Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


List of Exempt Native Specimens



I, David Kemp, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, pursuant to subsection 303DB(1) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, hereby establish the list of exempt native specimens as set out in the Schedule hereto.


This instrument will take effect on 11 January 2002.



Dated this    29th   day of       Nov     2001








Minister for the Environment and Heritage



This is a list of native specimens that are exempt from export regulations. The list includes only specimens that are, or are derived from, Australian native animals and plants.


The ‘Taxon’ column of the list includes the scientific name of the listed taxa. The structure of the list is described in more detail below.


The ‘Common Name’ column of the list is included for information only and the scientific name determines if a species is included on the list.


Inclusion of a specimen on the list may be subject to conditions and these conditions are included in the ‘Notation’ column. Only specimens satisfying these conditions will be exempt from export regulations. The exemption does not include live mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians.


It is intended that specimens with a date in the ‘Notation’ column are exempt until 1 December 2003 at which time this list will be reviewed and amended. Only those species recognised as being harvested in accordance with sustainable and ecologically based management arrangements will be included on this list after 1 December 2003.


For the purposes of this list the term ‘personal baggage’ refers to a personal effect of a person departing from Australia, that is within the personal baggage of the person departing from Australia, and is not intended to be used for any commercial purpose, including sale, lease, hire or exchange.



The list of specimens is organised as follows:



Animals (Animalia) Miscellaneous (not species specific)


Mammals  (Mammalia) Species in Alphabetic sequence


Birds  (Aves) Species in Alphabetic sequence


Reptiles  (Reptilia) Species in Alphabetic sequence


Terrestrial Invertebrates  Miscellaneous (not species specific)

 Species in Alphabetic sequence


Freshwater and Marine Animals


General Miscellaneous (not species specific)

Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) Species in Alphabetic sequence

Bony fishes (Osteichthyes) Miscellaneous (not species specific)

 Species in Alphabetic sequence

Freshwater and Marine Invertebrates Species in Alphabetic sequence within Phylum: Annelida




Plants Miscellaneous (not species specific)

 Species in Alphabetic sequence


Prokaryotes (Monera) Miscellaneous (not species specific)


Virus Miscellaneous (not species specific)


Taxon / Item

Common Name


Miscellaneous (not species specific)










Mammals (Mammalia)


Taxon / Item

Common Name


Macropus fuliginosus

Western Grey Kangaroo


Tanned or other processed skin products, meat, or articles made from meat or tanned skins of the listed species as personal baggage

Macropus giganteus

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Macropus parryi

Whiptail Wallaby

Macropus robustus


Macropus rufogriseus

Bennett’s Wallaby

Macropus rufus

Red Kangaroo

Thylogale billardierii

Rufous Wallaby

Trichosurus vulpecula

Brush Tail Possum


Birds (Aves)


Taxon / Item

Common Name


Dromaius novaehollandiae


Tanned or other processed skin products, meat, or articles made from meat or tanned skins, egg shells, products made from egg shells, feathers or products made from feathers, oil or products derived from oil as personal baggage

Puffinus tenuirostris

Short Tailed Shearwater

Tanned or other processed skin products, meat, or articles made from meat or tanned skins as personal baggage



Taxon / Item

Common Name


Acanthophis antarcticus

Death Adder


Venom, venom derivative or venom product or a naturally sloughed skin from the listed species that was captured with the approval of, held in captivity with the approval of, and held in a place approved by the relevant State and Territory Government.

Acanthophis praelongus

Northern Death Adder

Acanthophis pyrrhus

Desert Death Adder

Kangaroo Island population of Austrelaps labialis

Kangaroo Island Pygmy Copperhead

Victorian and South Australian populations of Austrelaps superbus


Hoplocephalus stephensii

Stephens’ Banded Snake

Notechis ater niger

Kangaroo Island Black Tiger Snake

Notechis ater occidentalis

Western Australian Black Tiger Snake

Notechis scutatus

Eastern Tiger Snake, Mainland Tiger Snake

Oxyuranus microlepidotus

Inland Taipan

Oxyuranus scutellatus


Pseudechis australis

King Brown Snake

Pseudechis colletti

Collett’s Snake

Pseudechis guttatus

Spotted Black Snake

Pseudechis porphyriacus

Red-bellied Black Snake

Pseudonaja affinis


Pseudonaja inframacula

Peninsula Brown Snake

Pseudonaja nuchalis

Western Brown Snake

Pseudonaja textilis

Common Brown Snake

Tropidechis carinatus

Rough Scaled Snake




Taxon / Item

Common Name


Miscellaneous (not species specific)



