
Applied Laws (Implementation) Ordinance 1992


No. 5 of 1992

I, The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and under section 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, make the following Ordinance under the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955.

 Dated 30 June 1992.




 By His Excellency’s Command,



Minister of State for the Arts and Territories



An Ordinance to provide for the amendment, suspension and repeal of certain laws of Western Australia in their application to the

Territory and for related purposes.

Short title

 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Applied Laws (Implementation)  Ordinance 1992.1


 2. This Ordinance commences on 1 July 1992.

Amendments of applied laws

 3. The applied laws specified in Schedule 1 are amended as set out in that Schedule.

Suspension of provisions of applied laws

 4. The provisions specified in Schedule 2 of the applied laws specified in that Schedule are suspended until 1 January 1993.

Suspension of applied laws

 5. The applied laws specified in Schedule 3 are suspended until 1 January 1993.

The applied laws specified in Schedule 4 are repealed

 6. The applied laws specified in Schedule 4 are repealed.




Section 3


AmendmentS of applied laws


Administration Act 1903 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 60b

1.1   After section 60a, insert:

Territory transition

 “60b. (1)  If probate of a will or the administration of an estate in the Territory:

 (a) was granted to, or  vested in, the Official Assignee under the Probate and Administration Ordinance ; and

 (b) was administered, held, managed or controlled by the Official Assignee under that Ordinance before 1 July 1992;

then the grant of probate or the administration of that estate is taken to be a grant of probate or administration to the Public Trustee under this Act.

 “(2) The Public Trustee must administer, hold, manage or control an estate referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with the law as in force in the Territory before 1 July 1992.”.

Associations Incorporation Act 1987 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 3 (Interpretation)

1.1   Subsection 3(1):

Insert the following definitions:

“‘Companies (Western Australian) Code’ must be read as a reference to the ‘Corporations Law’;”.

2.   Section 30 (Voluntary winding up)

2.1   Subsection 30(4):

Omit the subsection, substitute:

 “(4) The regulations may provide that the provisions of Part 5.5 of the Corporations Law relating to the voluntary winding up of companies apply with specified exclusions, additions and modifications to a winding up of an association under this section as if that Law was an Ordinance and as if the association was a company as defined in that Law.”.

3.   Section 31 (Winding up by Court)

3.1   Subsection 31(3):

Omit the subsection, substitute:

 “(3) Subject to this Act and the regulations, the provisions of Part 5.4 of the Corporations Law apply, so far as they are applicable and with the prescribed modifications (if any), in relation to the winding up of an association by the Supreme Court as if the association was a company as defined in the Corporations Law.”.

4.   New section 48a

4.1   After section 48, insert:

Territory savings and transition

 “48a. An association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 (W.A.)  is taken to be an incorporated association for the purposes of this Act.”.

Bread Act 1982 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 17a

1.1   After section 17, insert:

Territory transition

 “17a. If a baker who is required to hold a licence under this Act:

 (a) used or occupied a bakehouse in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for a licence under section 7 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the bakehouse is taken to be licensed under this Act until a licence is granted to the baker or the application is refused.”.

Business Names Act 1962 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 5a

1.1   After section 5, insert:

Territory transition

 “5a. If a person who is required to register a business name under this Act:

 (a) was carrying on business in the Territory under a business name, either alone or in association with other persons, immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration of the business name under section 7 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the business name is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 5 (Establishment of Court)

1.1   Repeal the section.

2.   Sections 6 to 18 (inclusive)

2.1   Sections 6 to 18 (inclusive) are repealed.

Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)


Schedule–The Criminal Code

1.   Section 297 (Grievous bodily harm)

1.1   Omit from the section:

“If the offence is committed in the course of conduct that, under section 371 or 371a, constitutes the offence of stealing a motor vehicle, the offender is liable to imprisonment for 14 years.”.

2.   Section 378 (Punishment of stealing)

2.1   Omit from the section:

 “(2) If the thing stolen is a motor vehicle and the offender–

 (a) wilfully drives the motor vehicle in a manner that constitutes an offence under section 60 of the Road Traffic Act 1974  (i.e. the offence known as reckless driving); or

 (b) drives the motor vehicle in a manner that constitutes an offence under section 61 of the Road Traffic Act 1974  (i.e. the offence known as dangerous driving),

the offender is liable to imprisonment for 8 years.”.

District Court of Western Australia Act 1989 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 7 (Establishment of the Court)

1.1   Repeal the section.

2.   Section 10 (The Judges of the Court)

2.1   Repeal the section.

3.   Section 18 (Acting appointments)

3.1   Repeal the section.

4.   Section 24 (Power to appoint Commissioners and Jurisdiction of Commissioners)

4.1   Repeal the section.

Family Court Act 1975 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 6 (Creation of the Court)

1.1   Repeal the section.

2.   Section 9 (Appointment of Judges)

2.1   Repeal the section.

3.   Section 11 (Acting appointments)

3.1   Repeal the section.

Land Act 1933 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 3 (Interpretation)

1.1   Add at the end:

 “(3) On and after 1 July 1992, land in the Territory held by the Commonwealth in fee simple is Crown land for the purposes of this Act.”.

