1928. No. 28.



I, THE GOVERNORGENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Defence. Act 19031927, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this thirtieth day of March 1928.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Minister of State for Defence.



(Statutory Rules 1927, No. 149.)


The Australian Military Regulations are amended as follows:—

(i) by omitting the words “ Colours of infantry” in regulation 673 and substituting the words “The colours of an infantry battalion”.

(ii) by inserting in regulation 676 the word “ only” next after the word “guard.” (firstly occurring).

(iii) by omitting in regulation 676 the words “High Commissioner, Governor, LieutenantGovernor or CaptainGeneral” and. substituting the words “Governor, High Commissioner LieutenantGovernor, or officer administering the government”.

(iv) by inserting in regulation 676 the word “reigning” before the words “ foreign Imperial”

(v) by adding at the end of regulation 676 the words “A guard so mounted will consist, when the King’s colour is carried, of a. major, or captain, two subaltern officers (one carrying the colour) and a sufficiency of other ranks; and, when no colour is carried, of a subaltern officer and a sufficiency of other ranks”.

(vi) by adding at the end of regulation 677 the words “ or in the case of a ceremonial parade held in honour of the King’s birthday or on the occasion of the presentation of colours.”

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(vii) by omitting in paragraph (ii) of regulation 679 the words “As for The Prince of Wales, except that the National Anthem is not to be played for them when the King, the Queen, or the Prince of Wales is present. When more” and substituting the words “Royal Salute— Present arms; standards, guidons and colours lowered. When the King, the Queen or the Prince of Wales is present, six bars of the National Anthem are to be played to another member of the Royal Family only when specially ordered. When the King, the Queen or the Prince of Wales is not present and more.”

(viii) by inserting in paragraph (iii) of regulation 679 the word “reigning” immediately before the words “ Foreign Imperial”

(ix) by omitting in paragraph (iv) of regulation 679 till words preceding the words “Royal Salute” and substituting the words “To a Viceroy, GovernorGeneral, Governor, High Commissioner, LieutenantGovernor or officer administering the government of a dominion, State, colony or territory under British rule by mandate, or territory under His Majesty’s protection abroad, or Special Royal Commissioner acting on behalf of the Sovereign, within his sphere of jurisdiction.”

(x) by omitting in paragraph (v) of regulation 679 the word “Air” and substituting the words “ Royal Air Force ”.

(xi) by omitting the word “When” in subregulation (1) of regulation 681 and substituting the word “Whenever” and by omitting in that subregulation the words “for a royal salute”

(xii) by omitting in subregulation (2) of regulation 681 the words “ In the case of officers of a headquarters staff, after the royal salute” and substituting the words “On a parade, after the royal salute has been given.”

(xiii) by omitting subregulation (3) of regulation 681.

(xiv) by omitting in regulation 686 the words “ in amity with” and substituting the words “formally recognized by”

(xv) by omitting in regulation 689 the word “military” and substituting the words “naval, military or air force ” and by adding at; the end of that regulation the words “and will pay the appropriate compliments to standards, guidons and colours carried in the procession”.

(xvi) by omitting in regulation 692 the words “in uniform” (firstly occurring) and substituting the words “ swords are not drawn ” and by omitting in that regulation the words “for soldiers”

(xvii) by omitting in regulation 693 the words “irrespective of the side on which the officer saluted is passing”

(xviii) by inserting in regulation 695 the figure “(1)” next after the figures “695” and by omitting in that regulation the words “officers of the Military Forces” and substituting

the words “the District Base Commandant” and by adding at the end of that regulation the following subregulation :—

“(2) Exchange of visits between officers of the Military Forces on the one hand and officers of any of His Majesty’s naval or Air Forces or foreign officers on the other hand is to be upon the following basis:

(i) The junior is first to visit the senior.

(ii) Where of equal rank, the officer last arriving at the station is to pay the first visit.

(iii) Return visits arc to be paid within twentyfour hours either in person or by a representative, as the circumstances require.”

(xix) by inserting in paragraph (i) of subregulation (1) of regulation 696 the word “reigning” immediately before the words “Foreign Imperial”.