All species and subspecies within the order Coleoptera


Mounted specimens that have been obtained from a captive breeding operation as personal baggage. Limit 5 specimens per person

All species and subspecies within the order Lepidoptera

butterflies, moths

Mounted specimens that have been obtained from a captive breeding operation as personal baggage. Limit 5 specimens per person

Species (in alphabetic sequence)



Lampona cylindrata

White-tailed Spider

Venom, venom derivative or venom product

Latrodectus hasseltii

Redback Spider

Venom, venom derivative or venom product




Taxon / Item

Common Name


Fresh or Marine game-fish


Mounted specimens as personal baggage

Marine or freshwater fish or invertebrates


Foodstuff, whether or not including shells, heads, fins or other inedible components as personal baggage


Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes)


Taxon / Item

Common Name


Bathyraja spp.

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Callorhinchus milii

Elephant Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Carcharhinus brachyurus

Bronze Whaler

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Carcharhinus obscurus

Dusky Whaler

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Carcharhinus sorrah

Spot Tail Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Carcharhinus tilstoni

Black Tip Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centrophorus harrissoni

Dumb Dogfish, Harrisson’s Deep Sea Dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centrophorus scalpratus

Endeavour Dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centrophorus uyato

Southern Dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centroscymnus spp.

velvet dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Dalatias spp.

seal sharks

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Etmopterus spp.

lantern sharks

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Furgaleus macki

Whiskery Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Galeorhinus galeus

School Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Mustelus antarcticus

Gummy Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Prionace glauca

Blue Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pristiophorus cirratus

Common Sawshark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pristiophorus nudipinnis

Southern Sawshark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Raja spp.


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sphyrna zygaena

Hammerhead Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Squalus acanthias

White-spotted Dogfish, White-spotted Spurdog

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Squalus megalops

Spiked Dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Squalus mitsukurii

Green-eyed Dogfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Squatina australis

Australian Angel Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Squatina tergocellata

Ornate Angel Shark

Included on the list until 1/12/2003


Bony fishes (Osteichthyes)


Taxon / Item

Common Name


Miscellaneous (not species specific)



Species and subspecies in the family Syngnathidae

seahorses, pipefish, seadragons

Mounted specimens that have been obtained from approved aquaculture operations or from Western Australian waters as personal baggage. Limit 2 mounted specimens per person.





Species (in alphabetic sequence)



Acanthistius ocellatus

Wirrah, Pepper Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Acanthocybium solandri


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Acanthopagrus australis

Yellowfin Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Acanthopagrus butcheri

Black Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Aldrichetta forsteri

Yellow-eye Mullet

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Alepisaurus ferox

Lancet Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Allocyttus niger

Black Oreo

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Allocyttus verrucosus

Warty Oreo

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Allothunnus fallai

Slender Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ammotretis spp.

bay flounder

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Amniataba percoides

Barred Grunter, Black-striped Grunter


Amphiprion spp.

Clown Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Anguilla reinhardtii

Longfin Eel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Anguilla australis

Shortfin Eel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Argyrosomus hololepidotus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ariomma indica

Indian Eyebrowfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arius leptaspis

Golden Cobbler

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arius midgleyi

Lake Argyle Silver Cobbler

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arius sp.


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arius thalassinus

Giant Salmon Catfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arripis georgianus

Tommy Ruff

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arripis trutta

Eastern Australian Salmon

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Arripis truttaceus

Western Australian Salmon

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Beryx splendens

Splendid Alfonsino

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Brama brama


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cairnsicthys rhombosomoides

Cairns Rainbowfish


Centroberyx affinis


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centroberyx gerrardi

Bight Redfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centrolophus niger


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Centropyge joculator

Cocos Angelfish, Yellowhead Angelfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Chaenodraco wilsoni

Spiny Icefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Champsocephalus gunnari

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Channichthys rhinoceratus

Unicorn Icefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cheilodactylus fuscus

Red Morwong

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Chelidonichthys kumu

Red Gurnard

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cnidoglanis macrocephalus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Caelorinchus mirus

Small-eye Rat Tail

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Coryphaena hippurus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum +ssp.