2.   Section 7 (Crown lands may be disposed of, etc.)

2.1   Add at the end:

 “(5) The powers to acquire, hold and dispose of land that are conferred on the Crown by this Act are in addition to any other powers the Crown has to acquire, hold and dispose of land.”.

3.   New section 10a

3.1   After section 10, insert:

 “10a. For the purposes of this Act, the Territory constitutes a district known as Location 1 of Cocos District.”.

4   Section 12 (Authentication and recording of Crown Grants)

4.1   Omit the section, substitute:

 “12. A Crown grant must be signed by the Minister and entered on the record of the Department.”.

5.   Section 29 (Governor may make reserves)

5.1   After subsection 29(2), insert:

 “(3) An area of land in the Territory, however described, that is declared to be a park or a reserve under section 7 of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975  of the Commonwealth is taken to be a reserve for the purposes of this Act.

 “(4) The provisions of the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (W.A.)(C.K.I.) do not apply to an area of land declared to be a park or reserve referred to in this section.”.

6.   Section 175 (Plans of surveys)

6.1   Add at the end:

 “(2) If a plan of survey of land in the Territory has been certified as correct by the Surveyor-General of the Commonwealth the plan is taken to be a plan of a survey for the purposes of subsection (1).”.

Limitation Act 1935 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 38a (Extended limitation period in certain circumstances)

1.1   Subsection 38a (2):

Omit subsection (2), substitute:

 “(2) Where:

 (a) the period of limitation within which an action, suit or other proceeding may be brought would, but for this section, be fixed by section 38 (1) (c) of this Act: and

 (b) the person who suffered the latent injury had knowledge of the relevant facts before 1 July 1992; and

 (c) the period of limitation that would be applicable had the amending Act not come into operation had expired before 1 July 1992;

that action, suit or other pending proceeding may be commenced within the period of three years commencing on 1 July 1992.”.

1.2   Subsection 38a (3):

Omit paragraphs (3) (a) and (b), substitute:

 “(a) the person who suffered the latent injury had knowledge of the relevant facts before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) the period of limitation that would be applicable had the amending Act not come into operation had expired before 1 July 1992 and before the action, suit or other proceeding was commenced;”.

1.3   Subsection 38 a(4):

Omit subsection (4), substitute:

 “(4) Where:

 (a) the period of limitation within which an action, suit or other proceeding may be brought would, but for this section, be fixed by section 38 (1) (c) of this Act: and

 (b) the cause of action arises from a person having suffered a latent injury that is attributable to the inhalation of asbestos; and

 (c) the person who suffered the latent injury had knowledge of the relevant facts before 1 July 1992; and

 (d) the period of limitation that would be applicable had the amending Act not come into operation had not expired before 1 July 1992;

that action, suit or other proceeding may be commenced within the period referred to in paragraph (d) or, if that period expires less than 3 years after the coming into operation of the amending Act, may be commenced within the period of three years after the coming into operation of that Act .”.

1.4   Subsection 38a (5):

Omit paragraphs (5) (a) and (b), substitute:

 “(a) the person who suffered the latent injury had knowledge of the relevant facts before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) the period of limitation that would be applicable had the amending Act not come into operation had expired before 1 July 1992 and before the action, suit or other proceeding was commenced;”.

1.5   Subsection 38a (6):

Omit subsection (6), substitute:

 “(6) Where:

 (a) the period of limitation within which an action, suit or other proceeding may be brought is fixed by section 38 (1) (c) of this Act; and

 (b) the cause of action arises from a person having suffered a latent injury that is attributable to the inhalation of asbestos; and

 (c) the person who suffered the latent injury did not have knowledge of the relevant facts before 1 July 1992;

the period of limitation runs from the time when the person has knowledge of the relevant facts instead of the time provided by section 38.”.

2.   Section 47a (Protection of persons acting, etc.)

2.1   Subsection 47a (5):

Omit paragraph (5) (b), substitute:

 “(b) the person who suffered the latent injury had the knowledge referred to in section 38a of this Act before 1 July 1992;”.

2.2   Subsection 47a (6):

Omit paragraph (6) (a), substitute:

 “(a) the person who suffered the latent injury had the knowledge referred to in section 38a of this Act before 1 July 1992;”.

2.3   Subsection 47a (7):

Omit paragraph (7) (b), substitute:

 “(b) the person who suffered the latent injury did not have the knowledge referred to insection 38a of this Act before 1 July 1992;”.

3.   New section 49a

3.1   After section 49, insert:

Territory transition

 “49a. Subject to sections 38a, 38b and 47a, nothing in this Act :

 (a) affects an action or proceeding commenced before the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992; or

 (b) enables an action or proceeding to be commenced or maintained which is barred by a law in force in the Territory that was repealed by the Territories Law Reform Act 1992 ; or

 (c) subject to paragraph (b), prevents the commencement and maintenance of an action or proceeding within the time allowed by a law in force in the Territory that is repealed by the Territories Law Reform Act 1992  on a cause of action which accrued before the commencement of that Act.”.

