I, BRUCE ROBERT GEMMELL, Acting Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under subregulation 235 (2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.
[Signed B. Gemmell]
Bruce Gemmell
Acting Director of Aviation Safety and
Chief Executive Officer
2 June 2005
Civil Aviation Order 20.7.1B Amendment Order (No. 1 ) 2005
This instrument is the Civil Aviation Order 20.7.1B Amendment Order (No. 1) 2005.
2 Commencement
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
3 Amendment
Schedule 1 amends Civil Aviation Order 20.7.1B.
Schedule 1 Amendment
[1] Heading
Aeroplane weight and performance limitations — specified aeroplanes above 5 700 kg — all operations (turbine and piston-engined)
[2] Subparagraphs 2.1 (a) and (b)
permissible all-up
[3] Paragraph 2.2
2.2For paragraph 2.1:
(a) a certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft must be in force; and
(b) the certificate must include a statement to the effect that the certificate is issued in the transport, commuter or normal category.
[4] Paragraph 3.1, definition of accelerate-stop distance available
accelerate-stop distance available means the sum of:
(a) the length of the take-off run available; and
(b) if stopway is provided — the length of the stopway.
[5] Paragraph 3.1, definition of clearway
approved by CASA
declared to be available
[6] Paragraph 3.1, definition of landing distance available
landing distance available means the length of the runway declared to be available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.
[7] Paragraph 3.1, definition of speeds
V1 means the decision speed;
V1 means the take-off decision speed;
V1 (wet) means a reduced V1 established for use on a wet or contaminated runway;
[8] Paragraph 3.1, definition of stopway
approved by CASA
declared to be available
[9] Paragraph 3.1, definition of take-off distance available, including the note
take-off distance available means the sum of:
(a) the length of the take-off run available; and
(b) if clearway is provided — the length of the clearway.
[10] Paragraph 3.1, new definitions
contaminated runway means a runway that has more than 25% of the runway surface area within the required length and width being used covered by:
(a) water, or slush, more than 3 mm deep; or
(b) loose snow more than 20 mm deep; or
(c) compacted snow or ice, including wet ice.
FMS means the flight management system of an aeroplane.
RNP means required navigation performance as displayed to the flight crew by the FMS.
RNP containment means the distance:
(a) either side of the planned flight path within the limits of which the aeroplane will be contained; and
(b) not less than twice the selected RNP type.
RNP type means a level of navigation performance capability expressed in nautical miles and specified in the aeroplane’s flight manual to indicate the minimum navigation system requirements needed to operate in an area, on a route or on a procedure.
RNP-capable aeroplane means an aeroplane:
(a) that is approved for area navigation (RNAV); and
(b) that meets the RNP capability necessary for an approved RNP operation in accordance with the aeroplane’s flight manual; and
(c) whose FMS permits the RNP type to be selected and displayed to the flight crew.
take-off run available means the length of runway declared to be available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.
wet runway means a runway that:
(a) is covered by surface water not more than 3 mm deep; or
(b) is covered by slush or loose snow equivalent to surface water not more than 3 mm deep; or
(c) has sufficient moisture on the surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water.
[11] Paragraph 3.1, at the foot
[12] Paragraph 4.1
omit first mention of
weight at which
weight that
[13] Subparagraph 4.1 (a)
[14] Subparagraph 4.1 (a)
and surface
and runway surface
[15] Subparagraph 4.1 (a)
is equal
are equal
[16] Subparagraph 4.1 (a)
actual temperature
ambient temperature and aerodrome elevation
[17] Subparagraph 4.1 (b)
(b) a weight that will permit compliance with the take-off climb requirements mentioned in subsection 7 taking into account either ambient temperature and aerodrome elevation, or approved declared conditions;
(ba) a weight that will permit compliance with the obstacle clearance requirements mentioned in paragraph 7.5 and subsection 12 for take-off from a dry runway (whether it is dry or not), and taking into account either wind conditions, ambient temperature and aerodrome elevation, or wind conditions and approved declared conditions;
[18] Subparagraph 4.1 (d), first sentence
omit everything after
alternate aerodrome
, will permit compliance with the landing weight limitations mentioned in subsection 5.
[19] Subparagraph 5.1 (a)
[20] Subparagraph 5.1 (a)
runway surface
[21] Subparagraph 5.1 (a)
omit everything after
direction of
[22] Subparagraphs 5.1 (b) and (c)
forecast or
[23] Subsection 6
6.1For subparagraph 4.1 (a), and subject to paragraphs 6.3.4 and 6.4, the accelerate-stop distance required is the distance set out in the flight manual.
6.2.1For subparagraph 4.1 (a), and subject to paragraphs 6.3.4 and 6.4, the take-off distance required is the distance set out in the flight manual.
6.2.2Subject to paragraph 6.4, if the take-off distance required at the take‑off weight selected by the pilot in command is greater than the take-off run available, the pilot in command must ensure that:
(a) if the flight manual sets out information about take-off run required — the take-off run required does not exceed the take-off run available; or
(b) if the flight manual does not set out information about take-off run required — the take-off distance required does not exceed the take-off run available by more than the lesser of 60 metres or the length of clearway included in the take-off distance available.
