Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001

Statutory Rules No. 195, 2001 as amended

made under the

Federal Circuit Court of Australia Act 1999

Compilation start date:  11 June 2013

Includes amendments up to: SLI No. 56, 2013

This compilation has been split into 2 volumes

Volume 1: Chapters 1–8

Volume 2: Schedules 1 and 3, Dictionary and Endnotes

Each volume has its own contents

About this compilation

The compiled instrument

This is a compilation of the Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001 as amended and in force on 11 June 2013. It includes any amendment affecting the compiled instrument to that date.

This compilation was prepared on 14 June 2013.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending Acts and instruments and the amendment history of each amended provision.

Uncommenced provisions and amendments

If a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by an uncommenced amendment, the text of the uncommenced amendment is set out in the endnotes.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for amendments

If the operation of an amendment is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision, the provision is identified in the endnotes.


If a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by a textual modification that is in force, the text of the modifying provision is set out in the endnotes.

Provisions ceasing to have effect

If a provision of the compiled instrument has expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the instrument, details of the provision are set out in the endnotes.







Schedule 1—Costs

Part 1—Family law proceedings and general federal law proceedings

Part 2—Child support proceedings

Division 1—Application for enforcement order in relation to child support proceedings

Division 2—Costs for appeal of an SSAT or Child Support Registrar decision

Part 3—Migration proceedings

Division 1—Costs for migration proceedings that have concluded

Division 2—Costs for migration proceedings that have been discontinued

Schedule 3—Family Law Rules and Federal Court Rules applied

Part 1—Family Law Rules

Part 2—Federal Court Rules



Endnote 1—Legislation history

Endnote 2—Amendment history

Endnote 3—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Endnote 4—Misdescribed amendments [none]

Schedule 1Costs

Note: See rules 21.10, 21.16 and 44.15.

Part 1Family law proceedings and general federal law proceedings


Costs for family law proceedings and general federal law proceedings



Amount for a family law proceeding (including GST)

Amount for a general federal law proceeding (including GST)


Initiating or opposing an application up to the completion of the first court date


(a) $1,994.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


(a) $2,663.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


Initiating or opposing an application which includes interim orders (other than procedural orders) up to the completion of the first court date


(a) $2,494.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


(a) $3,332.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


Interim or summary hearing—as a discrete event

Note: This stage applies to an interim application or a summary proceeding of a type not otherwise addressed in this fee structure. It does not include the item 1 or 2 component.


(a) $1,661.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


(a) $1,661.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


Up to and including the conciliation conference


Not applicable


Dispute resolution litigation intervention




Preparation for final hearing—one day matter




Preparation for final hearing—2 day matter




Preparation for final hearing—each additional hearing day after the second hearing day




Final hearing costs for attendance of solicitor at hearing to take judgement and explain orders


(a) $271.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


(a) $271.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


Application for family law location, recovery or enforcement of an order (other than an application for enforcement by a Registrar under item 11)


(a) $844.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing

Not applicable


Application for enforcement by a Registrar of:

(a) a warrant under rule 25B.22; or

(b) a third party debt notice under rule 25B.40


Not applicable


Advocacy loading

50% of the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing

50% of the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 13 that applies to the hearing


Daily hearing fee


(a) for a short mention—$271.00; or

(b) for a half day hearing—$997.00; or

(c) for a full day hearing—$1,994.00


(a) for a short mention—$271.00; or

(b) for a half day hearing—$997.00; or

(c) for a full day hearing—$1,994.00


Disbursements—Court fees and other fees and payments to the extent that they have been reasonably incurred

The amount of the fees and payments

The amount of the fees and payments


Disbursements—photocopying for each page




Agents fees and travelling costs

Note: For 2 or more hours travel




Part 2Child support proceedings

Division 1Application for enforcement order in relation to child support proceedings


Costs for child support proceedings



Amount (including GST)


Initiating or opposing an application up to the completion of the first court date

Note: This item includes final hearing of up to one day if it is held on the first court date.


(a) $2,100; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 6 that applies to the hearing


Interim or summary hearing—as a discrete event

Note: This item applies to an interim application, or a summary proceeding of a type not otherwise addressed in this fee structure such as an application for an order that a proceeding be stayed. It does not include the item 1 component.