(xx) by omitting in paragraph (ii) of subregulation (1) of regulation 696 the words “High Commissioner, Governor, LieutenantGovernor, CaptainGeneral” and substituting the words “Governor, High Commissioner, LieutenantGovernor, officer administering the government” and by omitting in that paragraph the word “government” and substituting the words “sphere of jurisdiction”.

(xxi) by omitting in paragraph (ii) of subregulation (1) of regulation 697 the words “flag or air Officer” and substituting the words “officer, flag officer or air officer of marshal rank.”

(xxii) by omitting in regulation 700 the words “the King or members of the Royal Family are to pay no compliments except to the King and” and substituting the, words “their Majesties are to pay no compliments except to their Majesties. Guards, including guards of honour, mounted over the person of a member of the Royal Family are to pay no compliments except, to their Majesties or”

(xxiii) by inserting in regulation 708 the figure “(1)” next after the, figures “708” and by adding at the end of that regulation the following subregulation –

“(2) Flags at flag stations will be flown at halfmast from the day of death until sundown on the day of the funeral or for one week, whichever is the less, whenever the Army is ordered to be in mourning in consequence of the death of a member of the British Royal Family or of a foreign sovereign or royal consort, or a president of a republican state or upon other occasions when specially ordered.”

(xxiv) by omitting in paragraph (i) of subregulation (2) of regulation 710 (the word “Foreign” (secondly occurring) and substituting the words “reigning foreign Imperial or”

(xxv) by omitting in paragraph (ii) of subregulation (2) of regulation 710 the words “(or a member of the Royal

Family representing him)” (secondly occurring) and by omitting in that paragraph the word “Foreign” and substituting; words “reigning foreign Imperial or”

(xxvi) by omitting in subregulation (3) of regulation 710 the words “King or Queen” and substituting the words “Sovereign or the Consort of the Sovereign”

(xxvii) by omitting in paragraph (vi) of subregulation (5) of regulation 710 the words “When officially visiting States, ports, territories and dependencies” and substituting the words “On official visits”

(xxviii) by omitting in subregulation (7) of regulation 710 the words “by forts”

(xxix) by inserting in regulation 711 after the words “ foreign nationality” the words “when within the dominions of the State to which they are accredited or within the port to which they belong and by omitting in that regulation the words “when within the dominions of the State to which accredited. ConsulsGeneral (13 guns) and Consuls (7 guns), when within the port to which they belong.” and substituting the words “British ConsulsGeneral (13 guns), foreign ConsulsGeneral (11 guns) and Consuls (7 guns)”

(xxx) by inserting in regulation 714 next, after the words “air force authority” (secondly occurring) the words “of the same nationality.”

(xxxi) by inserting in regulation 7.15 next after (the words “a Governor” the words “LieutenantGovernor”.

(xxxii) by omitting in regulation 716 the words “His Majesty’s forts mentioned in the second column of the; table contained in A.M.R. 709” and substituting the words “the British nation”.

(xxxiii) by omitting in regulation 720 the words “The same principle is to apply to guards of honour and official receptions”

(xxxiv) by omitting in regulation 721 the word “the” and substituting the word “an”

(xxxv) by omitting in regulation 724 all words contained under the heading “When Passing” in the second column of the table in paragraph (i) and substituting—

opposite the words “Field officers” (firstly occurring) in the first column the words—

“Flag or general officer or air officer of marshal rank”,

opposite the words “Field officers” (secondly occurring) in the first, column the words—

“Other naval, military and air force officers, if senior”;

Opposite the words “Officers below rank of field officer” (firstly occurring) in the first, column the words—

“Flag or general officer or air officer of marshal rank.”;

opposite the words “Officers below rank of held officer” (secondly occurring) in the first column the words —

“Commodore, captain, commander, Colonelcommandant, colonel on the staff, colonel, lieu—tenantcolonel, Air commodore, group captain, wing commander.” and

opposite the words “Officers below rank of field officer” (thirdly occurring) in the first, column the words “Other officers of the other services whom they know to be senior”,

(xxxvi) by omitting in regulation 724 all words under the heading “When Passing” in the first column of the table of paragraph (ii) and substituting the following—

Flag officer, commodore; General officer colonelcommandant, colonelonthe staff; Air officer of marshal rank, air commodore.


All other officers...............



By Authority: H. J. Green, Government Printer, Canberra.