Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Statutory Rules 1989 No. 1971


Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers

(Notices) Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975.

Dated 31 July 1989.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Peter Morris

Minister of State for Industrial Relations

for and on behalf of the




1. These Regulations commence on 1 August 1989.

Amendment of Statutory Rules 1989 No. 178

2. Regulation 1 of Statutory Rules 1989 No. 178 is amended by inserting “(Notices)” after “Takeovers”.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 31 July 1989,

2. Statutory Rules 1975 No. 226 as amended by Statutory Rules 1976 No. 203; 1989 No. 178.


Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer

(S.R. 230/89) —Cat. No.       14/12.7.1989