(a) $1,601.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 6 that applies to the hearing


Preparation of final hearing for a matter of 2 or more days—for every day after the first court date



Final hearing costs for attendance of solicitor at hearing to take judgement and explain orders


(a) $262.00; and

(b) the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 6 that applies to the hearing


Advocacy loading

50% of the daily hearing fee mentioned in item 6 that applies to the hearing


Daily hearing fee


(a) for a short mention—$262.00; or

(b) for a half day hearing—$961.00; or

(c) for a full day hearing—$1,924.00


Disbursements—Court fees and other fees and payments to the extent that they have been reasonably incurred

The amount of the fees and payments


Disbursements—photocopying documents first 10 pages—for each page



Disbursements—photocopying documents after first 10 pages—for each page



Agents fees and travelling costs

Note: For 2 or more hours travel.



Division 2Costs for appeal of an SSAT or Child Support Registrar decision


Costs for an appeal of an SSAT or Child Support Registrar decision



Amount (including GST)


A proceeding concluded at or before the first court date for the proceeding



A proceeding concluded:

(a) after the first court date for the proceeding; and

(b) at least 4 weeks before the final hearing for the proceeding



A proceeding concluded at a final hearing



Part 3Migration proceedings

Division 1Costs for migration proceedings that have concluded


Costs for migration proceedings that have concluded



Amount (including GST)


A proceeding concluded at or before the first court date for the proceeding



A proceeding concluded:

(a) after the first court date for the proceeding; and

(b) at or before the hearing under rule 44.12 or other interlocutory hearing



A proceeding concluded at a final hearing



Division 2Costs for migration proceedings that have been discontinued


Costs for migration proceedings that have been discontinued



Amount (including GST)


A proceeding in which the notice of discontinuance is filed and served at least 14 days before the first court date for the proceeding



A proceeding in which the notice of discontinuance is filed and served:

(a) less than 14 days before the first court date for the proceeding; and

(b) at least 15 days before the hearing under rule 44.12 or other interlocutory hearing



A proceeding in which the notice of discontinuance is filed and served:

(a) less than 15 days before the hearing under rule 44.12 or other interlocutory hearing; and

(b) at least 15 days before the final hearing



Any other case


Schedule 3Family Law Rules and Federal Court Rules applied

Note: See rule 1.05.

Part 1Family Law Rules



Family Law Rules




rules 1.19 and 1.20


Part 2.2


Part 2.3


rules 4.08 to 4.10


rule 6.15


Part 6.5


rule 16.10


Part 21.2


Part 23.1


rule 24.11


Part 2Federal Court Rules



Federal Court Rules




rules 1.41 and 1.42


rules 2.41 to 2.43


rules 5.22 to 5.24


rules 10.41 to 10.52


Division 10.6


rule 15.10


rule 16.01


paragraphs 16.02(1)(a), (b) and (d)


subrules 16.02(3) and (5)


rules 16.03 to 16.12


rule 16.21


rules 16.31 to 16.33


rules 16.41 to 16.45


rule 25.01 to 25.06


rules 25.10 to 25.12


rule 25.14


rule 30.29 to 30.33


Divisions 34.2 and 34.3


rules 39.01 to 39.03


rule 39.06


rule 39.11


rule 39.21


Division 42.3


(rule 1.04)


AAT Act means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

Act means the Federal Circuit Court of Australia Act 1999.

address for service, for a party means the address for service given by the party in accordance with rule 6.01.

AD(JR) Act means the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.

answers to specific questions includes interrogatories.

application in a case means an application that is made in a proceeding which has already been started under these Rules and that is an application for:

 (a) an interim order; or

 (b) a procedural order; or

 (c) an ancillary order; or

 (d) an interlocutory order; or

 (e) any other incidental order relating to an application or order.

appropriate registry, for a proceeding, means the registry in which the application starting the proceeding is filed or, if the proceeding is transferred to another registry, that registry.

approved form, for a provision of these Rules, means a form approved by the Chief Judge under subrule 2.04(1A) for the provision.

Assessment Act means the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989.

authenticate, in relation to an order of the Court, means to sign and seal the order.

authorised Registrar, in relation to a provision of these Rules, means a Registrar authorised in writing by the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the powers or perform the functions of an authorised Registrar under that provision.

