No. 1 of 1973



Relating to the Application and Administration of Laws in the Coral Sea Islands Territory.

HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following Ordinance under the Coral Sea Islands Act 1969.

Dated this nineteenth day of October, 1973.


By Her Majesty’s Command,


Minister of State for the Capital Territory.



Short title and citation.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Application of Laws Ordinance 1973.[*]


2. (1) In this Ordinance, unless the contrary intention appears— “applied provision” means a provision of a law of the Australian Capital Territory that, in accordance with section 3, applies in and in relation to the Territory as a law of the Territory;

“the Act” means the Coral Sea Islands Act 1969;

“the laws of the Australian Capital Territory” means the laws in force in the Australian Capital Territory, whether written or unwritten, and “law of the Australian Capital Territory” has a corresponding meaning;

“the Minister” means the Minister for the time being administering the Act;

“the Territory” means the Coral Sea Islands Territory.

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any applied provision, a reference in an applied provision to a Minister shall be read as a reference to the Minister.

Application of provisions of laws of the Australian Capital Territory.

3. (1) Subject to the Act and sub-section 2 (2), the provisions of the laws of the Australian Capital Territory for the time being in force in the Australian Capital Territory, so far as applicable to the Territory, apply in and in relation to the Territory as laws of the Territory.

(2) Sub-section (1) does not extend to a provision of a law of the Australian Capital Territory, being a provision of an Act.

Exercise of powers and performance of functions under applied provisions.

4. Where, by an applied provision, a power or function is, in relation to the Australian Capital Territory, vested in a person or authority (not being a court), that power or function is, in relation to the Territory, deemed to be vested in, and may be exercised or performed by, that person or authority, or such other person or authority as the Minister specifies, under and by virtue of the applied provision.

Delegation by Minister.

5. The Minister may, by writing under his hand, delegate to the Secretary to the Department of the Capital Territory all or any of his powers or functions under an applied provision.

Appointment of officers.

6. The Minister may appoint such officers as are necessary to execute the laws of the Territory.

Repeal of inconsistent laws.

7. All laws in force in the Territory immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance that are inconsistent with any applied provision are repealed.

[*] Notified in the Australian Government Gazette on 19 October 1973.