Fly-specked Hardy-head


Cromileptes altivelis

Barramundi Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cyttus australis

Silver Dory

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cyttus traversi

King Dory

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Decapterus scombrinus

Southern Scad, Temperate Scad, Southern Mackerel Scad

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Dissostichus eleginoides

Patagonian Toothfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Dissostichus mawsoni

Antarctic Toothfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Eleutheronema tetradactylum

Blue Threadfin

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Emmelichthys nitidus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Emmelichthys sp.


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Engraulis australis


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epigonus sp.

cardinal fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epigonus telescopus

cardinal fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus areolatus

Yellow Spotted Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus beniotius

Three Lined Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus coioides

Estuary Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus ergastularius

Bar Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus multinotatus

Rankins Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Epinephelus sexfasciatus

Six Banded Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Etelis carbunculus

Eteline Snapper, Ruby Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Eubalichthys bucephalus

Black Reef Leatherjacket

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Exocoetus volitans

Pacific Flying Fish, Tropical Two-wing Flying Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Genypterus blacodes

Pink Ling, Rock Ling

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Gerres ovatus

Silver Biddy

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Girella tricuspidata


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Glaucosoma hebraicum

Westralian Jewfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Glaucosoma scapulare

Pearl Perch

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Helicolenus barathri

ocean perch

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Helicolenus percoides

ocean perch

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hemiramphus robustus

Stout (Three by Two) Garfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hephaestus carbo

Coal Grunter


Hephaestus fuliginosus

Sooty Grunter


Hirundichthys speculiger

Mirrorwing Flying Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hoplostethus atlanticus

Orange Roughy

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyperoglyphe antarctica

Blue Eye, Blue Eye Trevalla

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyperlophus vittatus

Sandy Sprat

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyporhamphus ardelio

Eastern River Garfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyporhamphus australis

Eastern Sea Garfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyporhamphus melanochir

Southern Sea Garfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hyporhamphus regularis

Western River Garfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Hypseleotris galii

Fire-tail Gudgeon


Iriatherina werneri

Threadfin Rainbowfish


Istiophorus platypterus

Indo-pacific Sailfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Katsuwonus pelamis

Skipjack Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lampris guttatus

Opah, Jerusalem Haddock

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lampris immaculatus

Southern Opah

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lates calcarifer


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Latris lineata

Striped Trumpeter

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lepidonotothen squamifrons

Grey Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lepidopus caudatus

Ribbonfish, Frost Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lethrinus choerorhynchus

Blue-spotted Emperor

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lethrinus lentjan

Red-spot Emperor

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lethrinus miniatus

Red-throat Emperor

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lethrinus nebulosus

Spangled Emperor

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Liza argentea

Flat-tail Mullet

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lutjanus argentimaculatus

Mangrove Jack

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lutjanus erythropterus

Red Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lutjanus johnii

Golden Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lutjanus malabaricus

Saddle-tail Snapper, Scarlet Sea Perch

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Lutjanus sebae

Red Emperor

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Maccullochella peelii

Murray Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Macquaria ambigua

Golden Perch

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Macquaria novemaculeata

Australian Bass


Macrurous species

Rat Tails

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Macruronus novaezelandiae

Blue Grenadier

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Melanotaenia  pygmea

Pygmy Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia duboulayi

Duboulay’s Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia exquisita

Exquisite Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia fluviatilis

Crimson-spotted Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia gracilis

Slender Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia maccullochi

McCulloch’s Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia nigrans

Black-banded Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia splendida

Australian Rainbowfish


Melanotaenia trifasciata

Banded Rainbowfish


Meuschenia flavolineata

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Meuschenia freycineti

Six-spined Leatherjacket

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Meuschenia spp. (reef)

reef jackets

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Mora moro


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Mogurnda adspersa

Purple-spotted Gudgeon


Mogurnda mogurnda

Northern Trout Gudgeon


Mugil cephalus

Sea Mullet

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nelusetta ayraudi

Ocean Jacket, Ocean Leatherjacket

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemadactylus douglasii

Grey Morwong, Blue Morwong, King Terraki

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemadactylus macropterus

Jackass Morwong

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemadactylus sp.