Child Support Agency means the part of the Department of Family and Community Services known by that name that administers the Assessment Act and the Registration Act.

child support agreement has the meaning given by section 81 of the Assessment Act.

child support proceeding means a proceeding under the Assessment Act or the Registration Act.

Child Support Registrar means the Child Support Registrar under section 10 of the Registration Act.

Civil Dispute Resolution Act means the Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011.

corporation includes any artificial person other than an organisation.

Court means the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

discontinuance, in relation to a proceeding, includes withdrawal from the proceeding.

discovery means an obligation to disclose.

electronic communication means a communication of information in the form of data, text or images by means of guided or unguided electromagnetic energy, including an email or an email attachment.

eligible carer has the meaning given by section 7B of the Assessment Act.

enter, in relation to an order, means to take out or authenticate the order.

Fair Work Commission has the meaning given by section 12 of the Fair Work Act 2009.

Family Law Act means the Family Law Act 1975.

family law proceeding means a proceeding under the Family Law Act.

Family Law Regulations means the Family Law Regulations 1984 made under the Family Law Act.

Family Law Rules means the Family Law Rules 2004 made under the Family Law Act, as amended from time to time.

Federal Court Rules means the Federal Court Rules 2011 made under the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976, as amended from time to time.

financial matter includes a proceeding under section 79, 79A or 90SM of the Family Law Act.

general federal law proceeding means a proceeding other than a family law or child support proceeding.

genuine steps statement has the meaning given by section 5 of the Civil Dispute Resolution Act.

Human Rights Act means the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986.

independent children’s lawyer means a child representative approved under section 68L of the Family Law Act.

information sheet means the relevant information sheet approved by an authorised Registrar.

lawyer means a legal practitioner who is entitled to practise in the Court.

marriage certificate means:

 (a) a certificate of marriage or a certified copy of the certificate; or

 (b) a certified copy of:

 (i) the entry of a marriage in a Register of Marriages; or

 (ii) an extract of the entry of a marriage.

minor means a person under the age of 18 years.

parenting order has the meaning given by subsection 64B(1) of the Family Law Act.

party means an applicant, respondent or other person included as a party to a proceeding.

Registration Act means the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988.

service by hand means personal service.

SSAT means the Social Security Appeals Tribunal.

the Court or a Judge includes a Judge sitting in chambers.

Tribunal means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

vexatious proceeding—see subsection 88N(1) of the Act.

vexatious proceedings order—see subsection 88N(1) of the Act.



Endnote 1—Legislation history

This endnote sets out details of the legislation history of the Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001.


Number and year

Gazettal or FRLI registration date


Application, saving and transitional provisions

2001 No. 195

13 July 2001

30 July 2001


2002 No. 80

18 Apr 2002

18 Apr 2002

2003 No. 272

31 Oct 2003

3 Nov 2003

r. 4

2004 No. 54

26 Mar 2004

29 Mar 2004

2005 No. 263

21 Nov 2005 (see F2005L03610)

1 Dec 2005 (see r. 2)

2006 No. 2

6 Feb 2006 (see F2006L00314)

6 Feb 2006

2007 No. 179

26 June 2007 (see F2007L01823)

27 June 2007

2008 No. 10

29 Feb 2008 (see F2008L00640)

1 Mar 2008

2008 No. 215

29 Oct 2008 (see F2008L04169)

30 Oct 2008

2009 No. 55

6 Apr 2009 (see F2009L01212)

7 Apr 2009

2009 No. 160

29 June 2009 (see F2009L02510)

1 July 2009

2009 No. 316

20 Nov 2009 (see F2009L04279)

rr. 1–3 and Schedule 1:
30 Nov 2009
Schedule 2: (a)

2011 No. 133

8 July 2011 (see F2011L01456)

rr. 1–3 and Schedule 1: 11 July 2011
Schedule 2: (b)
Schedule 3: 1 Aug 2011 (see r. 2(c) and F2011L01408)

2012 No. 94

24 May 2012 (see F2012L01073)

rr. 1–3 and Schedule 1: 25 May 2012
Schedule 2: 7 June 2012

56, 2013

11 Apr 2013 (see F2013L00641)

rr. 1–4 and Schedule 1: 12 Apr 2013
Schedule 2: 11 June 2013
Schedule 3: 12 Apr 2013 (see r. 2 and F2013L00643)


(a) Rule 2(b) of SLI 2009 No. 316 provides as follows:

 These Rules commence as follows:

 (b) immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1—Schedule 2.

