1968 No. 9


I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Naval Defence Act 1910-1966.

Dated this second day of February, 1968.



By His Excellency's Command,


Minister of State for the Navy.

Amendments of the Naval Establishments Regulations†

Third Schedule.

1. The Third Schedule to the Naval Establishments Regulations is amended by omitting items 36 and 40 in Part I. and inserting in their stead the following items, respectively:—

" 36

Senior Inspector.....................................

5,656-5,841-6,028 " and

" 40

Superintending Inspector...............................

6,405-6,590-6,777 ".


2. The scales of rates of annual salary specified in items 36 and 40 in Part I. of the Third Schedule to the Naval Establishments Regulations as amended by these Regulations apply to and in relation to service in a position of Senior Inspector and service in a position of Superintending Inspector, respectively, on and after the second day of February, 1967.

* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1968.

† Statutory Rules 1936, No. 107, as amended by Statutory Rules 1937, Nos. 16, 52 and 63; 1938, No. 16; 1939, Nos. 3, 19 and 85; 1940, No. 196; 1941, Nos. 58 and 144; 1942, Nos. 118, 181 and 414; 1944, Nos. 97, 142 and 183; 1947, Nos. 136 and 139; 1948, No. 42; 1949, No. 64; 1951, Nos. 76, 87, 93 and 140; 1953, Nos. 14 and 95; 1954, No. 31; 1955, Nos. 12 and 46; 1956, Nos. 87 and 132; 1957, No. 31; 1958, Nos. 46 and 55; 1959, No. 79; 1961, Nos. 30, 32 and 91; 1962, Nos. 17 and 98; 1963, Nos. 32, 48, 60, 74 and 112; 1964, Nos. 2, 20, 98, 103, 115 and 156; 1965, Nos. 62, 95, 103 and 117; 1966, Nos. 32, 34, 93, 135 and 177; and 1967, Nos. 18, 97, 106, 137 and 166.

By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra

10476/68—Price 5c 10/9.1.1968