Medical Act 1894 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 25

1.1   After section 24, insert:

Territory transition

 “25. If a medical practitioner who is required to be registered under this Act:

 (a) was registered or licensed to practise as a medical practitioner under a law of a State or Territory; and

 (b) practised medicine in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (c) applies for registration under section 11 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the medical practitioner is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the medical practitioner or the application is refused.”.

Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance)

Act 1943 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 3 (Interpretation)

1.1   Subsection 3 (1):

Omit the definitions of “Approved insurer”, “Fund” and “Trust”.

1.2   Insert the following definitions:

“‘approved insurer’ means the Company;

‘Company’ means the Commercial Union Insurance Company Pty Ltd;”.

2.   Sections 3a to 3t (inclusive).

2.1   Repeal the sections.

3.   Section 4 (Insurance against third party risks)

3.1   Paragraph 4 (8) (a):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company”.

3.2.   Subsection 4 (9a):

Repeal the subsection.

4.   Section 6 (Requirements in respect of policies)

4.1   Paragraph 6 (1) (a):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company”.

4.2   Subsection 6 (2):

Repeal the subsection.

5.   Section 6a (Spouse may sue in certain circumstances)

5.1   Subsection 6a (3):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company”.

6.   Section 7 (Liability of the Trust)

6.1   Subsection 7 (1):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

6.2   Subsection 7 (2):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

6.3   Subsection 7 (3):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

6.4   Subsection 7 (4):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company”.

6.5   Subsection 7 (5):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

6.6   Subsection 7 (6):

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

7.   Section 8 (Special provisions in relation to uninsured motor vehicles)

7.1   Omit “Trust”, substitute “Commonwealth” (wherever occurring).

8.   Section 8a (Liability of Trust where spouse injured)

8.1   Section 8a:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Commonwealth” (wherever occurring).

9.   Section 10 (Duties of owner or insured person)

9.1   Section 10:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

10   Section 11 (Power of Trust to deal, etc.)

10.1   Repeal the section.

11.   Section 12 (Emergency treatment)

11.1   Section 12:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

11.2   Subparagraph 12 (1) (a) (i):

Omit “or is an uninsured vehicle”.

12.   Section 14 (Recovery of payment for emergency treatment)

12.1   Section 14:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

13.   Section 15 (Right of the trust against unauthorised drivers)

13.1   Repeal the section.

14.   Section 18 (Power to suspend or cancel licenses)

14.1   Section 18:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

15.   Section 19 (Trust not to terminate policy)

15.1   Section 19:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

16.   Section 25 (Information to be furnished by the Trust)

16.1   Section 25:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

17.   Section 29 (Notice of claim)

17.1   Section 29:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

18.   Section 29a (Court may grant leave to proceed)

18.1   Section 29a:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

19.   Section 30 (Medical examination of injured person)

19.1   Section 30:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

20.   Section 32 (Governor may suspend operation of this Act, etc.)

20.1   Section 32:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

21.   Section 32a (Board may delegate)

21.1   Section 32a:

Omit “Trust”, substitute “Company” (wherever occurring).

Navigable Waters Regulations  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 45b

1.1   Add at the end:

 “(9) If a person who is required to register a vessel under these Regulations:

 (a) used the vessel in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration of the vessel under these Regulations within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be registered under these Regulations until the registration is granted or refused.

 “(10) The application fees specified in subregulation (3) are not required to be paid if a person applies for registration of a vessel in accordance with subregulation (9).”.

Nurses Act 1968 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 42a

1.1   After section 42, insert:

Territory transition

 “42a. If a person who is required to be registered under this Act:

 (a) practised nursing in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration under section 20 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Pharmacy Act 1964 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New sections 46a  and 46b

1.1   After section 46 insert:

Territory transition

 “46a. If a person who is required to be registered under this Act  was registered under the Registration of Pharmacists Ordinance  immediately before 1 July 1992, the person is taken to be registered under this Act:

 (a) until the person’s registration under the Registration of Pharmacists Ordinance  expires; or

 (b) if the person applies for registration as a pharmaceutical chemist under section 21 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992 ,until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.

 “46b. If:

 (a) premises required to be registered under this Act were being used as a pharmacy immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) the occupier of the premises applies for registration of the premises within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the premises are taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Physiotherapists Act 1950 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 15a

1.1   After section 15, insert:

Territory transition

 “15a. If a person who is required to be registered under this Act:

 (a) practised physiotherapy in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration under section 10 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Podiatrists Registration Act 1984 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New Section 43a

1.1   After section 43, insert:

Territory transition

 “43a. If a person who is required to be registered under this Act:

 (a) practised podiatry in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration under section 10 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Police Act 1892  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 4a

1.1   After section 4, insert:

Territory transition

 “4a. (1) A person who was, immediately 1 July 1992, appointed  under the Police Force Ordinance 1941 of the Colony of Singapore in its application to the Territory is taken to be appointed under this Act, at the rank held under the Ordinance.

