Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2)1
I, PETER JOHN HOLLINGWORTH, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Act 1991.
Dated 6 June 2002
By His Excellency’s Command
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health and Ageing
1 Name of Regulations
These Regulations are the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2).
2 Commencement
These Regulations commence on the commencement of Part 1 of Schedule 1 (other than item 120A) to the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Act 2001.
3 Amendment of Australia New Zealand Food Authority Regulations 1994
Schedule 1 amends the Australia New Zealand Food Authority Regulations 1994.
Schedule 1 Amendments
(regulation 3)
[1] Regulation 1
1 Name of Regulations
These Regulations are the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Regulations 1994.
[2] Regulation 2, definition of Act
Act means the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
[3] Regulation 2, definition of proposal
section 21
section 12AA
[4] Regulation 3
3 Appropriate government agencies
(1) For paragraph (a) of the definition of appropriate government agency in subsection 3 (1) of the Act, each Department of the Commonwealth mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 1 is prescribed.
(2) For paragraph (d) of the definition of appropriate government agency in subsection 3 (1) of the Act, each State or Territory authority mentioned in Part 2 of Schedule 1 is prescribed.
[5] Subregulation 4 (1)
subsection 36 (1) of the Act, to omit to do one or more of the matters
subsection 36 (1A) of the Act, not to do something
[6] Subregulation 4 (2)
Schedule 1
Schedule 1A
[7] Regulation 5
[8] Regulation 6
6 Disclosure of confidential commercial information
For paragraph 39 (4) (b) of the Act, each authority mentioned in Schedule 2 is prescribed.
[9] Regulation 7, example, paragraph (a)
(a) it should declare in writing, under paragraph 24 (1) (a) of the Act, that the application is an urgent application; or
[10] Subregulation 8 (2)
without delay
[11] Regulation 9, heading
9 Refunds — withdrawal before initial assessment
[12] Regulation 10, heading
10 Refunds — withdrawal after initial assessment
[13] Regulation 11, heading
11 Refunds — no request for final assessment
[14] Regulation 12, heading
12 Initial assessment — relevant matters
[15] Regulation 13, heading
13 Outcome of initial assessment
[16] Subregulation 14 (1)
Following receipt of a
Within 28 days of receiving
[17] Subregulation 14 (1)
apply to the Authority, in writing,
make a written request to the Authority
[18] Subregulation 14 (2)
(2) Within 28 days of receiving a request, the Authority must reconsider the decision and:
(a) either:
(i) confirm the decision; or
(ii) set the decision aside and substitute another decision for it; and
(b) notify the applicant of the outcome of the reconsideration.
[19] Subregulation 14 (3)
[20] Regulation 15, heading
15 Charges — draft assessment
[21] Regulation 16, heading
16 Charges — final assessment relating to food regulatory measure
[22] Schedule 1
Schedule 1 Appropriate government agencies
(regulation 3)
Part 1 Departments of the Commonwealth
Item | Department |
1 | Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Australia |
2 | Attorney-General’s Department |
3 | Department of Education, Science and Training |
4 | Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
5 | Department of Health and Ageing |
6 | Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources |
Part 2 State and Territory authorities
Item | Authority |
1 | NSW Agriculture |
2 | Safe Food Production New South Wales |
3 | Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Victoria |
4 | Department of State and Regional Development of Victoria |
5 | Department of Primary Industry of Queensland |
6 | Safe Food Production Queensland |
7 | Department of Agriculture of Western Australia |
8 | Department of Primary Industry and Resources of South Australia |
9 | Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment of Tasmania |
10 | Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development of the Northern Territory |
Schedule 1A Modifications or adaptations of Part 3 of the Act under subsection 36 (2) of the Act
(subregulation 4 (2))
Part 1 Modifications and adaptations if the Authority decides not to invite submissions after it accepts an application
1 Paragraph 13A (2) (c)
(c) that the Authority will not invite submissions on matters relevant to the application.
2 Subsection 14 (1)
(1) After accepting the application, the Authority must give written notice of the matters mentioned in subsection (3) to each appropriate government agency.
3 Paragraph 14 (3) (e)
(e) state that the Authority will not invite submissions on matters relevant to the application.