 Schedule 1 commenced on 30 November 2009.


(b) Schedule 2 of SLI 2011 No. 133 provides as follows:

 These Rules commence as follows:

 (b) immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1—Schedule 2.

 Schedule 2 commenced on 11 July 2011.

Endnote 2—Amendment history

This endnote sets out the amendment history of the Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001.


ad. = added or inserted    am. = amended    rep. = repealed    rs. = repealed and substituted    exp. = expired or ceased to have effect

Provision affected

How affected

Chapter 1


Part 1


r. 1.01...................

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 1.02A..................

ad. No. 56, 2013

r. 1.03...................

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 1.05...................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2004 No. 54; 2006 No. 2; 2011 No. 133; No. 56, 2013

r. 1.06...................

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 2


Division 2.2


r. 2.01...................

am. 2008 No. 215; 2011 No. 133

r. 2.03...................

am. 2008 No. 215; 2011 No. 133

r. 2.04...................

am. 2007 No. 179; No. 56, 2013

r. 2.05...................

am. 2007 No. 179; 2008 No. 215; 2011 No. 133; No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 2.05(1)...........

rs. No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 2.05(3) ...........

am. 2011 No. 133

r. 2.06...................

am. 2003 No. 272


rs. 2011 No. 133

r. 2.07...................

rs. 2008 No. 215


am. 2009 No. 316\

r. 2.07A..................

ad. 2008 No. 215


am. 2011 No. 133

r. 2.07B..................

ad. 2008 No. 215


am. 2011 No. 133

Division 2.3


r. 2.08...................

am. 2002 No. 80


rs. 2008 No. 215


am. 2009 No. 55; 2011 No. 133; 2012 No. 94

Division 2.4


Div. 2.4 of Part 2............

ad. 2008 No. 215

r. 2.09...................

ad. 2008 No. 215


am. No. 56, 2013

Note 2 to r. 2.09............

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 2.10...................

ad. 2008 No. 215

r. 2.11...................

ad. 2008 No. 215

Part 3


Division 3.1


r. 3.01...................

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 3.02...................

am. No. 56, 2013

Part 4


Heading to Part 4...........

rs. 2011 No. 133

Division 4.1


Heading to Div. 4.1..........

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 4.01...................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 4.03...................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2007 No. 179

r. 4.05................... 

am. 2007 No. 179; 2009 No. 160; 2011 No. 133

Note to r. 4.05(3)...........

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 4.06...................

am. 2006 No. 2


rep. 2007 No. 179

r. 4.07...................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 4.08...................

ad. 2007 No. 179

Division 4.2


Div. 4.2 of Part 4............

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 4.09...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 4.10...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Part 5


r. 5.02...................

rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 5.03...................

am. 2003 No. 272

Part 6


Division 6.1


r. 6.01...................

am. 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179; 2008 No. 215; 2012 No. 94

r. 6.03...................

am. 2007 No. 179; 2009 No. 55

r. 6.05...................

am. 2006 No. 2


rs. 2007 No. 179

Division 6.2


r. 6.07...................

am. 2002 No. 80

r. 6.08...................

am. 2002 No. 80

Division 6.3


r. 6.11...................

am. 2012 No. 94

r. 6.12...................

rs. 2012 No. 94


am. No. 56, 2013

Division 6.4


Heading to Div. 6.4..........

rs. 2006 No. 2

r. 6.14...................

am. 2006 No. 2

r. 6.15...................

am. 2006 No. 2

r. 6.19...................

ad. 2007 No. 179

Part 7


Division 7.1


r. 7.02...................

am. No. 56, 2013

Part 8


r. 8.02...................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2008 No. 215; No. 56, 2013

Note 1 to r. 8.02............

rep. No. 56, 2013

Note 2 to r. 8.02............

rep. No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 8.02.............

ad. No. 56, 2013

r. 8.03...................

rs. 2004 No. 54

Part 9


r. 9.01...................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 9.02...................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 9.03...................

am. 2008 No. 215

Part 10


Division 10.1


r. 10.01..................

am. 2006 No. 2

Division 10.2


Heading to Div. 10.2.........

rs. 2007 No. 179

Heading to r. 10.04..........

rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 10.04..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Note 1 to r. 10.04...........

am. 2007 No. 179


rs. 2011 No. 133

Note 2 to r. 10.04...........

am. 2002 No. 80; 2011 No. 133


rs. 2011 No. 133

Note 3 to r. 10.04...........

am. 2002 No. 80; 2007 No. 179; 2011 No. 133


rs. 2011 No. 133

Note 4 to r. 10.04...........

am. 2002 No. 80; 2011 No. 133


rs. 2011 No. 133

Note 5 to r. 10.04...........