 “(2) The person is taken to be employed on the same terms and conditions as applied to the person immediately before that date.”.

Psychologists Registration Act 1976 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 56a

1.1   After section 56, insert:

Territory transition

 “56a. If a person who is required to be registered under this Act:

 (a) practised psychology in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for registration under section 24 of this Act within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be registered under this Act until registration is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Public Trustee Act 1941 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 37b

1.1   After section 37a, insert:

Division (7)  Powers and Duties of Public Trusteewith respect to Territory Estates

 “37b. (1) If probate of a will or the administration of an estate in the Territory:

 (a) was granted to, or vested in, the Official Assignee under the Probate and Administration Ordinance ; and

 (b) was administered, held, managed or controlled by the Official Assignee under that Ordinance before 1 July 1992;

then the administration of that estate is taken to be vested in the Public Trustee on 1 July 1992.

 “(2) The Public Trustee must administer, hold, manage or control an estate referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with the law as in force in the Territory before 1 July 1992.”.

Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1961 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 75

1.1   After section 74, insert:

Territory transition

 “75. (1) Particulars of births and deaths registered under the Registration of Births and Deaths Ordinance before 1 July 1992 are taken to be particulars registered under section 10 of this Act.

 “(2) Particulars of marriages registered under the Civil Marriage Ordinance before 1 July 1992 are taken to be particulars of marriages registered under section 10 of this Act.”.

Registration of Deeds Act 1856 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 21

1.1   After section 20 , insert:

Territory transition

 “21. (1) A deed registered under the Registration of Deeds Ordinance 1988  as in force at any time before 1 July 1992 is taken to have been registered under this Act on the day on which it was registered under the Ordinance.

 “(2) Subsection (1) does not affect the order of priority of registration of the deed.”.

Road Traffic Act 1974 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)1.   New sections 29a and 29c

1.1   After section 29, insert :

Territory savings and transition–vehicle licences

 “29a. (1) The owner of a vehicle that was registered under the Road Traffic Ordinance immediately before 1 July 1992, is taken to have been granted a licence for the vehicle under this Act for the period ending when the registration period would have ended under the Ordinance if the Ordinance had not been repealed.

 “(2) If a person applied for registration, or renewal of registration, of a vehicle under the Ordinance before 1 July 1992 and the application had not been granted or refused before that date, the Minister may determine the application as if the Ordinance had not been repealed.

 “(3) If:

 (a) the  registration period referred to in subsection (1) expires before 1 October 1992; and

 (b) the owner applies for a licence under this Act before that date;

the vehicle is taken to be licensed under this Act until the licence is granted or the application is refused.

 “29b. If the owner of a vehicle referred to in section 29a applies under this Act for a licence for the vehicle the application is taken to be an application for the renewal of the licence under section 18 of this Act .”.

2.   New sections 42aa and 42ab

2.1   After section 42a, insert

Territory savings and transitional–driver’s licences

 “42aa. (1) If a person who is required to hold a driver’s licence under this Act held a driving licence under the Road Traffic Ordinance immediately before 1 July 1992, the person is taken to be licensed under this Act until that driver’s licence expires.

 “(2) If a person applied for a driving licence, or renewal of a driving licence, under the Ordinance before 1 July 1992 and the application had not been granted or refused before that date, the Minister may determine the application as if the Ordinance had not been repealed.

 “(3) If a person’s driver’s licence expires before 1 October 1992, and the person applies for the renewal of the licence under this Act before that date–the person is taken to be licensed under this Act until the licence is granted or the application is refused.

 “42ab. If a person referred to in section 42aa applies under this Act for a driver’s licence, the application is taken to be an application for the renewal of a driver’s licence under section 46 of this Act .”.

Road Traffic Code 1975 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 1307

1.1   Omit “1 July 1992”, substitute “1 January 1993.”.

2.   Section 1607

2.1   After subsection (1), insert:

“Subsection (1) is suspended until 1 January 1993.”.

Standard Survey Marks Act 1924 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 6a

1.1   After section 6, insert:

Territory transition

 “6a. Section 6 of this Act applies to a Permanent Survey Mark erected in the Territory before 1 July 1992 as if the Permanent Survey Mark were a standard survey mark within the meaning of that section.”.

Supreme Court Act 1935 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 6 (The Supreme Court of Western Australia)

1.1   Repeal the section.

2.   Section 7 (Constitution of the Court)

2.1   Repeal the section.

3.   Section 10 (Vacancy of office, absence, etc., of Chief Justice)

3.1   Repeal the section.

4.   Section 11 (Acting Judges)

4.1   Repeal the section.

5.   Section 11a (Masters)

5.1   Repeal the section.

6.   Section 11d (Vacancies, temporary appointments and acting appointments)

6.1   Repeal the section.

Tobacco Control Act 1990 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Part 3   Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation

1.1   Repeal the Part.


Transfer of Land Act 1893 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 18 (Crown lands remaining unalienated, etc.)

