Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference – 500 MHz Band) Amendment Determination 2002 (No.1)



The AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY makes this Determination under subsection 145 (4) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.



Dated    28 November 2002



A.J SHAW                                                                                                                Chair






Australian Communications Authority




  1. Name of Determination


This Determination is the Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference – 500 MHz Band) Amendment Determination 2002

(No. 1).


2.  Commencement


This Determination commences on 28 November 2002.


3. Amendment of Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference) Determination No.1 of 1996


 Schedule 1 amends the Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference) Determination No.1 of 1996.


Schedule 1 Amendments



Schedule 1  Amendments

   (section 3)



[1]  Clause 1




1. This determination is called the Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference – 500 MHz Band) Determination 1996.



[2]  Clause 3, note 1











[3]  Clause 3, note 1








   section 145



[4]  Clause 3, note 2


  omit each mention of









Schedule 1 Amendments



[5]  Clause 3, note 2








   section 262




[6]  Subclause 4(1)


  omit each mention of









[7]  Subclause 6(1), note




[Note: Under section 145 of the Act, the ACA may refuse to register a transmitter if the operation of the transmitter could cause an unacceptable level of interference to the operation of other radiocommunications devices.]



[8]  Subclause 6(2), note








Subsection 66(1)






Schedule 1 Amendments



[9]  Subclause 6(3), note




  see the Note in Schedule 2




see the Note in Part 2 of Schedule 2



[10]  Schedule 1, note 2








subsection 69(2)



[11]  Schedule 2, Part 1, note











[12]  Schedule 2, Part 1, clause 1, Step 5, note




  see the Note in Schedule 2




see the Note in Part 2 of Schedule 2







Schedule 1 Amendments



[13]  Schedule 2, Part 2, note


 omit each mention of









[14]  Schedule 3, clause 1, note




[Note: The ACA provides software facilities, for persons accredited under section 263 of the Act to issue interference impact certificates under subsection 145(3) of the Act, to calculate tables of effective antenna heights for any location in Australia.]



[15]  Schedule 4




Schedule 1,



Schedule 2,



[16]  Schedule 5




Schedule 1,




Schedule 2,