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|                                             TARIFF  CONCESSION  REVOCATION  ORDER                                             |

|                                                                                                                               |

|                                                                                                                               |

|Under Section 269SD(3) of the Customs Act 1901, I Robert Crawford a delegate of the Chief Executive Officer                    |

|                                                                                                                               |

|      (a) revoke Tariff Concession Order Number 0411819 made on JANUARY 14, 2005, in respect of the goods described in         |

|          TABLE A below.  This Revocation has effect from NOVEMBER 19, 2005; and                                               |

|                                                                                                                               |

|      (b) make in its place the Tariff Concession Order described in TABLE B.  The goods specified in Column 1 of TABLE B are  |

|          goods to which the item in Part III of Schedule 4 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995 specified in Column 2 of TABLE B    |

|          applies.  The Order shall have effect from the date notified in paragraph (a) above as the date of effect for the    |

|          Revocation.                                                                                                          |





                 COLUMN 1                                                                                        COLUMN 2

 Description of Goods including the                                                                         Prescribed Item No.

 Customs Tariff Classification                                                                                 Validity Date



 4413.00.00    6+.ING, multi-layered veneer, wooden, continuous rolls, thickness                                     50

               NOT less than 1 mm and NOT greater than 4 mm, width NOT less than                                  18.11.05

20 mm and NOT greater than 40 mm

Op. 05.11.04                                                                   - TC 0411819






























































|This is page  1 of  2 page(s) of the above Table.                                                                              |

|                                                                       Robert Crawford ......................................          |

|Dated JANUARY 19, 2005                                                 Delegate of the Chief Executive Officer                 |





                 COLUMN 1                                                                                        COLUMN 2

 Description of Goods including the                                                                         Prescribed Item No.

 Customs Tariff Classification                                                                                 Validity Date



4413.00.00    EDGING, multi-layered veneer, wooden, continuous rolls, thickness                                     50

NOT less than 1 mm and NOT greater than 4 mm, width NOT less than

20 mm and NOT greater than 40 mm

Op. 05.11.04                                                                   - TC 0500857














































































|This is page  2 of  2 page(s) of the above Table.                                                                              |

|                                                                       Robert Crawford......................................          |

|Dated JANUARY 19, 2005                                                 Delegate of the Chief Executive Officer                 |