6.3.1For a take-off from a wet or contaminated runway, V1 may be less than V1 appropriate to a dry runway but not less than V1 (wet).
6.3.2V1 (wet) must:
(a) allow the aeroplane to reach a height at least 15 feet above the runway after the aeroplane has:
(i) suffered an engine failure that is recognised by the pilot at V1 (wet); and
(ii) travelled a distance along the runway equal to the take-off distance required; and
(b) subject to paragraph 6.4, be determined from the flight manual or the operations manual for the aircraft; and
(c) not be less than the minimum control speed on the ground (Vmcg).
6.3.3For a take-off from a wet runway:
(a) the take-off weight must not exceed that permitted for take-off from the runway when dry under the same conditions of ambient temperature and wind component along the runway; and
(b) either:
(i) if the flight manual or the operations manual allows the take-off distance available to include clearway — the take‑off run required must not exceed the take-off run available; or
(ii) in any other case — the take-off distance available must not include clearway.
6.3.4 Subject to paragraph 6.4, for a take-off from a contaminated runway:
(a) the accelerate-stop distance required and the take-off distance required must be:
(i) the distances set out in the flight manual or the operations manual for operations conducted on contaminated runways; or
(ii) the distances approved by CASA for operations conducted on runways covered by slush, snow or a depth of water; and
(b) the take-off weight must not exceed that permitted for take-off from the runway when wet under the same conditions of ambient temperature and wind component along the runway; and
(c) either:
(i) if the flight manual or the operations manual allows the take-off distance available to include clearway — the take-off run required must not exceed the take-off run available; or
(ii) in any other case — the take-off distance available must not include clearway.
6.4For subparagraph 4.1 (a), paragraph 6.2.2 and paragraph 6.3.1, an aeroplane engaged in private operations must be operated so that compliance with the runway length requirements is demonstrated using data set out in:
(a) the flight manual; or
(b) the manufacturer’s data manual; or
(c) the approved foreign flight manual.
6.5Nothing in paragraph 6.4 affects subsections 7 and 12.
[24] Paragraph 7.1
a critical engine
the critical engine so that it is recognised
[25] Paragraph 7.2.1
omit everything before subparagraph (a), insert
In the take-off configuration that exists with the critical engine inoperative and the landing gear fully retracted, the aeroplane at speed V2 must be able to achieve a gross gradient of climb of at least:
[26] Paragraph 7.2.1
renumber as paragraph 7.2
[27] Paragraph 7.2.2
[28] Paragraph 7.3
7.3.1An aeroplane may be accelerated in level flight from V2 speed to final take-off climb speed at a height above the take-off surface that is the greater of:
(a) 400 feet; or
(b) the height necessary to achieve obstacle clearance in accordance with paragraphs 12.1 and 12.2.
7.3.2During any such level flight acceleration manoeuvre, an aeroplane with the critical engine inoperative must have an available gross gradient of climb of at least:
(a) for a twin-engined aeroplane — 1.2%; or
(b) for a 3-engined aeroplane — 1.4%; or
(c) for a 4-engined aeroplane — 1.5%.
[29] Paragraph 7.4
7.4.1In the en-route configuration existing at the end of the level flight acceleration manoeuvre, an aeroplane must be able to achieve a gross gradient of climb of at least:
(a) for a twin-engined aeroplane — 1.2%; or
(b) for a 3-engined aeroplane — 1.4%; or
(c) for a 4-engined aeroplane — 1.5%.
7.4.2The gradient of climb must be achievable at final take-off climb speed with the critical engine inoperative and the remaining engines at maximum continuous power or thrust.
[30] Paragraph 7.5
[31] Paragraph 7.5
[32] Paragraph 7.5, at the foot
[33] Paragraph 7.6, definition of SFAR 41 aeroplane, subparagraph (b)
ICAO Annex 8
Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention
[34] Paragraphs 7.7 and 7.8
[35] Paragraph 8.1
[36] Paragraph 9.1
9.1For paragraph 5.1 (b), the approach climb requirements are met if, in the approach configuration with the critical engine inoperative at a speed not more than 1.5 Vs, an aeroplane has a gross gradient of climb of at least:
(a) for a twin-engined aeroplane — 2.1%; or
(b) for a 3 engined aeroplane — 2.3% or
(c) for a 4 engined aeroplane — 2.4%.
[37] Paragraph 11.1
11.1For subparagraph 5.1 (a), the landing distance for a jet-engined aeroplane is:
(a) for an aeroplane engaged in regular public transport operations when landing on a dry runway, or in charter operations when landing on a dry or wet runway — 1.67 times the distance required to bring the aeroplane to a stop on a dry runway; or
(b) for an aeroplane engaged in regular public transport operations when landing on a wet runway:
(i) 1.92 times the distance required to bring the aeroplane to a stop on a dry runway; or
(ii) the distance set out in the flight manual or operations manual for operations conducted on wet runways.
