Determination under section 44-14



I, JULIE BISHOP, Minister for Ageing, acting under section 44-14(6) of the Aged Care Act 1997, REVOKE, immediately before 1 July 2005, Determination ACA Ch. 3 No. 11/2004, and DETERMINE, commencing on 1 July 2005, that the amounts of ENTERAL FEEDING SUPPLEMENT payable in respect of a day are as set out below.



  1. Subject to 2., an amount of $13.64   for Bolus feeding and $15.29  for Non bolus feeding;



2.             Where the actual cost to the approved provider of providing Bolus or Non bolus feeding to the care recipient is equal to, or more than, 125% of the amount referred to in 1 (i.e. $17.05 for Bolus feeding and $19.11 for Non bolus feeding), an amount equivalent to that actual cost.

Dated .......Twenty first...... day of........June.....2005

Minister for Ageing