User Rights Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 1)

I, BRONWYN KATHLEEN BISHOP, Minister for Aged Care, make these principles under section 96-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997.

Dated 28 May 1999.


Minister for Aged Care


User Rights Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 1)1

made under the

Aged Care Act 1997






 1 Name of principles 

 2 Commencement 

 3 Amendment of User Rights Principles 1997

Schedule 1 Amendments




1 Name of principles

  These principles are the User Rights Amendment Principles 1999 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  These principles commence on gazettal.

3 Amendment of User Rights Principles 1997

  Schedule 1 amends the User Rights Principles 1997.


Schedule 1 Amendments


(section 3)

[1] Section 23.3, definition of Treasury Note yield


Treasury Note yield rate, for a day that is an entry day, means the Treasury Note yield rate within the meaning of subsection 8AAD (2) of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (the TAA Treasury Note yield rate) for:

 (a) that day; or

 (b) if there is no TAA Treasury Note yield rate for that day — the last day for which there was a TAA Treasury Note yield rate before that day.

[2] Subsection 23.31 (3), definition of IR, paragraph (b)


 (b) not more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day;

[3] Paragraph 23.62 (3) (a)


 (a) an interest rate that is not more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day; and

[4] Subsection 23.66 (1), definition of IR, paragraph (b)


 (b) not more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day;

[5] Subsection 23.66 (2), definition of IR, paragraph (b)


 (b) not more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day;

[6] Subsection 23.66 (3), definition of IR, paragraph (b)


 (b) not more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day;

[7] Subsection 23.69 (1)


 (1) The maximum rate of interest that the approved provider may charge must not be more than the Treasury Note yield rate for the entry day.


1. Made by the Minister for Aged Care on 28 May 1999.