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 10.05..................

am. 2007 No. 179; 2011 No. 133; No. 56, 2013

Division 10.3


r. 10.06..................

am. 2004 No. 54

Part 11


Division 11.2


r. 11.08..................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 11.12..................

rs. 2011 No. 133

r. 11.13..................

am. 2009 No. 55

Part 12


Part 12 of Chapt. 1..........

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.01..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.02..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.03..................

am. 2007 No. 179


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.03A.................

ad. 2007 No. 179


rep. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.04..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.05..................

am. 2007 No. 179


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.06..................

rep. 2012 No. 94

r. 12.07..................

rep. 2012 No. 94

Part 13


Division 13.1


Heading to Div. 13.1.........

rs. 2008 No. 215

r. 13.01..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Division 13.1A


Heading to Div. 13.1A........

ad. 2008 No. 215

Heading to r. 13.03..........

rs. 2003 No. 272

r. 13.03..................

am. 2003 No. 272


rs. 2008 No. 215

r. 13.03A.................

ad. 2003 No. 272


rs. 2006 No. 2; 2008 No. 215

r. 13.03B.................

ad. 2003 No. 272


rs. 2008 No. 215

Note to r. 13.03B...........

rep. 2007 No. 179

r. 13.03C.................

ad. 2003 No. 272


rs. 2008 No. 215

r. 13.03D.................

ad. 2008 No. 215

Division 13.2


r. 13.04A.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. 2012 No. 94

Division 13.3


r. 13.06..................

rep. 2003 No. 272

Heading to r. 13.07..........

rs. 2003 No. 272

r. 13.07..................

am. 2005 No. 263

r. 13.09..................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 13.10..................

rs. 2003 No. 272; 2005 No. 263

r. 13.11..................

am. 2008 No. 215; 2009 No. 55


rs. No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 13.11(6)...........

ad. 2003 No. 272


rep. No. 56, 2013

r. 13.11A.................

ad. No. 56, 2013

r. 13.12..................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Part 14


Division 14.1


Note to r. 14.01.............

am. No. 56, 2013

Division 14.2


Note to r. 14.02(1)...........

am. No. 56, 2013

Division 14.2


r. 14.11..................

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 15


Note to heading to Part 15......

ad. 2007 No. 179

Division 15.1


Heading to r. 15.02..........

am. 2009 No. 55

r. 15.02..................

am. 2009 No. 55

r. 15.03..................`

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 15.05..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rep. 2012 No. 94

Division 15.2


r. 15.06A.................

ad. 2003 No. 272

r. 15.09..................

am. 2003 No. 272

Division 15.4


Heading to r. 15.27..........

rs. 2008 No. 215

r. 15.27..................

am. 2008 No. 215

r. 15.29A.................

ad. 2006 No. 2

Division 15.5


r. 15.31..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Part 15A


Heading to Div. 15.3
Renumbered Part 15A........

2009 No. 316

Division 15A.1


Heading to Div. 15A.1........

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.13A.................

ad. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.01......

2009 No. 316

Heading to r. 15A.01.........

rs. 2009 No. 316

R, 15A.01................

am. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.13..................

am. 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179

Renumbered r. 15A.02......

2009 No. 316

r. 15A.02.................

am. 2009 No. 316

r. 15A.03.................

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.14


Renumbered r. 15A.04......

2009 No. 316

r. 15A.04.................

am. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.15 


Renumbered r. 15A.05......

2009 No. 316

r. 15A.05.................

am. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.16..................

am. 2006 No. 2; 2009 No. 55

Renumbered r. 15A.06......

2009 No. 316

r. 15A.06.................

am. 2009 No. 316

Note to r. 15.16(1) ..........

ad. 2006 No. 2

r. 15.17..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.07......