morwong, terakihi

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemadactylus valenciennesi

Queen Snapper, Blue Morwong

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nematalosa erebi

Bony Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nematalosa vlaminghi

Perth Herring

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemipterus furcosus

Rosy Threadfin Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemipterus hexodon

Ornate Threadfin Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nemipterus peronii

Notched Threadfin Bream

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Neocyttus rhomboidalis

Spiky Oreo

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Neoplatycephalus aurimaculatus

Gold-spotted Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Neoplatycephalus conatus

Deepwater Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Neoplatycephalus richardsoni

Tiger Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Notothenia rossii

Marble Rock Cod

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Oplegnathus woodwardii


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Oxyeleotris lineolatus

Sleepy Cod


Pagrus auratus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Paristiopterus gallipavo

Yellow-spotted Boarfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Paristiopterus labiosus

Giant Boarfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Parupeneus spp.


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pentaceros decacanthus

Big-spined Boarfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pentaceros richardsonii


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plagiogeneion macrolepis


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plagiogeneion sp.


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus arenarius

Northern Sand Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus bassensis

Sand Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus

Eastern Blue-spotted Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus fuscus

Dusky Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus laevigatus

Rock Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Platycephalus speculator

Yank Flathead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plectropomus laevis

Bluespot Trout

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plectropomus leopardus

Common Coral Trout

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plectropomus maculatus

Bar-cheeked Trout

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pleuragramma antarcticum

Antarctic Silverfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pleuroscopus pseudodorsalis

Purple Stargazer

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Polydactylus sheridani

King Threadfin

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Polyprion moeone

Bass Groper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Polyprion oxygeneios


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pomatomus saltatrix


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Premnas biaculeatus

Spine-cheek Anemonefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pristipomoides filamentosus

Rosy Job Fish, King Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pristipomoides multidens

Gold Band Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pristipomoides typus

Sharptoothed Snapper

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Psenopsis anomala

Black-spot Butterfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pseudocaranx dentex

Silver Trevally

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pseudocyttus maculatus

Smooth Oreo

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pseudomugil gertrudae

Spotted Blue-eye


Pseudomugil signifer

Pacific Blue-eye


Pterygotrigla polyommata


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Rexea solandri


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Rhadinocentrus ornatus

Ornate Rainbowfish


Rhombosolea tapirina

Greenback Flounder

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ruvettus pretiosus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sarda australis

Australian Bonito

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sardinella lemuru

Scaly Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sardinops neopilchardus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Saurida micropectoralis

Short-finned Lizardfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Saurida undosquamis

Checkered Lizardfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scarus ghobban


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scleropages jardinii

Gulf Saratoga


Scleropages leichardti



Scomber australasicus

Blue Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scomberesox saurus

Saury, King Gar

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scomberomorus commerson

Spanish Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scomberomorus munroi

Spotted Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scomberomorus queenslandicus

School Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scomberomorus semifasciatus

Grey Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scorpis lineolatus

Sea Sweep

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriola dumerili

Greater Amberjack

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriola hippos

Samson Fish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriola lalandi

Yellowtail Kingfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriola nigrofasciata

Black Barred Amberjack

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriolella brama

Blue Warehou

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Seriolella punctata

Spotted Warehou

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillaginodes punctata

King George Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago analis

Golden Lined Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago bassensis

Western School Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago ciliata

Sand Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago flindersi

Eastern School Whiting, Red Spot Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago maculata burrus

Western Trumpeter Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago maculata maculata

Trumpeter Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago schomburgkii

Yellowfin Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sillago vittata

Banded Whiting

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sphyraena obtusata

Sea Pike

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Tandanus tandanus

freshwater catfish


Taractichthys longipinnis

Big Scale Pomfret

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Tetrapturus angustirostris

Shortbill Spearfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Tetrapturus audax