1.1   Section 18:

Omit “ after payment  of the contribution to the assurance fund (in cases wherein such contribution shall be payable)”.

1.2   Add at the end:

 “(2) The Commonwealth may apply to the Registrar for Crown land in the Territory to be brought under this Act whether or not the Commonwealth intends at the time the application is made to make a grant in fee of the land to another person.

 “(3) If the Commonwealth makes an application, the Registrar must, on a separate folium of the Register book, make out a certificate of title to the land and give the certificate to the Minister.”.

2.   Section 20 (Lands alienated in fee before, etc.)

2.1   Omit “before the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five”, substitute:

“or the Commonwealth before 1 July 1992,”.

3.   Section 20a (Evidence and restrictions of requisitions)

3.1   Add at the end:

 “(2) The Registrar may accept a copy of a document as evidence for the purposes of bringing land in the Territory under this Act.”.

4.   New sections 20aa, 20ab and 20b

4.1   After section 20a, insert:

Registrar may refuse to register an instrument

 “20aa. (1) Where an instrument executed on or after 1 July 1992 and purporting to convey the fee simple of land in the Territory is lodged for registration under the Registration of Deeds Act 1856 (W.A.)(C.K.I.), the Registrar of Deeds under that Act may refuse to register the instrument until the purchaser or mortgagor lodges an application in accordance with section 20.

 “(2) If a purchaser or mortgagor lodges an application under section 20:

 (a) the mortgagee’s consent to the making of the application, in accordance with section 20, is not required; and

 (b) section 34 does not apply to the application.

Registrar may issue notices

 “20ab. (1) The Registrar of Titles may issue a notice to a person requiring the person to inform the Registrar within a specified period, not being a period of less than 30 days, whether the person claims an estate or interest in the land specified in the notice.

 “(2) If a person claims an estate or interest of the kind referred to in section 20, the Registrar may require the person to make an application under that section for the land to be brought under the Act.

 “(3) If the Registrar requires a person to make application under section 20, section 34 of this Act does  not apply to the application.

 “(4) A person who, without reasonable excuse:

 (a) fails to comply with a notice issued by the Registrar under subsection (1); or

(b)fails to make an application under section 20 when required to do so under subsection (2);

commits an offence against this Act.

Registrar may require a person to produce documents

 “20b. (1) If a person applies to bring land in the Territory under this Act, the Registrar may, by written notice, require a person to:

 (a) produce for inspection by the Registrar; or

 (b) surrender to the Registrar;

any documents in the person’s possession or control that affect the land or title to the land.

 “(2) A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a notice issued by the Registrar under this section commits an offence against this Act.”.

5.   Section 22 (How applications to be dealt with, etc.)

5.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

6.   Section 30 (Parties interested may lodge caveat)

6.1   Omit “seven days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

7.   Section 40 (Assurance fund contributions)

7.1   Repeal the section.

8.   Section 41 (On bringing leaseholds under Act, etc.)

8.1   Repeal the section.

9.   Section 43 (Certain memorials to be, etc.)

9.1   Section 43:

Omit “For every memorial which shall be acted on as the evidence of a conveyance in fee there shall be paid to the assurance fund in augmentation thereof an additional sum of two dollars.”.

10.   Section 44 (No contribution to the Assurance Fund, etc.)

10.1   Repeal the section.

11.   Section 45 (Additional contributions to Assurance Fund, etc.)

11.1   Repeal the section.

12.   Section 74 (Lost and delapidated certificate, etc.)

12.1   Omit  “fourteen days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

13.   Section 75 (Provision in case of certificate lost, etc.)

13.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

14.   Section 78 (Registrar may call in certificate, etc.)

14.1   Omit “seven days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

15.   Section 137 (Caveat may be lodged where land already under the Act)

15.1   Omit “seven days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

16.   Section 138 (Notice of caveat to be given)

16.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

17.   Section 141a (Removal of caveat where, etc.)

17.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

18.   Section 142 (A caveat of a beneficiary, etc.)

18.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

19.   Section 148 (Persons proposing to deal, etc.)

19.1   Omit “forty-eight hours’ ”, substitute “14 days’ ”.

20.   Section 149 (Instrument affecting proposed dealing, etc.)

20.1   Omit “forty-eight hours’ ”, substitute “14 days’ ”.

21.   Section 162 (Notice to be advertised, etc.)

21.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

22.   New section 169a

22.1   After section 169, insert:

Territory transition

 “169a. If an applicant to bring land in the Territory under this Act:

 (a) provides an original of, or a certified copy of, a plan of survey of the land; and

 (b) the plan has been approved by the Surveyor-General of the Commonwealth;

the Registrar may accept the plan of survey for inclusion in the Register Book without further survey investigation.”.