4 Paragraph 15 (3) (a)
5 Subparagraph 16 (5) (b) (ii)
6 Paragraph 17 (2) (c)
7 Subsection 17A (2)
(2) The Authority must also give written notice of the decision to each appropriate government agency.
Part 2 Modifications and adaptations if the Authority decides not to give notice that it will make a draft assessment in relation to an application
8 Paragraph 13A (2) (b)
9 Paragraph 14 (3) (c)
10 Paragraph 16 (1) (a)
after making a draft assessment of an application,
11 Paragraph 17 (1) (a)
after making a draft assessment of an application,
Part 3 Modifications and adaptations if the Authority decides not to invite submissions in relation to a proposal
12 Subsection 14A (1)
(1) After preparing a proposal for the development or variation of a food regulatory measure, the Authority must give written notice of the matters mentioned in subsection (3) to each appropriate government agency.
13 Paragraph 14A (3) (d)
(d) state that the Authority will not invite submissions on matters relevant to the proposal.
14 Paragraph 15AA (2) (a)
15 Subsection 17AA (1)
(1) If, after making a draft assessment of a proposal, the Authority prepares a draft food regulatory measure, or a draft variation of a food regulatory measure, the Authority must give written notice of the matters mentioned in subsection (2) to each appropriate government agency.
16 Paragraph 17AB (1) (b)
(b) the public by announcement and dissemination in a form the Authority considers will be effective in alerting interested parties to the proposal and which will make the details of the proposal generally accessible.
Part 4 Modifications and adaptations if the Authority decides not to give notice that it will make a draft assessment in relation to a proposal
17 Paragraph 14A (3) (b)
18 Subsection 17AA (1)
If, after making a draft assessment of a proposal,
[23] Schedule 2
Schedule 2 Prescribed authorities to which confidential commercial information may be disclosed
(regulation 6)
Part 1 Commonwealth authorities
Item | Authority |
1 | Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Australia |
2 | Attorney-General’s Department |
3 | Department of Education, Science and Training |
4 | Department of Family and Community Services |
5 | Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
6 | Department of Health and Ageing |
7 | Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources |
Part 2 State and Territory authorities
Item | Authority |
1 | NSW Agriculture |
2 | NSW Health Department |
3 | Safe Food Production New South Wales |
4 | Department of Human Services of Victoria |
5 | Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Victoria |
6 | Department of State and Regional Development of Victoria |
7 | Department of Primary Industry of Queensland |
8 | Queensland Health |
9 | Safe Food Production Queensland |
10 | Department of Agriculture of Western Australia |
11 | Health Department of Western Australia |
12 | Department of Human Services of South Australia |
13 | Department of Primary Industry and Resources of South Australia |
14 | Department of Health and Human Services of Tasmania |
15 | Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment of Tasmania |
16 | Department of Health, Housing and Community Care of the Australian Capital Territory |
17 | Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development of the Northern Territory |
18 | Territory Health Services of the Northern Territory |
Part 3 New Zealand authorities
Item | Authority |
1 | Environmental Risk Management Authority |
2 | Ministry of Health |
3 | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
[24] Schedule 3, Part 2, heading
Part 2 Charges for draft assessments, final assessments and draft food regulatory measures
[25] Further amendments
Provision | omit | insert |
Subregulation 8 (1), note 1 | a preliminary | an initial |
Regulation 9 | preliminary | initial |
Subregulation 10 (1) | preliminary | initial |
Subregulation 10 (2) | full | draft |
Subregulation 10 (3) | after full | after draft |
Subregulation 10 (3) | for full | for draft |
Paragraph 10 (3) (b) | inquiry | final assessment |
Paragraph 10 (3) (b) | held — | made — |
Subregulation 10 (4) | full | draft |
Subregulation 10 (4) | an inquiry | a final assessment |
Subregulation 10 (4) | holding of the inquiry. | making of the final assessment. |
Regulation 11 | hold an inquiry | make a final assessment |
Paragraph 12 (a) | full | draft |
Paragraph 13 (1) (d) | full | draft |
Regulation 15 | full | draft |
1. These Regulations amend Statutory Rules 1994 No. 286, as amended by 2000 No. 122; 2001 No. 341; 2002 No. 38.
2. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 14 June 2002.