Striped Marlin

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus alalunga


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus albacares

Yellowfin Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus maccoyii

Southern Bluefin Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus obesus

Bigeye Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus thynnus orientalis

Pacific Northern Bluefin Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thunnus tonggol

Long Tail Tuna

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thyrsites atun


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Toxotes chatareus

Seven-spot Archerfish


Toxotes jaculatrix

Banded Archerfish


Toxotes lorentzi

Lorentz’ Archerfish


Toxotes oligolepis

Large-scale Archerfish


Trachurus declivis

Jack Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trachurus murphyi

Peruvian Jack Mackerel

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trachurus novaezelandiae

Yellow Tail Scad

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trematomus eulepidotus

Blunt Scalyhead

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trichiurus lepturus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trichiurus squala


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Upeneichthys spp.

Red Mullets

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Xenobrama microlepis


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Xiphias gladius

Broadbill Swordfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Zanclistius elevatus

Black-spotted Boarfish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Zenopsis nebulosus

Mirror Dory

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Zeus faber

John Dory

Included on the list until 1/12/2003



Taxon / Item

Common Name


Phylum: Mollusca



Miscellaneous (not species specific)



Marine shells of any taxa within the Phylum Mollusca except species of Tridacnidae.


Marine shells of specimen shell quality, obtained from Western Australian, South Australian, Queensland or Victorian waters as personal baggage. Limit 5 specimens per person.

Marine shells of any taxa within the Phylum Mollusca except species of Tridacnidae.


Beach cast marine shells as personal baggage.


Species within the Pteriidae family

pearls, mother-of-pearl

Pearls or mother of pearl as personal baggage. Excludes any live pearl oysters or spat.

Species (in alphabetic sequence)



Mytilus edulis 

Blue Mussel


Amusium balloti

Ballots Saucer Scallop, Western Saucer Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Amusium pleuronectes

Delicate Saucer Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Crassostrea tuberculata

Western Rock Oyster


Equichlamys asperrima

Doughboy Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Equichlamys bifrons

Queen Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Haliotis asinina

Asses Ear Abalone


Haliotis conicopora

Brownlip Abalone

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Haliotis laevigata

Greenlip Abalone

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Haliotis roei

Roe’s Abalone

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Haliotis rubra

Blacklip Abalone

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Katelysia rhytiphora


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Katelysia scalarina


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Loligo chinensis

Mitre Squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Loligo edulis

North West Pink Squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Loligo etheridgei


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nototodarus gouldi

Gould’s Flying Squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Nototodarus hawaiiensis

arrow squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Octopus australis

Southern Octopus

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Octopus maorum

Maori Octopus

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Octopus pallidus

Pale Octopus

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Octopus tetricus

Gloomy Octopus

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ommastrephes bartramii

Red Ocean Squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ornithoteuthis volatilis

arrow squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ostrea angasi


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pecten alba

Tasmanian Scallop, Commercial Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pecten fumatus

Southern Scallop

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pecten meridionalis


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pecten modestus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pinctada albina

Shark Bay Pearl Oyster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pinctada fucata

Southern Pearl Oyster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pinctada margaritifera

Blacklip Mother-of-pearl

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pinctada maxima

Silver-lipped Pearl Oyster, Gold-lipped Pearl Oyster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pinctada sugillata


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plebidonax deltoides

Pipi, Surf Clam

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pteria penguin

Winged Pearl Oyster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Saccostrea amasa

Northern Oyster


Saccostrea commercialis

Sydney Rock Oyster


Sepia apama

Australian Cuttlefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sepia esculenta

Golden Cuttlefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sepia pharaonis

Pharaoh’s Cuttlefish

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sepioteuthis lessoniana

Northern Calamari

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Sepioteuthis australis

Southern Calamari

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Subninella undulata


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Symplectoteuthis luminosa

arrow squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis

arrow squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Todarodes filippovae

Southern Ocean Arrow Squid

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trochus maximus

top shell

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Trochus niloticus

top shells

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Turbo undulatus

turban shell

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Phylum: Arthropoda



Arctites antipodum

Spanish Lobster, Slipper Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Aristaeomorpha foliacea

