Radiocommunications Spectrum Conversion Plan (500 MHz Band) Variation 2001 (No. 1)

The AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY, makes this Variation under subsection 42 (1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.



Dated    23 May  2001




A.J SHAW                                                                                                                  Chair






Australian Communications Authority




  1. Name of Variation


This Variation is the Radiocommunications Spectrum Conversion Plan (500 MHz Band) Variation 2001 (No. 1).


2.  Commencement


This Variation commences on 23 May 2001.



3. Amendment of Radiocommunications Spectrum Conversion Plan (500 MHz Band) 1996


 Schedule 1 amends the Radiocommunications Spectrum Conversion Plan (500 MHz Band) 1996.





Schedule 1  Amendment of Radiocommunications Spectrum Conversion Plan (500 MHz Band) 1996


[1]  Paragraph 26(1)(a)




  (a) will be for fixed terms of up to 15 years; and


[2]  Subclause 26(1), NOTE




  [NOTE: Section 65 of the Act provides that the maximum duration of a spectrum licence is 15 years.]