Aged Care Act 1997

Quality of Care Amendment Principles (No. 1) 1998

I, WARWICK leslie SMITH, Minister for Family Services, make the following principles under subsection 96-1 (1) of the Aged Care Act 1997.

Dated 6 August 1998.






Minister for Family Services


1.   Name of principles

1.1   These principles are the Quality of Care Amendment Principles (No. 1) 1998.

2.   Commencement

2.1   These principles commence on gazettal.

3.   Amendment

3.1   The Quality of Care Principles 19971 are amended as set out in these principles.

4.   Section 18.6 (Specification of care and services)

4.1   After subsection 18.6 (1), insert:

“(1A) The care or service must be provided by the approved provider in a way that meets the Accreditation Standards set out in Schedule 2 or the Residential Care Standards set out in Schedule 3 (as the case requires).”.

5.   Schedule 1 (Specified care and services for residential care services)

Note   The following note is inserted after the heading to Schedule 1:

Note   Subsection 18.6 (1A) provides that the care and services listed in Schedule 1 are to be provided in a way that meets the standards set out in Schedule 2 or 3 (as the case requires).”.

5.1   Part 3, items 3.8 and 3.9:

Omit the items, substitute:


Nursing services

Initial and on-going assessment, planning and management of care for residents, carried out by a registered nurse

Nursing services carried out by a registered nurse, or other professional appropriate to the service (eg medical practitioner, stoma therapist, speech pathologist, physiotherapist or qualified practitioner from a palliative care team)

Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) establishment and supervision of a complex pain management or palliative care program, including monitoring and managing any side effects

(b) insertion, care and maintenance of tubes, including intravenous and naso-gastric tubes

(c) establishing and reviewing a catheter care program, including the insertion, removal and replacement of catheters

(d) establishing and reviewing a stoma care program

(e) complex wound management

(f) insertion of suppositories

(g) risk management procedures relating to acute or chronic infectious conditions

(h) special feeding for care recipients with dysphagia (difficulty with swallowing)

(i) suctioning of airways

(j) tracheostomy care

(k) enema administration




(l) oxygen therapy requiring ongoing supervision because of a care recipient’s variable need

(m) dialysis treatment”.

6.   Schedule 2 (Accreditation Standards)

6.1   Part 1, item 1.8:

Omit “Effective”, substitute “Effective information”.

6.2   Part 2, item 2.16:

Omit “effectively managed”, substitute “managed effectively”.

7.   Schedule 3 (Residential Care Standards)

7.1   Part 1, item 1.16:

Omit “effectively managed”, substitute “managed effectively”.



1. Quality of Care Principles 1997 notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 29 September 1997.