Red Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Aristeus virilis

Pink Striped Prawns

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Artemia spp.

brine shrimp


Cherax destructor

freshwater yabby

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Cherax glaber



Cherax plebejus



Cherax quadricarinatus



Cherax tenuimanus



Euastacus armatus

Murray Cray


Euphausia superba


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Haliporoides sibogae

Royal Red Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Heterocarpus sibogae

White Carid Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Heterocarpus woodmasoni

Red Carid Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus alticrenatus

Prawn Killer, Deepwater Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus brucei

Bruce’s Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus ciliatus pubescens

Hairy Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus incisus

Balmain Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus novemdentatus

Nine-Toothed Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus peronii

shovelnose lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ibacus sp.

smooth bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Jasus edwardsii

Southern Rock Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Jasus verreauxi

Eastern Rock Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Macrobrachium australiense

freshwater prawn


Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Giant Freshwater Prawn


Metanephrops andamanicus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metanephrops australiensis

Australiensis Scampi

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metanephrops boschmai

Boschma’s Scampi

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metanephrops neptunus


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metanephrops sibogae


Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metanephrops velutinus

Velvet Scampi

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeopsis spp.

Coral Prawns

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus bennettae

Greasyback Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus dalli

Western School Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus eboracensis

York Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus endeavouri

Blue Endeavour Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus ensis

Red Endeavour Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Metapenaeus macleayi

school prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ovalipes australiensis

Sand Crab

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus cygnus

Western Rock Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus homarus

Indian Spiny Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus longipes

Painted Rock Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus ornatus

Ornate Rock Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus penicillatus

tropical rock lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus polyphagus

tropical rock lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Panulirus versicolor

Painted Spiny Lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Parapenaeopsis sculptilis

Rainbow Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Pasiphaea spp.

Macquarie Island Shrimp

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus esculentus

Brown Tiger Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus indicus

Red-legged Banana Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus japonicus

Kuruma Prawn


Penaeus latisulcatus

Western King Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus longistylus

Red Spot King Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus merguiensis

White Banana Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus monodon

Black Tiger Prawn


Penaeus plebejus

Eastern King Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Penaeus semisulcatus

Grooved Tiger Prawn

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus

Giant Scarlet Prawns

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Polycheles typhlops

Deep Water Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Portunus pelagicus

Blue Swimmer Crab

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Ranina ranina

Spanner Crab, Frog Crab

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scylla serrata

Mud Crab

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scyllarides sp.

shovelnose lobster, spanish lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Scyllarides squamosus

slipper lobster

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thenus orientalis

Mud Bug, Moreton Bay Bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Thenus sp.

sand bug

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Phylum: Echinodermata



Centrostephanus rodgersii

Black Sea Urchin

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Heliocidaris erythrogramma

Purple Sea Urchin

Included on the list until 1/12/2003

Phylum: Annelida



Onuphis teres

beach worm

Included on the list until 1/12/2003



Taxon / Item

Common Name


Miscellaneous (not species specific):



Bark, wood or timber


Bark, wood, timber, woodchips or articles made from bark, wood or timber.

Seed, spore, pollen (including pollinia), a tissue culture or flasked seedling culture


Exemption covers all plants species except for:

  • seeds of the species Wodyetia bifurcata (foxtail palm), and
  • plant taxa listed below that limit the exemption for that taxa to non-living, non-reproductively viable material.






Miscellaneous plants


A specimen that is, or is derived from a plant that is:

  • protected in the Plant Breeders Rights Act 1994 as amended, except for species that are included in the threatened species list (except conservation dependent); or
  • an artificially propagated hybrid of one or more Australian native species where the parental plants do not naturally hybridise; or
  • a commercial cultivar which does not occur in the wild.

Bushfood (derived from native plants)


Products that are processed and contain ‘bushfood’, made from fruit, nuts or foliage of Australian native plants as personal baggage.

Flowers and foliage


Artificially propagated native flowers and foliage, or wild harvested native flowers and foliage from Western Australia or Queensland as personal baggage.

Limit of three (3) bunches per person.

