Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 2)

I, ALEXANDER JOHN GOSSE DOWNER, Minister for Foreign Affairs, make this Determination under section 10B of the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967.

Dated 5 September 2005


Minister for Foreign Affairs


1 Name of Determination

  This Determination is the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 2).

2 Commencement

  This Determination is taken to have commenced as follows:

 (a) 1 July 2003 sections 1 to 3 and Schedule 1;

 (b) 1 January 2004 — Schedule 2;

 (c) 12 February 2004 — Schedule 3;

 (d) 8 March 2004 — Schedule 4;

 (e) 1 January 2005 — Schedule 5;

 (f) 9 February 2005 — Schedule 6;

 (g) 30 March 2005 — Schedule 7;

 (h) 14 April 2005 — Schedule 8.

3 Amendment of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Determination 2000

  Schedules 1 to 8 amend the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Determination 2000.

Schedule 1 Amendment taken to have commenced on 1 July 2003

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 60




A member of the diplomatic staff, for personal use

The concession is limited to:

 (a) locally-manufactured motor vehicles; and

 (b) goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b); and

 (c) alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)

Schedule 2 Amendments taken to have commenced on 1 January 2004

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 47



New Zealand

Any person, for the official use of the mission, or a member of the diplomatic staff, for personal use

The concession is limited to imported motor vehicles, locally-manufactured motor vehicles, goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b) and alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)

[2] Schedule 1, item 50








Any person, for the official use of the mission

The concession is limited to:

 (a) furniture and other household goods; and

 (b) locally-manufactured motor vehicles; and

 (c) telecommunications services; and

 (d) goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b); and

 (e) alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)



A member of the diplomatic staff, for personal use

The concession is limited to:

 (a) furniture and other household goods; and

 (b) locally-manufactured motor vehicles; and

 (c) goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b); and

 (d) alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)

Schedule 3 Amendment taken to have commenced on 12 February 2004

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 54




A member, or a family member of a member, of the administrative and technical staff, for personal use

As for diplomatic staff, except that acquisition of a motor vehicle for personal use is covered only if:

 (a) the acquisition is made within 6 months of the staff member’s installation in Australia; and

 (b) no family member has received:

 (i) a concession under section 10B of the Act for the acquisition of another motor vehicle; or

 (ii) an exemption from indirect tax under subsection 8 (1A) of the Act on the importation of another motor vehicle

Schedule 4 Amendment taken to have commenced on 8 March 2004

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 36








Any person, for the official use of the mission

The concession is limited to:

 (a) goods other than clothing, footwear and electrical goods; and

 (b) diplomatic mail services; and

 (c) telecommunications services; and

 (d) electricity and gas services; and

 (e) protection of premises services; and

 (f) removal of goods services; and

 (g) freight and cartage other than removal of goods; and

 (h) goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b); and

 (i) alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)



A member of the diplomatic staff, for personal use

The concession is limited to:

 (a) goods other than clothing, footwear and electrical goods; and

 (b) removal of goods services; and

 (c) goods covered by paragraph 6 (1) (b); and

 (d) alcohol and tobacco covered by paragraph 6 (1) (ba)

Schedule 5 Amendment taken to have commenced on 1 January 2005

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 53




A member, or a family member of a member, of the administrative and technical staff, for personal use

As for diplomatic staff, except that acquisition of a motor vehicle for personal use is covered only if:

 (a) the acquisition is made within 6 months of the staff member’s installation in Australia; and

 (b) no family member has received:

 (i) a concession under section 10B of the Act for the acquisition of another motor vehicle; or

 (ii) an exemption from indirect tax under subsection 8 (1A) of the Act on the importation of another motor vehicle

Schedule 6 Amendment taken to have commenced on 9 February 2005

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 17




A member, or a family member of a member, of the administrative and technical staff, for personal use

As for diplomatic staff, except that acquisition of a motor vehicle for personal use is covered only if:

 (a) the acquisition is made within 6 months of the staff member’s installation in Australia; and




 (b) no family member has received:

 (i) a concession under section 10B of the Act for the acquisition of another motor vehicle; or

 (ii) an exemption from indirect tax under subsection 8 (1A) of the Act on the importation of another motor vehicle

Schedule 7 Amendment taken to have commenced on 30 March 2005

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 37



Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of

Note   There are no exceptions to the standard package of concessions for this country.

Schedule 8 Amendment taken to have commenced on 14 April 2005

(section 3)


[1] Schedule 1, item 2




A member, or a family member of a member, of the administrative and technical staff, for personal use

As for diplomatic staff, except that acquisition of a motor vehicle for personal use is covered only if:

 (a) the acquisition is made within 6 months of the staff member’s installation in Australia; and




 (b) no family member has received:

 (i) a concession under section 10B of the Act for the acquisition of another motor vehicle; or

 (ii) an exemption from indirect tax under subsection 8 (1A) of the Act on the importation of another motor vehicle