Determination under section 44-14
I, JULIE BISHOP, Minister for Ageing, acting under section 44-14(6) of the Aged Care Act 1997, REVOKE, immediately before 1 July 2005, Determination ACA Ch. 3 No. 11/2004, and DETERMINE, commencing on 1 July 2005, that the amounts of ENTERAL FEEDING SUPPLEMENT payable in respect of a day are as set out below.
2. Where the actual cost to the approved provider of providing Bolus or Non bolus feeding to the care recipient is equal to, or more than, 125% of the amount referred to in 1 (i.e. $17.05 for Bolus feeding and $19.11 for Non bolus feeding), an amount equivalent to that actual cost.
Dated .......Twenty first...... day of........June.....2005
Minister for Ageing