2009 No. 316

r. 15.17A.................

ad. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.08......

2009 No. 316

r. 15.18 


Renumbered r. 15A.09......

2009 No. 316

r. 15.19..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.10......

2009 No. 316

r. 15A.10.................

am. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.20..................

am. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.11......

2009 No. 316

Division 15A.2


Div. 15A.2 of Part 15A.......

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15A.12.................

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15A.13.................

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15A.14.................

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15A.15.................

ad. 2009 No. 316


rs. 2011 No. 133

r. 15.21..................

am. 2006 No. 2


rep. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.22..................

am. 2009 No. 55


rep. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.23..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

Renumbered r. 15A.16......

2009 No. 316

Division 15A.3


Heading to Div. 15A.3........

ad. 2009 No. 316

r. 15.24


Renumbered r. 15A.17......

2009 No. 316

Part 16


Note to r. 16.05(3) ..........

rs. 2006 No. 2

r. 16.08..................

rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2011 No. 133; am. No. 56, 2013

Part 19


r. 19.02..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Part 20


Heading to Part 20...........

rs. 2003 No. 272

Division 20.1


Heading to Div. 20.1.........

ad. 2003 No. 272

r. 20.00A.................

ad. 2003 No. 272


am. 2006 No. 2; 2008 No. 10


rs. 2008 No. 215


am. 2009 No. 55; 2011 No. 133; 2012 No. 94; No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 20.00A...........

rep. 2011 No. 133


ad. 2011 No. 133


am. No. 56, 2013

Note to r. 20.00A(2) .........

ad. 2007 No. 179


rep. 2008 No. 215

r. 20.00B.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rep. 2007 No. 179

Division 20.2


Heading to Div. 20.2.........

ad. 2003 No. 272

r. 20.01..................

am. 2003 No. 272; 2006 No. 2; 2011 No. 133

r. 20.02..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Part 21


Division 21.1


r. 21.01..................

am. 2007 No. 179

Note to r. 21.01.............

am. 2002 No. 80

Division 21.2


r. 21.02..................

am. 2004 No. 54; 2012 No. 94

r. 21.06..................

rep. 2002 No. 80

r. 21.08..................

am. 2002 No. 80

Heading to Subdiv. 21.3.1
of Part 21

rep. 2002 No. 80

Division 21.3


r. 21.09..................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2004 No. 54

Note to r. 21.09(3) ..........

rs. 2003 No. 272

r. 21.10..................

am. 2002 No. 60; 2005 No. 263; 2012 No. 94

Note to r. 21.10.............

ad. 2002 No. 80


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. No. 56, 2013

Heading to r. 21.11..........

rs. 2002 No. 80

r. 21.11..................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2003 No. 272; 2004 No. 54

r. 21.13..................

am. 2009 No. 55

r. 21.16..................

am. 2003 No. 272; 2005 No. 263; 2012 No. 94

Subdiv. 21.3.2 to Part 21......

rep. 2002 No. 80

rr. 21.17–21.19.............

rep. 2002 No. 80

Chapter 2


Heading to Chapt. 2..........

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 23


Heading to Part 23...........

rs. 2007 No. 179

Notes 1–3 to heading to Part 23..

rep. 2007 No. 179

Note to heading to Part 23......

ad. 2007 No. 179

Division 23.1


Heading to Div. 23.1.........

rs. 2007 No. 179

Note to Heading to
Div. 23.1

rep. 2004 No. 54

r. 23.01A.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


am. 2007 No. 179; 2009 No. 55

r. 23.01..................

rs. 2007 No. 179

Division 23.2


Div. 23.2 of Part 23..........

rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 23.02..................

rs. 2007 No. 179

Note to r. 23.02.............

am. 2002 No. 80


rep. 2007 No. 179

Part 24


r. 24.01A.................

ad. 2003 No. 272

r. 24.02..................

rs. 2003 No. 272


am. 2004 No. 54; 2007 No. 179

r. 24.03..................

am. 2003 No. 272

r. 24.04..................

am. 2003 No. 272

r. 24.07..................

ad. 2003 No. 272


am. 2009 No. 55

Part 25


Note to Heading to Part 25.....

rep. 2004 No. 54

Part 25..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

Division 25.1


r. 25.01..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.02..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

r. 25.03..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.04..................

rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.05..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.06..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2

r. 25.07..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

Division 25.2


r. 25.08..................

am. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.09..................

rs. 2006 No. 2


rep. 2007 No. 179

Heading to r. 25.10..........

rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.10..................

rs. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

Division 25.3


r. 25.11..................

rs. 2006 No. 2

r. 25.12..................

rep. 2003 No. 272


ad. 2006 No. 2

Division 25.4


r. 25.13..................

ad. 2006 No. 2

r. 25.14..................

ad. 2006 No. 2

r. 25.15..................

ad. 2006 No. 2

Division 25.5


r. 25.16..................

ad. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.17..................

ad. 2006 No. 2


am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25.18..................

ad. 2006 No. 2

Part 25A


Part 25A.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.01.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.02.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.03.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179; No. 56, 2013

r. 25A.04.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.05.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.06.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25A.07.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179


am. 2012 No. 94; No. 56, 2013

r. 25A.08.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2007 No. 179

Part 25B


Part 25B.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Division 25B.1


r. 25B.01.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2006 No. 2

Note 3 to r. 25B.01..........

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 25B.02.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


am. 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179

r. 25B.03.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

r. 25B.04.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Note to r. 25B.04...........

rs. 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179

Division 25B.2


Div. 25B.2 of Part 25B........

rs. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.1


r. 25B.05.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


am. 2007 No. 179


rs. 2009 No. 55; 2011 No. 133

Note to r. 25B.05...........

am. No. 56, 2013

r. 25B.06.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.07.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.08.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. 2012 No. 94

r. 25B.09.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.10.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.11.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.12.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.13.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. 2012 No. 94

r. 25B.14.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. 2012 No. 94

r. 25B.15.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.2


r. 25B.16.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.17.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. No. 56, 2013

r. 25B.18.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.19.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.20.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.3


r. 25B.21.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.22.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.23.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.24.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.25.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.26.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.27.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.28.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.29.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.30.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.31.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 24B.32.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.33.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.34.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.35.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.36.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.37.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.4


r. 25B.38.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.39.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.40.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.41.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. No. 56, 2013

r. 25B.42.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.43.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.44.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.45.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.46.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.47.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.48.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.49.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.5


r. 25B.50.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.51.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.52.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.53.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.6


r. 25B.54.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.55.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.56.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.57.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.58.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.59.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.60.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.7


r. 25B.61.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.62.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.63.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.64.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Subdivision 25B.2.8


r. 25B.65.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.66.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.67.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.68.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Division 25B.3


r. 25B.06.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.69......

2011 No. 133

Note to r. 25B.06...........

rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 25B.07.................

ad. 2004 No. 54


am. 2007 No. 179

Renumbered r. 25B.70......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.08.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.71......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.09.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.72......

2011 No. 133

Division 25B.4


r. 25B.10.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.73......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.11.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.74......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.74.................

am. 2011 No. 133

r. 25B.12.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.75......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.13.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.76......

2011 No. 133

r. 25B.14.................

ad. 2004 No. 54

Renumbered r. 25B.77......

2011 No. 133

Chapter 3


Heading to Chapt. 3..........

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 26


Note to r. 26.01.............

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 27


Heading to Part 27...........

rs. 2007 No. 179

Division 27.1


r. 27.01..................

am. 2011 No. 133

r. 27.03..................

am. 2002 No. 80

Part 28


r. 28.05..................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2007 No. 179

Part 29


Part 29 of Chapt. 3..........

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.01..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.02..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.03..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.04..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.05..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.06..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.07..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.08..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.09..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.10..................

ad. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.11..................

ad. 2012 No. 94

r. 29.12..................

ad. 2012 No. 94

Chapter 4.................

