Airworthiness Directives 2004

 I, DAVID ALAN VILLIERS, delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety

 Authority, acting under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil

 Aviation Safety Regulations 1998:

 (a) revoke the Airworthiness Directives mentioned in

 Schedule 1; and

 (b) make, as separate instruments, each Airworthiness

 Directive mentioned in Schedule 1 and attached.



 David Villiers

 Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority


  20 December 2004

 Note:   Each attached Airworthiness Directive is being re-made in exactly the

 same form as appears in the latest published edition of the Directive.


 Schedule 1 Revocation and Remaking of

 Airworthiness Directives

 Beechcraft 400 Series Aeroplanes

 AD Name AD Number

 Aft Fuel Tank Vent AD/BEECH 400/1

 MLG Door Uplock Links AD/BEECH 400/2

 Electrical Wiring - Left-Hand Interstage Turbine Temperature Circuit Breaker AD/BEECH 400/3

 Fuselage Rivets AD/BEECH 400/4

 Main Circuit Breaker Panel AD/BEECH 400/5

 Escape Hatch Substructure Rivets AD/BEECH 400/6

 Wheel Speed Transducer Drive Clip AD/BEECH 400/7

 Main Wheel Well Wiring Harness AD/BEECH 400/8

 Flap Roller Retention AD/BEECH 400/9 Amdt 1

 Cabin Seat Frames AD/BEECH 400/10

 Autopilot and Rudder Boost Interlock AD/BEECH 400/11

 Standby Instrument Lighting Control AD/BEECH 400/12

 Spoiler Control Push Rod AD/BEECH 400/13

 Flightcrew Seats AD/BEECH 400/14

 Outflow/Safety Valve AD/BEECH 400/15

 Aft Fuselage Fuel Drain Tube Assembly AD/BEECH 400/16

 Engine Fire Extinguisher Squib Wiring AD/BEECH 400/17

 Wing Temperature Thermal Switch AD/BEECH 400/18

 Parking Brake Hydraulic Line AD/BEECH 400/19

 Bleed Air Supply Tube Assembly AD/BEECH 400/20

 Battery and External Power Ground AD/BEECH 400/21

 Loss of Airspeed Indication AD/BEECH 400/22

 Engine Mount AD/BEECH 400/23

 Low Pressure Oxygen Tubing AD/BEECH 400/24

 Roll Trim Printed Circuit Board Assembly AD/BEECH 400/25

 Spoiler Mixer Bay Drain Holes AD/BEECH 400/26