Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Corporations Act 2001 – Paragraph 911A(2)(l) – Variation


Under paragraph 911A(2)(l) of the Corporations Act 2001 the Australian Securities and Investments Commission varies Class Orders [CO 03/1099], [CO 03/1100], [CO 03/1101], [CO 03/1102] and [CO 03/1103] as follows:


  1. in the introductory words of Schedule A, omit "body corporate", substitute "foreign company";
  2. in subparagraph (a)(iii) of Schedule A of Class Order [CO 03/1101]:

(a) after "corporation" (first occurring), insert "(an Edge corporation")";               and

(b) omit "such a corporation", substitute "an Edge corporation";

3.                   in Schedule A, insert after paragraph (a):

(a) in the case of Class Order [CO 03/1099]:

"(aa) the body is either a body corporate incorporated in the UK or a partnership formed in the UK;";

(b)               in the case of Class Order [03/1100]:

"(aa) the body is either:

(i) a body corporate incorporated in the US or a State of the US; or

(ii) a partnership formed in the US or a State of the US;";

(c)                in the case of Class Order [03/1101]:

"(aa) except in the case of a subsidiary of an Edge corporation, the body is either:

(i) a body corporate incorporated in the US or a State of the US; or

(ii) a partnership formed in the US or a State of the US;";

(d)               in the case of Class Order [CO 03/1102]:

"(aa) the body is either a body corporate incorporated in Singapore or a partnership formed in Singapore;"; and

(e)                in the case of Class Order [CO 03/1103]:

"(aa) the body is either a body corporate incorporated in Hong Kong or a partnership formed in Hong Kong;";

4.                   in paragraph (b) of Schedule A, omit the introductory words, substituted "the body:";

5.                   in paragraph 2(b) of Schedule C:

(a) at the end of subparagraph (i), add "and";

(b)               in subparagraph (ii):

(i)                 omit "financial services are", substitute "body is"; and

(ii)               omit "laws; and", substitute "laws."; and

(c)                omit subparagraph (iii); and

6.                   after the definition of wholesale client under the heading "Interpretation" insert:

"Note: By subsection 761H(1) of the Act, the operation of this instrument in relation to partnerships is affected by section 761F and subsection 769B(4) of the Act.".




This instrument takes effect on gazettal.


Dated this 4th day of February 2004.




Signed by Brendan Byrne

as a delegate of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission