Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1)

Statutory Rules 1998    No. 337

I, WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulations under the Sydney Airport Demand Management Act 1997.

Dated 9 December 1998.


By His Excellency’s Command,

john anderson

Minister for Transport and Regional Services


Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1)1

Statutory Rules 1998    No. 3372

made under the

Sydney Airport Demand Management Act 1997






 1 Name of regulations 2

 2 Commencement 2

 3 Amendment of Sydney Airport Demand Management Regulations 1998              2

Schedule 1 Amendments of Sydney Airport Demand Management Regulations 1998              3




1 Name of regulations

  These regulations are the Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  These regulations commence on gazettal.

3 Amendment of Sydney Airport Demand Management Regulations 1998

  Schedule 1 amends the Sydney Airport Demand Management Regulations 1998.

Schedule 1 Amendments of Sydney Airport Demand Management Regulations 1998


[1] Subregulation 7 (1)


 (1) The duration of an appointment is the period, no longer than 3 years, that the Minister specifies in the instrument of appointment.

 (1A) However, the Minister may reappoint a member, including a member who has previously been reappointed under this subregulation, for a further period of no longer than 3 years.

[2] Paragraph 9 (b)


 (b) how minutes are to be kept; and

[3] After regulation 9


9A Meetings

  The Committee must meet at least once in a calendar year.

9B Minutes

 (1) The Committee must arrange for minutes to be taken at all meetings of the Committee.

 (2) The Committee must keep a copy of the minutes of a meeting for at least 7 years after the meeting.

[4] After subregulation 10 (1)


 (1A) The Committee must ensure that the Slot Manager is given reasonable notice of a meeting.

[5] Subregulation 13 (2)


 before the Committee


 before the Committee, including a matter that is the subject of a proposed resolution being dealt with under regulation 15,

[6] Subregulation 14 (2)


 before the Committee,


 including a matter that is the subject of a proposed resolution being dealt with under regulation 15,

[7] Subregulations 15 (2), (3), (4) and (5)


 (2) The member who proposes the resolution must send a copy of it to:

 (a) each of the members of the Committee (including the Chair); and

 (b) the Slot Manager.

 (3) Members of the Committee may vote for or against the proposed resolution by writing, on a copy of the proposed resolution, words to the effect that they approve, or oppose, the proposed resolution, signing the copy and sending it to the Chair of the Committee.

 (4) If, within 14 days after the proposed resolution is sent to the members, enough members vote for it as set out in subregulation (3), the proposed resolution is taken to have been passed on the day when the Chair holds that number of votes.

 (5) In subregulation (4):

enough members means two-thirds of the number of members who, if the proposed resolution were put to a meeting, would be entitled to vote on it.

 (6) If the proposed resolution is not taken to be passed under subregulation (4) within that period of 14 days:

 (a) it is taken to be passed at the end of that period if two-thirds of the votes received by the Chair within the period are in favour of the proposed resolution; or

 (b) otherwise, it is taken to be lost.

 (7) The Chair must:

 (a) record the passing or loss of the resolution; and

 (b) tell the members of the Committee and the Slot Manager, in writing, of the passing or loss of the resolution.

 (8) The Committee must keep a copy of the record for at least 7 years after the period mentioned in subregulation (4).

 (9) To avoid doubt, resolutions of the kind mentioned in subregulation 14 (3) may be dealt with under this regulation.


1. These regulations amend Statutory Rules 1998 No. 119.

2. Made by the Governor-General on 9 December 1998, and notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 16 December 1998.  Administered by the Minister for Transport and Regional Services.