Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1)

Statutory Rules 1999    No. 24

I, WILLIAM PATRICK DEANE, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulations under the National Residue Survey (Excise) Levy Act 1998 and the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991.

Dated 23 February 1999.


By His Excellency’s Command,


Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture,

Fisheries and Forestry

for the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1)1

Statutory Rules 1999    No. 242

made under the

National Residue Survey (Excise) Levy Act 1998 and the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991






 1 Name of regulations 2

 2 Commencement 2

 3 Amendment of Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Regulations 1998              2

Schedule 1 Amendments 3




1 Name of regulations

  These regulations are the Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  These regulations commence on gazettal.

3 Amendment of Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Regulations 1998

  Schedule 1 amends the Primary Industries Levies and Charges (National Residue Survey Levies) Regulations 1998.


Schedule 1 Amendments

 (regulation 3)


[1] After regulation 26


27 NRS excise levy — exemption

  For paragraph 2 (2) (h) of Schedule 1 to the NRS Excise Levy Act, NRS excise levy is not imposed on the slaughter of cattle (other than lot-fed cattle) by a processor for home consumption if:

 (a) the cattle are slaughtered on premises owned or occupied by the processor; and

 (b) immediately before the slaughter the cattle were owned by the processor and kept on the premises; and

 (c) there is no sale or other transaction transferring ownership of the cattle, or any part or product of the carcase of the cattle, on or after the slaughter.

[2] After regulation 238


238A NRS excise levy — exemption

  For paragraph 2 (2) (f) of Schedule 15 to the NRS Excise Levy Act, NRS excise levy is not imposed on the slaughter of sheep, lambs or goats by a processor for home consumption if:

 (a) the sheep, lambs or goats are slaughtered on premises owned or occupied by the processor; and

 (b) immediately before the slaughter the sheep, lambs or goats were owned by the processor and kept on the premises; and

 (c) there is no sale or other transaction transferring ownership of the sheep, lambs or goats, or any part or product of the carcase of the sheep, lambs or goats, on or after the slaughter.


1. These regulations amend Statutory Rules 1998 No. 147, as amended by 1998 Nos. 182, 245 and 316.

2. Made by the Governor-General on 23 February 1999, and notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 2 March 1999.