Commonwealth of Australia


Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of threatened ecological communities under section 181 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999





I, IAN CAMPBELL, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, pursuant to section 184(1(a)) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, hereby amend the list referred to in section 181 of that Act by:









Dated this… of…...........April...............................2005







Ian Campbell



Minister for the Environment and Heritage




Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone


The Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone ecological community includes the following swamps:


The Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone ecological community are temporary or permanent swamps that occur in a range of locations in the landscape. Some are hanging swamps (for example, the Blue Mountains Swamps) that are found on steep valley sides and are created by water exiting the ground at joins between sandstone and claystone layers of rock. Other swamps (for example, Wingecarribee Swamp and the Paddy’s River Swamps) occur in depressions in the landscape or along watercourses. The depth of peat is usually shallow in the hanging swamps and deep in the valley and watercourse swamps. The variation depends on the level of sedimentation and rate of organic matter accumulation, both of which are typically slower for the hanging swamps.


Location, waterlogging, sedimentation and fire history influence the vegetation found within the various components of the Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone ecological community. A complex patchwork of vegetation types can occur from Sphagnum bog and fen associations in the wetter parts of some swamps, through to sedge associations and shrub associations in the drier parts of the swamps.  A list of plant species likely to occur in the Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone ecological community is shown in the table below.



Sphagnum spp.

Sphagnum Moss


Blechnum spp.

Gleichenia microphylla


Scrambling Coral-fern, Coral-fern, Umbrella Fern

King Fern


Cryptostylis sp.

Microtis spp.

Spiranthes sinensis

Thelymitra pauciflora

Viola betonicifolia



Wingecarribee Leek-orchid, Dark Leek-orchid

Austral Ladie's Tresses

Slender Sun-orchid, Few-flowered Sun-orchid

Showy Violet, Arrow-head Violet


Carex spp.

Chorizandra cymbaria

Cyperus spp.

Eleocharis spp.

Gahnia spp.

Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus

Isolepis spp.

Juncus spp.

Lepidosperma limicolum

Leptocarpus tenax

Lepyrodia scariosa

Luzula modesta

Ptilothrix deusta

Schoenus apogon


Bristle Rush



Spreading Rope Rush


Button Grass








Fluke Bogrush


Deyeuxia quadriseta

Dichelachne inaequiglumis

Hemarthria uncinata

Isachne globosa

Phragmites australis

Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei


Plume Grass

Mat Grass

Swamp Millet

Common Reed

Tussock Grass


Epacris microphylla

Epacris obtusifolia

Epacris paludosa

Epacris spp

Coral Heath


Swamp Heath

Baeckea linifolia

Banksia spinulosa

Callistemon citrinus

Dillwynia sericea

Grevillea acanthifolia

Hakea spp.

Leptospermum spp.

Pultenaea spp.

Swamp Baeckea

Hairpin Banksia, Hill Banksia

Crimson Bottlebrush

Showy Parrot-pea

Spiny-leaved Grevillea