Species (in alphabetic sequence)



Acacia baileyana 

Cootamundra Wattle


Acacia dealbata

Silver Wattle

Oil derived from plant

Acacia decurrens

Black Wattle

Oil derived from plant

Acacia paradoxa

Kangaroo Thorn

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Araucaria heterophylla

Norfolk Island Pine


Backhousia citriodora

Lemon Ironwood

Oil derived from plant

Boronia megastigma

Brown Boronia

Oil derived from plant

Callitris columellaris

Bribie Island Pine

Oil derived from plant

Callitris endlicheri

Black Cypress Pine

Oil derived from plant

Callitris glaucophylla

White Cypress Pine

Oil derived from plant

Cassinia arcuata

Chinese Shrub, Sifton Bush

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Ceratophyllum demersum


Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Chamaerops humilis

Dwarf Fan Palm, European Fan Palm


Cocos plumosa 



Cryptandra scortechinii

Cotton Bush


Cuscuta australis

Australian Dodder

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Cuscuta tasmanica

Tasmanian Dodder

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Cuscuta victoriana

Victorian Dodder

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Eucalyptus camaldulensis = Eucalyptus rostrata

Murray Red Gum, River Red Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus dives

Broad-Leaved Peppermint

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus elata 

River Peppermint, River White Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus globulus

Southern Blue Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus gratiae


Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus horistes

oil malee

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus kochii

ssp kochii & plenissima

oil mallee

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

Pink-Flowering Yellow Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus loxophleba

ssp lissophloia

York Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus macarthurii

Camden woollybutt, Paddy's River Box

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus myriadena

ssp myriadena


Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus olida

Strawberry Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus polybractea = Eucalyptus fruticetorum

Blue Mallee

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus radiata

Narrow-Leaved Peppermint

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus sideroxylon

Mugga, Pink-Flowering Ironbark

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus smithii

Ironbark Peppermint, Gully Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus tereticornis

Forest Red Gum

Oil derived from plant

Eucalyptus viridis

Green Mallee

Oil derived from plant

Gastrolobium grandiflorum

Wallflower Poison

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Hardenbergia violacea

False Sarsaparilla


Helichrysum ramosissimum

Yellow Button

Oil derived from plant

Heliotropium europaeum 

Common Heliotrope, Potato Weed

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Howea belmoreana

Curly Palm, Sentry Palm


Howea forsteriana

Kentia Palm, Thatch Palm


Hydrilla verticillata

Water Thyme

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Ipomoea calobra

Morning Glory

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Leptospermum emarginatum = Leptospermum odoratum

tea tree

Oil derived from plant

Leptospermum petersonii = Leptospermum citratum

Lemon-scented Tea-tree

Oil derived from plant

Macadamia integrifolia

Smooth-shelled Macadamia

Oil, fruit, husks and shells

Macadamia integrifolia x tetraphylla


Oil, fruit, husks and shells

Macadamia tetraphylla

Rough-shelled Macadamia

Oil, fruit, husks and shells

Melaleuca alternifolia

Tea Tree

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca bracteata

River Tea Tree

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca cajuputi


Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca dissitiflora

tea tree

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca ericifolia

Swamp Paper-bark

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca lateriflora


Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca leucadendra

Broad-leaved Paper-bark

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca linariifolia

Narrow-leaved Paper-bark

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca quinquenervia

Blake Cajeput Tree,

Punk-tree, Bottlebrush Tree

Oil derived from plant

Melaleuca uncinata


Oil derived from plant

Nephrolepis cordifolia

fishbone fern

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Pistia stratiotes

Water Lettuce

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Prostanthera calycina 



Santalum spicatum


Oil derived from plant

Sclerolaena birchii

Galvanized Burr

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Sclerolaena muricata

Black Roly Poly

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Sida cordifolia 

Afghan Thistle, Porcupine Solanan

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Solanum hystrix

Afghan Thistle

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Syzygium oleosum = Syzygium luehmannianum

Blue Lillypilly

Oil derived from plant

Tribulus astrocarpus


Non-living, non-reproductively viable material

Typha orientalis 

Broad-Leaf Cumbungi

Non-living, non-reproductively viable material



Taxon / Item

Common Name




A specimen that is, or is derived from, a native Australian prokaryote.



Taxon / Item

Common Name




A specimen that is, or is derived from, a native Australian virus.