The Council of the Australian National University makes these Rules under section 9 of the Faculties and Faculty Boards (Institute of Advanced Studies) Statute 2002.


Dated: 10 December 2004.





Peter Baume AO






1 Name of Rules and commencement

(1) These are the Faculty and Faculty Board (Research School of Biological Sciences) Rules 2005.

(2) These Rules commence on 31 December 2004, immediately after the commencement of the Rules (Repeal) Rules 2004.

2 Definitions

In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears:

Faculty means the Faculty of the Research School;

Faculty Board means the Faculty Board of the Research School;

Research School means the Research School of Biological Sciences;

Senior Administrative Manager means the Senior Administrative Manager located in the Research School;

Statute means the Faculties and Faculty Boards (Institute of Advanced Studies) Statute 2002.

3 Membership of Faculty

(1) The following persons are, for the purposes of subsection 3(2) of the Statute, members of the Faculty:

 (a) visiting and honorary fellows in the Research School whose appointments are for not less than 6 months; and

 (b) such number of research students of the Research School, elected in such manner and for such terms of office as the Faculty, by resolution, determines; and

 (c) such members of the staff of the University who are not otherwise members of the Faculty as the Faculty, by resolution, appoints; and

 (d) such other persons, not being members of the staff of the University, as the Faculty, by resolution, appoints.

(2) A person appointed to be a member of the Faculty under paragraph (1)(c) or (d) holds office for such term as the Faculty at the time of the appointment, determines.

(3) A person who is elected or appointed to be a member of the Faculty under paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (d) may at any time, by notice in writing given to the Chair of the Faculty, resign from membership of the Faculty.

4 Chair of Faculty

(1) There is to be a Chair of the Faculty, who is to be elected by the members of the Faculty from their number in such manner as the Faculty, by resolution, determines.

(2) The Chair of the Faculty holds office until:

 (a) the expiration of 2 years from the date of his or her election; or

 (b) his or her earlier resignation.

(3) The Chair of the Faculty must preside at all meetings of the Faculty at which he or she is present, and, in the event of the Chair being absent from a meeting of the Faculty, the members of the Faculty present at the meeting must elect 1 of their number to preside at the meeting.

(4) The person presiding at a meeting of the Faculty must report to the meeting on the matters dealt with by the Faculty Board since the last preceding meeting of the Faculty.

5 Membership of Faculty Board

(1) The following persons are, for the purposes of subsection 4(2) of the Statute, members of the Faculty Board:

 (a) the Chair of the Faculty, if not otherwise a member of the Faculty Board; and

 (b) 2 persons, appointed by the Faculty in the way determined by the Faculty by resolution, from among the members of the academic staff of the University (levels A to E) who hold fixed term appointments and who are members of the Faculty; and

 (c) the head of each of the research groups in the Research School who is not otherwise a member of the Faculty Board; and

 (d) 1 person appointed by the Research School’s Consultative Committee from among the general staff of the Research School; and

 (e) 1 person appointed by the Research School’s Research Students Group from among the graduate students of the Research School; and

 (f) the Senior Administrative Manager.

(2) A member of the Faculty Board referred to in paragraph (1)(b) holds office, unless the Faculty, by resolution, otherwise determines, for 2 years from the date of his or her appointment as a member.

(3) A member of the Faculty Board referred to in paragraph (1)(d) holds office, unless the Research School’s Consultative Committee, by resolution, otherwise determines, for 1 year from the date of his or her appointment as a member.

(4) A member of the Faculty Board referred to in paragraph (1)(e) holds office, unless the Research School’s Research Students Group, by resolution, otherwise determines, for 1 year from the date of his or her appointment as a member.

6 Meetings

(1) For the purposes of subsection 5(2) of the Statute:

 (a) the prescribed number of members of the Faculty is 4; and

 (b) the prescribed number of members of the Faculty Board is 2.

(2) Subject to subrule (3), not less than 3 weeks’ notice of each meeting of the Faculty is to be given, in such manner as is determined by the Faculty by resolution, to each member of the Faculty, and an agenda for each such meeting must be distributed to the members not less than 10 days before the date fixed for the meeting.

(3) If it appears to the Senior Administrative Manager, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Faculty, that an urgent meeting of the Faculty should be convened before the expiration of 3 weeks after the need for that meeting became apparent to the Senior Administrative Manager, the Senior Administrative Manager may direct that subrule (2) apply in relation to that meeting as if there were substituted for the references to the periods of 3 weeks and 10 days references to the periods of 1 week and 5 days, respectively.

(4) For the purposes of subsection 5(5) of the Statute:

 (a) the quorum at a meeting of the Faculty is 20 members; and

 (b) the quorum at a meeting of the Faculty Board is such number of members as is equal to one-half of the members for the time being of the Faculty Board or, if that fraction is not a whole number, the next higher whole number.