Copyright (International Protection) Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1)

Statutory Rules 1998   No. 360

I, WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Copyright Act 1968.

Dated 17 December 1998.




By His Excellency’s Command,



Copyright (International Protection) Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1)1

Statutory Rules 1998    No. 3602

made under the

Copyright Act 1968






 1 Name of regulations 2

 2 Commencement 2

 3 Amendment of Copyright (International Protection) Regulations              2

Schedule 1 Amendments of Copyright (International Protection) Regulations              3



1 Name of regulations

  These regulations are the Copyright (International Protection) Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  These regulations commence on gazettal.

3 Amendment of Copyright (International Protection) Regulations

  Schedule 1 amends the Copyright (International Protection) Regulations.

Schedule 1 Amendments of Copyright (International Protection) Regulations


[1] Regulation 1


1 Name of regulations

  These regulations are the Copyright (International Protection) Regulations 1969.

[2] Regulation 3, definition of simultaneously


[3] Regulation 3, definition of the country of origin


[4] Regulation 4

 omit each mention of

 Part III

[5] Regulation 5


[6] Regulation 8

 omit each mention of

 Part III

[7] Regulation 9, heading


 overseas works


 and other subject matter

[8] Regulation 9

 omit each mention of

 Part III

[9] Schedule 1, Part I



[10] Schedule 1, Part I


 Algeria, Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, Cape Verde, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Grenada, Guatemala, Indonesia, Korea Republic of, Mongolia, Panama, Singapore and Swaziland.

[11] Schedule 1, Part II, heading





[12] Schedule 1, Part II


 Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Korea Republic of, Nicaragua and Panama.

[13] Schedule 1, Part III


[14] Schedule 1, Part IV


 Canada, Cape Verde, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lebanon, Poland, Saint Lucia, Slovenia and Venezuela.

[15] Schedule 1, Part V


 Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Haiti, Madagascar, Mongolia, Niger, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Solomon Islands and United Arab Emirates.

[16] Schedule 3


 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


 Russian Federation


1. These regulations amend Statutory Rules 1969 No. 60 as amended by 1969 No. 65; 1974 No. 137; 1980 No. 276; 1981 No. 74; 1983 No. 127; 1984 No. 43; 1990 Nos. 356 and 357; 1991 Nos. 451 and 452; 1992 No. 124; 1993 No. 214; 1994 No. 114; 1995 Nos. 67 and 436.

2. Made by the Governor-General on 17 December 1998, and notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 22 December 1998. Administered by the Attorney-General.