23.   Section 173 (How application to be dealt with)

23.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

24.   Section 194 (Assurance fund to be invested, etc.)

24.1   Repeal the section.

25   Section 195 (Moneys paid, etc.)

25.1   Repeal the section.

26.   Section 196 (Assurance fund not liable in certain cases)

26.1   Omit “assurance fund”, substitute “Commonwealth” (wherever occuring).

27.   Section 197 (Indemnity chargeable in cases under this Act)

27.1   Repeal the section.

28.   Section 201 (Compensation of party deprived of land)

28.1   Omit “out of the assurance fund by action against the Registrar as nominal defendant”, substitute:

“against the Commonwealth as nominal defendant.”.

29.   Section 203 (Proprietor may summon, etc.)

29.1   Omit “six clear days’ ”, substitute “21 days’ ”.

30.   Section 204 (Costs of summons and proceedings, etc.)

30.1   Omit  “and all costs and expenses to be paid by the Registrar under such order shall be paid out of the assurance fund.”.

31.   Section 206 (Persons sustaining loss by inaccuracy in Crown survey, etc.)

31.1   Omit “bring an action against the Registrar as nominal defendant for recovery of damages and may recover the damages awarded together with the costs of the action out of the assurance fund.”, substitute “bring an action against the Commonwealth, as nominal defendant, for recovery of damages.”.

32.   Section 207 (Damages against the assurance fund in certain other circumstances)

32.1   Omit the section, substitute:

 “207. (1) A person who:

 (a) was neither a party to, nor privy to, an application or dealing in relation to land in the Territory, to which the Minister exercised the powers conferred on the Minister by this Act or by The Transfer of Land Act 1874 (W.A.) ; and

 (b) has suffered loss or damage, or will suffer loss or damage, as a result of the Minister exercising those powers;

may bring an action for recovery of damages against the Commonwealth, as nominal defendant.

 “(2) A person referred to in subsection (1) may bring an action for recovery of damages under that subsection without being required to pursue the remedies provided in sections 201 and 205 and without prejudice to the person’s rights under those sections.

 “(3) A person who:

 (a) was a party to, or privy to, an application or dealing; and

 (b) commences an action for recovery of damages against any                other person who was a party to, or privy to, the application or dealing;

may join the Commonwealth as a nominal co-defendant.”.

33.   Section 208 (Persons claiming may before action, etc.)

33.1   Omit the section, substitute:

 “208. (1) A person who:

 (a) has suffered loss or damage; and

 (b) is entitled to commence an action for recovery of damages against the Commonwealth as nominal defendant;

may before commencing any proceedings, apply to the Minister for compensation.

 “(2) The Minister may admit the claim or a part of the claim.

 “(3) If the Minister admits the claim or any part of the claim, the Commonwealth must pay to the person any damages agreed to or admitted to by the Minister.”.

34.   Section 209 (Notice to be served)

34.1   Omit “Registrar”, substitute “Commonwealth”.

35.   Section 210 (Payment of amount recovered)

35.1   Omit the section, substitute:

 “210. If, in an action for the recovery of damages, the plaintiff recovers final judgment against the Commonwealth as nominal defendant, the judge before whom the action was tried or the Supreme Court must certify the amount of final judgment and the amount of costs awarded.”.

36.   Section 211 (Limitation of actions)

36.1   Omit “the assurance fund”, substitute “the Commonwealth”.

37.   Section 220 (Application how dealt with)

37.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

38.   Section 223 (Application to be referred to Commissioner)

38.1   Omit “fourteen days’ ” , substitute “21 days’ ”.

39.    Section 224 (Contributions to the Assurance Fund)

39.1   Omit the section.


40.  Section 225 (Duty of one per cent to be paid)

40.1   Omit the section.

41.   New sections 244 and 245

41.1   After section 243, insert:

Recovery of Damages

 “244. (1) If the Commonwealth has paid an amount of damages to a person who suffered the loss for which the damages were paid as a result of the negligence or fraud of another person, the Commonwealth is entitled to recover that amount from the other person as a debt due.

 “(2) The Commonwealth may recover an amount of damages paid to a person entitled to commence an action for the recovery of damages:

 (a) in the case of fraud–from the person who acquired title to the estate or interest through fraud; or

 (b) in the case of error or misdescription–from the person upon whose application the land was brought under the operation of this Act.

 “(3) Except in the case of fraud, a person against whom the Commonwealth commences an action is not liable to pay an amount of damages greater than the value of the consideration actually received together with any costs awarded.

 “(4) If the Commonwealth obtains final judgment for an amount of damages against a person referred to paragraphs (3) (a) or (b) and that person is dead, bankrupt or not within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, the Commonwealth may recover amount due as a debt due from:

 (a) in the case of a deceased person–the personal representatives of that person; or

 (b) in the case of a bankrupt–from the estate of the bankrupt person; or

 (c) in the case of a person not within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court–by execution against the real or personal property of the person.