[38] Subparagraphs 11.1.1 (a) and (b)
(a) for a landing at a destination aerodrome:
(i) when the runway is dry — a distance equal to 1.43 times the distance required to bring the aeroplane to a stop; or
(ii) when the runway is wet — a distance equal to 1.67 times the distance required to bring the aeroplane to a stop; and
(b) for a landing at an alternate aerodrome — 1.43 times the distance required to bring the aeroplane to a stop.
[39] Paragraph 11.1.2
11.1.2Subject to paragraph 11.2, the landing distance required under paragraph 11.1 or 11.1.1 must be determined using information set out in the flight manual.
[40] Paragraph 11.2
11.2For a landing on a contaminated runway, the landing distance required is:
(a) subject to paragraph 11.3, the distance set out in the flight manual or the operations manual for operations conducted on contaminated runways; or
(b) the distance approved by CASA for operations conducted on runways covered by slush, snow or a depth of water.
[41] Paragraph 11.3
11.3For subparagraph 4.1 (d) and paragraph 5.1, an aeroplane engaged in private, or aerial work, operations must be operated so that compliance with the landing requirements is demonstrated using data set out in:
(a) the flight manual; or
(b) the manufacturer’s data manual; or
(c) the approved foreign flight manual.
[42] Paragraph 11.4
[43] Paragraph 12.1
4.1 (b)
4.1 (ba)
[44] Paragraph 12.1
at the critical point of the take-off run
so that it is recognised at V1 appropriate to a dry runway
[45] Paragraph 12.1
until compliance with paragraph 12.4 is established and can be maintained
[46] Paragraph 12.1
[47] Paragraph 12.1
omit each mention of
[48] Paragraph 12.1
in the planned take-off area
in the take-off area
[49] Paragraph 12.1, at the foot
[50] After paragraph 12.1A
12.1BHowever, the operator is not required to calculate the area beyond the point on the planned flight path at which the net flight path complies with paragraph 12.4.
[51] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (a)
20 000 kg
22 700 kg
[52] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (a)
take-off weight
[53] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (a)
commencing from
commencing at
[54] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (a)
requirement, the
[55] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (b)
20 000 kg
22 700 kg
[56] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (b)
take-off weight
[57] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (b)
commencing from
commencing at
[58] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (b)
in the planned take-off path,
[59] Subparagraph 12.1.1 (b)
add at the end
However, for an RNP-capable aeroplane engaged in an approved RNP operation, the lateral expansion of the take-off area may be discontinued when the take-off area intersects the RNP containment specified in the approval as appropriate for the RNP type that is:
(i) selected in the FMS by the flight crew; and
(ii) within the RNP capability specified in the flight manual for an operation of that kind.
[60] Paragraph 12.2
for the
level flight
[61] Paragraph 12.2, at the foot
[62] Paragraph 12.3
12.3.1For paragraph 12.1, an obstacle-clear take-off gradient, for a runway and a direction, published in Aeronautical Information Publications, may be used for the part of the take-off area commencing at the end of the take-off distance available and extending for the length of the surveyed area on which the gradient is based, despite the fact that the rate of divergence of the surveyed area may be less than 0.125D and that the length of the inner edge of the surveyed area may be less than 300 feet.
12.3.2 The requirements mentioned in paragraph 12.1 are met for a part of the take-off area if the gradient of the net flight path in that part is not less than the obstacle-clear take-off gradient.
12.3.3The obstacle-clear take-off gradient is taken to be zero at the height of the highest obstacle within the take-off area.
[63] Paragraph 12.4
4.1 (c),
and subject to paragraph 12.5,
[64] Paragraph 12.4
if the en-route
if, in the en-route
[65] Paragraph 12.4
a critical
the critical
[66] Paragraph 12.4
[67] Paragraph 12.6
[68] Paragraph 12.7
determining net flight paths
determining the net flight path in the en-route configuration
[69] Subparagraph 12.7 (c)
(c) pressure altitude;
[70] Subsection 12A, heading
12A Alternative take-off area requirements
[71] Paragraph 12A.1
[72] Paragraph 12A.2
and 12A.4
, 12A.4 and 12A.5
[73] After paragraph 12A.4
12A.5Despite paragraphs 12A.3 and 12A.4, for an RNP-capable aeroplane engaged in an approved RNP operation, the lateral expansion of the take-off area may be discontinued when the take-off area intersects the RNP containment specified in the approval as appropriate for the RNP type that is:
(a) selected in the FMS by the flight crew; and
(b) within the RNP capability specified in the flight manual for an operation of that kind.
[74] Paragraph 14.1
14.1Paragraph 14.1A applies if:
(a) the manufacturer of, or the holder of the type certificate for, an aeroplane has published advice, recommendations or guidance (the information) about the performance of the aeroplane in an emergency, unusual operating conditions or an abnormal configuration; and
(b) the aeroplane is in the emergency, conditions or configuration.
14.1AThe pilot in command of the aeroplane must take the information into account when planning the take-off or landing of the aeroplane.
14.1BIn subparagraph 14.1 (a), type certificate includes foreign type certificate within the meaning of paragraph 21.041 (1) of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.