

r. 23.2...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.3...................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 23.4...................

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 82; 2001 No. 98

r. 23.5...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.6...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.7...................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.8...................

am. 1995 No. 16

r. 23.9...................

am. 1994 No. 317

r. 23.10..................

am. 1994 No. 317; 1995 No. 16; 1997 No. 345

r. 23.11..................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 23.12..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.13..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.14..................

am. 1995 No. 16

r. 23.16..................

am. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.17..................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 23.18..................

am. 1995 No. 16

r. 23.19..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.20..................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.21..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.22..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.23..................

am. 2001 No. 98


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.24..................

rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.25..................

am. 1995 No. 16; 2001 No. 98

r. 23.27..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.28..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.29..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.30..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.31..................

ad. 1998 No. 345


rep. 2008 No. 122

r. 23.32..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.33..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.34..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

r. 23.35..................

ad. 2001 No. 98

Part 2


Part 2...................

ad. No. 31, 2013

r 23.36..................

ad No 31, 2013

r 23.37..................

ad No 88, 2015

Part 3


Part 3...................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.38..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.39..................

ad F2016L01754


ed C65

r 23.40..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.41..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.42..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.43..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.44..................

ad F2016L01754

r 23.45..................

ad F2016L01754

Part 4


Part 4...................

ad F2018L01435

r 23.46..................

ad F2018L01435

r 23.47..................

ad F2018L01435

r 23.48..................

ad F2018L01435

r 23.49..................

ad F2018L01435

Part 5


Part 5...................

ad F2019L00376

r 23.50A.................

ad F2019L00376

r 23.50..................

ad F2019L00376

Part 6


Part 6...................

ad F2020L00398

r 23.51..................

ad F2020L00398

Part 7


Part 7...................

ad F2020L00997

r 23.52..................

ad F2020L00997

Schedule 1................

am. 1995 No. 16


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 1A heading.........

ad. 1995 No. 16


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 1A..............

am. 1995 No. 16; 2002 No. 317


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 2................

am. 1991 No. 456


rs. 1992 No. 148


am. 1993 Nos. 227 and 341; 1995 No. 16; 2002 No. 59


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 2A heading.........

ad. 1995 No. 16


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 2A..............

am. 1995 Nos. 16 and 427; 1997 No. 345


rs. 1998 No. 141


am. 1998 No. 342; 1999 No. 349; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 345; 2002 Nos. 59 and 317; 2003 No. 316; 2005 No. 51; 2006 No. 55; 2007 No. 40; 2008 Nos. 178 and 279; 2009 No. 150; 2010 No. 181; 2011 No. 62; 2012 No. 66


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 3


Schedule 3 heading..........

rs. 2001 No. 98; 2009 No. 332; No. 31, 2013


rep F2018L01435

Schedule 3................

am 1995 No. 16; 1998 No. 141; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98; 2003 No. 213; 2011 No. 62; No 88, 2015


ed C65


rep F2018L01435

Schedule 4................

rs. 1991 No. 456


am. 1992 No. 148


rs. 1993 No. 340


am. 1994 No. 182; 1995 Nos. 20 and 427


rs. 1996 No. 271; 1997 No. 345


am. 1998 Nos. 257 and 342; 1999 No. 349; 2002 Nos. 173 and 317; 2004 Nos. 23 and 193; 2005 No. 51; 2007 No. 40; 2008 No. 279; 2012 No. 66


rep. No. 31, 2013

Schedule 5


Schedule 5................

am. 1994 No. 387


rs. 1998 No. 345; 2008 No. 122


am F2016L01754

Schedule 6................

am. 1998 No. 345; 2001 No. 184


rep. 2008 No. 279

Schedule 6A..............

ad. 1994 No. 182


rs. 1997 No. 192


am. 1997 No. 345


rs. 1998 No. 257


rep. 1999 No. 184

Schedule 7


Schedule 7................

am 1991 No. 456


rs 1992 No. 148


am 1993 Nos. 113 and 340; 1994 No. 317; 1995 Nos. 16, 82 and 427; 1997 Nos. 192 and 345; 1998 Nos. 264, 319, 342 and 345; 1999 Nos. 261 and 349; 2000 No. 317; 2001 Nos. 98 and 345; 2002 Nos. 59 and 173; 2003 Nos. 213 and 316; 2006 No. 355; 2007 No. 40; 2008 Nos. 122 and 178; 2010 No. 181


rs 2012 No. 66


am 2012 Nos. 66 and 221; No. 31, 2013; No 88, 2015; F2016L01306; F2018L01435; F2019L00376; F2020L00997

Schedule 8


Schedule 8................

am. 1992 No. 148


rs. 1993 No. 113


am. 1993 No. 340; 1994 No. 317; 1998 No. 345; 1999 No. 184; 2006 No. 355; F2016L01754