 “245. If this Act requires a person to provide an address within the limits of the city of Perth at which notices or processes may be served then, unless the contrary intention appears, the requirement is satisfied if the person provides an address in either Perth or the Territory.”.

Travel Agents Act 1985 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 7a

1.1   After section 7, insert:

Territory transition

 “7a. If a person who is required to hold a licence under this Act:

 (a) was carrying on business as a travel agent in the Territory immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for a licence under section 9 within two months after the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the person is taken to be licensed as a travel agent under this Act until a licence is granted to the person or the application is refused.”.

Valuation of Land Act 1978 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 25a

1.1   After section 25, insert:

Territory transition

 “25a. If a valuation of any land in the Territory:

 (a) was made before 1 July 1992 by a person:

 (i) licensed under the Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 (W.A.); or

 (ii) qualified for membership as a Fellow or Associate of the Australian Institute of Valuers (Incorporated); and

 (b) the value of the land has not significantly increased or decreased since the valuation;


 (c) the Valuer-General may adopt that valuation as a general or interim valuation; and

 (d) this Act applies to the valuation as if the valuation was a general or interim valuation made by the Valuer-General under the Act.

 “(2) The Valuer-General must not adopt a valuation of land under subsection (1) unless the land is rateable land.”.

Weights and Measures Act 1915 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 51a

1.1   After section 51, insert:

Territory transition

 “51a. If a person who is required to have a weight or measure or a weighing or measuring instrument stamped with a mark of verification under this Act:

 (a) was using the weight, measure or instrument for trade in the Territory in the period of 6 months ending immediately before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) applies for verification of the weight, measure or instrument within two months of the commencement of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992;

the weight, measure or instrument is taken to be verified and stamped under this Act until the weight, measure or instrument is inspected by an inspector under subsection 29 (1) or is exempted from the operation of this Act by the Minister under subsection 29 (2).”.

Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation

Act 1981 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   New section 160a

1.1   After section 160, insert:

Territory savings and transition

 “160a. If an person who is required to obtain insurance under section 160 of this Act:

 (a) obtained and kept current a policy or policies of insurance or indemnity in respect of any liability the person may incur under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Ordinance before 1 July 1992; and

 (b) the policy or policies expire on or after 1 July 1992; and

 (c) the person keeps the policy or policies current until the expiry date of the policies;

the policy or policies must be taken to satisfy the requirement to obtain insurance under section 160 of this Act.”.


Section 4


Coroners’ Act 1920 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 4 (Appointment of coroners)

1.1   Section 4 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1991 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 5 (Appointments)

1.1   Section 5 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Section 8 (Acting appointments)

2.1   Section 8 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Electricity Act 1945 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Part IVaaa–Approval of Electrical Appliances

1.1   Part IVa of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Electricity Act Regulations (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Part X

1.1   Part X is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Health Act 1911 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Part V–Dwellings

1.1   Part V of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Part VI–Public Buildings

2.1   Part VI of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

3.   Part VII–Nuisances and Offensive Trades

3.1   Part VII of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

4.   Part VIIa–Animal Produce, Drugs, Medicines, Disinfectants, Therapeutic Substances and Pesticides

4.1   Part VIIA of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

5.   Part VIII–Food Generally

5.1   Part VIII of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Justices Act 1902 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 6 (Appointments of justices generally)

1.1   Section 6 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Section 24 (Magisterial districts)

2.1   Section 24 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Local Courts Act 1904 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 5 (Appointment of Local Courts)

1.1   Section 5 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Section 8 (Appointment of Magistrates)

2.1   Section 8 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Motor Vehicles Dealers Act 1973 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Part II–Motor Vehicle Dealers Licensing Board

1.1   Part II of the Act is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Section 53 (Liability of yard manager for offences, etc.)

2.1   Section 53 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

Stipendiary Magistrates’ Act 1957 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

1.   Section 4 (Appointment of stipendiary magistrates)

1.1   Section 4 is suspended until 1 January 1993.

2.   Section 5c (Temporary appointments)

2.1   Section 5c is suspended until 1 January 1993.


Section 5




Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Agriculture Products Act 1929  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Architects Act 1921 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.  Act 1991 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Bee Industry Compensation Act 1953  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Beekeepers Act 1963  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Builders Registration Act 1939  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Building and Construction Industry Training Fund and Levy

Collection Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Building and Construction Industry Levy Fund Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Building Societies Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Business Franchise (Tobacco) Act 1975  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Carnarvon Banana Industry  (Compensation Trust Fund)  Act 1961  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Casino Control Act 1984  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Censorship of Films Act 1947  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Charitable Collections Act 1946  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Chicken Meat Industry Act 1977  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Commercial Arbitration Act 1985  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreement Act 1985  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave Act 1985  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Control of Vehicles (Off-Road Areas) Act 1978 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Cooperative and Provident Societies Act 1903  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Corporations (Taxing ) Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Corporations (Western Australia) Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Country  Areas Water Supply Act 1947  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Credit Unions Act 1979  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Dairy  Industry  Act 1973  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Death Duty Act 1973  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Death Duty Assessment Act 1973  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Debit Tax Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Debit Tax Assessment Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Dividing Fences Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Dried Fruits Act 1947  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Factories and Shops Act 1963  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fertilizers Act 1977  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Financial Agreement Act 1928  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Financial Institutions Duty Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fire Brigades Act 1942  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fire Brigades Superannuation Act 1985  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fisheries Act 1905  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Friendly Societies Act 1894  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fruit Growing Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1941  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Fuel, Energy and Power Resources Act 1972  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Gaming Commission Act 1987  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Government Agreements Act 1979  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Government Employees Housing Act 1964  (W.A.)(C.K.I )