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 29..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 29.01–29.07............. 

rep. 2006 No. 2

r. 29.08..................

ad. 2002 No. 80


rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 30..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 30.01–30.03.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 31..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

r. 31.01..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

r. 31.02..................

am. 2003 No. 272


rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 31.03–31.10.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 32..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 32.01–32.03.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 33..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

r. 33.01..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

Div 33.1.................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 33.02–33.06.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Div 33.2.................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 33.07–33.14.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 34..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

r. 34.01..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 35..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 35.01–35.05.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 36..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 36.01–36.02.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 37..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 37.01–37.04.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 38..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 38.01–38.06.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 39..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

Div 39.1.................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 39.01–39.03.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Div 39.2.................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 39.04–39.05.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Part 40..................

rep. 2006 No. 2

rr. 40.01–40.02.............

rep. 2006 No. 2

Chapter 5


Part 41


r. 41.02..................

am. 2011 No. 133

Note to r. 41.02(2) ..........

am. 2011 No. 133

r. 41.02A.................

ad. 2006 No. 2


rs. 2007 No. 179

r. 41.03..................

am. 2007 No. 179

r. 41.04..................

rs. 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179

Chapter 6


Part 42


Part 42 of Chapt. 6..........

rs. 2012 No. 94

Note to Part 42.............

ad. 2005 No. 263


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.01..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.02..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.03..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.04..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.05..................

ad. 2012 No. 94

r. 42.06..................

ad. 2012 No. 94

Part 43


Part 43 of Chapt. 6..........

rs. 2012 No. 94

Note to Part 43.............

ad. 2005 No. 263


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.01..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.02..................

am. 2007 No. 179


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.03..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.04..................

am. 2003 No. 272; 2007 No. 179


rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.05..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.06..................

rs. 2012 No. 94

r. 43.07..................

ad. 2012 No. 94

Part 44


Part 44..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

Division 44.1


r. 44.01..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.02..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.03..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

Division 44.2


r. 44.04..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.05..................

ad. 2005 No. 263


am. 2007 No. 179; 2009 No. 55

r. 44.06..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

Division 44.3


r. 44.07..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.08..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.09..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

Division 44.4


r. 44.10..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.11..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.12..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.13..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.14..................

ad. 2005 No. 263

r. 44.15..................

ad. 2005 No. 263


am. 2012 No. 94; No. 56, 2013

Chapter 7


Chapter 7.................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Part 45


Division 45.1


r. 45.01..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

r. 45.02..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

r. 45.03..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Division 45.2


r. 45.04..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

r. 45.05..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Division 45.3


r. 45.06..................

ad. 2009 No. 160


am. No. 56, 2013

r. 45.07..................

ad. 2009 No. 160


am. No. 56, 2013

r. 45.08..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

r. 45.09..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Division 45.4


Heading to r. 45.10..........

rs. 2011 No. 133

r. 45.10..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

r. 45.11..................

ad. 2009 No. 160


am. 2011 No. 133

r. 45.12..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Heading to r. 45.13..........

rs. 2011 No. 133

r. 45.13..................

ad. 2009 No. 160


am. 2011 No. 133

r. 45.13A.................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Division 45.4A


Div. 45.4A of Part 4.........

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 45.13B.................

ad. 2011 No. 133


am. No. 56, 2013

Division 45.5


r. 45.14..................

ad. 2009 No. 160

Chapter 8


Chapter 8................. ad

ad. 2011 No. 133

Part 46


r. 46.1...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 46.2...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 46.3...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 46.4...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

r. 46.5...................

ad. 2011 No. 133

Schedule 1


Heading to Schedule 1........

rs. 2003 No. 272; 2005 No. 263; 2012 No. 94

Schedule 1................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2003 No. 272; 2005 No. 263; 2006 No. 2; 2008 No. 10


rs. 2009 No. 55


am. 2011 No. 133


rs. 2012 No. 94; No. 56, 2013

Schedule 2................

am. 2002 No. 80; 2003 No. 272; 2004 No. 54; 2005 No. 263; 2006 No. 2


rep. 2007 No. 179

Schedule 3


Schedule 3................

am. 2003 No. 272; 2004 No. 54; 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179; 2009 No. 160; 2011 No. 133; 2012 No. 94


rs. No. 56, 2013

Schedule 4................

ad. 2003 No. 272


rep. 2006 No. 2

Schedule 5................

ad. 2004 No. 54


rs. 2009 No. 55


rep. 2011 No. 133




am. 2002 No. 80; 2004 No. 54; 2006 No. 2; 2007 No. 179; 2008 No. 215; 2009 No. 55; 2011 No. 133; 2012 No. 94; No. 56, 2013



Endnote 3—Uncommenced amendments [none]

There are no uncommenced amendments.

Endnote 4—Misdescribed amendments [none]

There are no misdescribed amendments.