Allocation Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 2)

I, Bronwyn Kathleen Bishop, Minister for Aged Care, make these principles under section 96-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997.

Dated 5 May 1999.

Bronwyn Bishop
Minister for Aged Care


Allocation Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 2)1

made under the

Aged Care Act 1997






 1 Name of principles 2

 2 Commencement 2

 3 Amendment of Allocation Principles 1997 2

Schedule 1 Amendments 3




1 Name of principles

  These principles are the Allocation Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 2).

2 Commencement

  These principles commence on gazettal.

3 Amendment of Allocation Principles 1997

  Schedule 1 amends the Allocation Principles 1997.


Schedule 1 Amendments

(section 3)


[1] Section 4.38


4.38 Diversity of choice for care recipients

  The Secretary must consider whether, if the application is approved, the allocation will increase diversity of choice for current and future care recipients, and their carers and families, having regard to the different kinds of services offered in the region.


Diversity of choice for different kinds of services might be promoted, for instance, in relation to:

         service in a particular location

         service for care recipients who are financially or socially disadvantaged

         service for care recipients affected by dementia

         service for care recipients belonging to an ethnic community

         service for care recipients belonging to an indigenous community

         ageing in place service

         service to meet the needs of couples.

[2] Paragraph 4.63 (2) (c)


 (c) whether the transfer would increase or lessen the diversity of choice available to care recipients in the regions, having regard to the different kinds of services available in the region; and

[3] Subsection 4.63 (3), example for paragraph (2) (c)


Example for paragraph (2) (c)

In considering choice, kinds of services available in the region may include ‘extra service’ services, ageing in place services, service for those affected by dementia, or services for care recipients belonging to ethnic or indigenous communities.

[4] Paragraph 4.70 (2) (b)


 (b) whether the variation would increase or lessen the diversity of choice available to current and future care recipients in the region, having regard to the different kinds of services available in the region; and

[5] Subsection 4.70 (3), example for paragraph (2) (b)


Example for paragraph (2) (b)

In considering choice, kinds of services available in the region may include ‘extra service’ services, ageing in place services, service for those affected by dementia, or services for care recipients belonging to ethnic or indigenous communities.


1. Made by the Minister for Aged Care on 5 May 1999.