Government Employees Superannuation Act 1987  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Heritage of Western Australia Act 1991  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Home Building Contracts Act 1991 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Housing Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Housing Loan Guarantee Act 1957  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Indecent Publications and Articles Act 1902  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Industrial and Commercial Employees Housing Act 1973  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Industrial Lands Development Authority Act 1966  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Juries Act 1957  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Land Drainage Act 1925  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Land Tax Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Land Tax Assessment Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Land Tax Relief Act 1991  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Liquid Petroleum Gas Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Subsidy Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Liquor Licensing Act 1988  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Litter Act 1979  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Long Service Leave Act 1958  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Main Roads Act 1930  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Maritime Archaeology Act 1973  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Marketing of Eggs Act 1945  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Marketing of Potatoes Act 1946  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Metropolitan Water Authority Act 1982  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Act 1909  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board

 (Validation) Act 1977  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Mine Workers’ Relief  Act 1932  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Miners’ Phthisis Act 1922  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Mines Regulation Act 1946  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Mining Act 1978  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Municipal Water Supply Preservation Act 1892, The (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Museum Act 1969  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Parks and Reserves Act 1895  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Payroll Tax Act 1971  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Payroll Tax Assessment Act 1971  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Pensioners (Rates Rebates and Deferments) Act 1966  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Petroleum Products Pricing Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Petroleum Products Subsidy Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Petroleum Retailers Rights and Liabilities Act 1982  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Pig Industry Compensation Act 1942  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Plant Diseases Act 1914  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Potato Growing Industry Trust Fund Act 1947  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Poultry  Industry  (Trust Fund)  Act 1948  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1920  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Public Authorities (Contributions) Act 1974  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Residential Tenancies Act 1987  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation Act 1971  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Rural Housing (Assistance) Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Salaries and Wages Freeze Act 1982  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Seniors (Water Service Charges Rebates) Act  1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Small Business Development Corporation Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Small Business Guarantee Act 1984  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Stamp Act 1921  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

State Employment and Skills Development Authority Act 1990  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

State Housing Death Benefit Scheme Act 1965  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Stock Diseases (Regulations) Act 1968  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Street Collections (Regulation) Act 1940  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Superannuation and Family Benefits Act 1938  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Taxation (Reciprocal Powers) Act 1989  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Technology and Industry Development Act 1893  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Totalisator Agency Board Betting Act 1960  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Totalisator Agency Board Betting Tax Act 1960  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Trading Stamps Act 1981  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Transport Coordination Act 1966  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Treasurers Advance Authorization Act 1991  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Trustee Companies Act 1987  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Unclaimed Money  Act 1912  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Video Tapes Classification and Control Act 1987  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Water Authority Act 1984  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Waterfront Workers’  (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Act 1986  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Water Supply Act 1893, The  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Act 1912  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Waterways Conservation Act 1976  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Western Australian Tourism Commission Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Western Australian Water Resources Council Act 1982  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Wildlife Conservation Act 1950  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)



Section 6




Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 (W.A.) (C.K.I.)

Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Western Australia) Code (W.A.)(C.K.I)

Companies (Administration) Act 1982 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies (Application of Laws) Act 1981 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies (Co-operative) Act 1943-1959  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies (Western Australia) Code  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies Act 1961 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions)(Application of Laws) Act 1981 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Western Australia) Code  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Company Takeovers Act 1979  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Crime (Serious and Repeat Offenders) Sentencing Act 1992 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Criminal Law Amendment Act 1992  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Daylight Saving Act 1991 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Domicile Act 1981 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Election of Senators Act 1903  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Electoral Act 1907  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Electoral Distribution Act 1947  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Employers’ Indemnity Supplementation Fund Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Futures Industry (Application of Laws) Act 1986  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Industrial Relations Act 1979  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Local Government Grants Act 1978  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Local Government Superannuation Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Marketable Securities Transfer Act 1970  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

National Companies and Securities Commission (State Provisions) Act 1980  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Referendums Act 1983  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Securities Industry  (Application of Laws) Act 1981 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Securities Industry (Release of Sureties) Act 1977 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Securities Industry (Western Australia) Code (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Securities Industry Act 1975  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

State Government Insurance Commission Act 1986  (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

State Supply Commission Act 1991 (W.A.)(C.K.I.)

Trade Unions Act 1902. (W.A.)(C.K.I.)







1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on  30 June 1992.