Airworthiness Directives 2004

 I, DAVID ALAN VILLIERS, delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety

 Authority, acting under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil

 Aviation Safety Regulations 1998:

 (a) revoke the Airworthiness Directives mentioned in

 Schedule 1; and

 (b) make, as separate instruments, each Airworthiness

 Directive mentioned in Schedule 1 and attached.



 David Villiers

 Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority


  20 December 2004

 Note:   Each attached Airworthiness Directive is being re-made in exactly the

 same form as appears in the latest published edition of the Directive.


 Schedule 1 Revocation and Remaking of

 Airworthiness Directives

 Eurocopter AS 355 (Twin Ecureuil) Series Helicopters

 AD Name AD Number

 Retirement Life - Fatigue Critical Components AD/AS 355/1 Amdt 8

 Tail Upper Fin Support Fitting - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/2 Amdt 1

 Tail Rotor Blades, Bonding Separation of Stainless Steel Leading Edge  AD/AS 355/3

 Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Bearings - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/4

 Upper Fin Attachment Fitting - Inspection AD/AS 355/5

 Fire Proofing Of Power Plant Firewall - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/6

 Tail Rotor Blade Spar AD/AS 355/7 Amdt 5

 Main Gearbox Filter - Inspection AD/AS 355/8

 Main Gear Box Bevel Reduction Gear Module - Inspection of Bevel Ring  AD/AS 355/9

 Main Rotor Mast AD/AS 355/10 Amdt 4

 Main Rotor Transmission Epicyclic Planet Pinion Cage - Replacement -  AD/AS 355/11 Amdt 2

 Tail Rotor Blade Stainless Steel Leading Edge Protective Strips - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/12

 Horizontal Stabilizer - Inspection and Retirement AD/AS 355/13 Amdt 1

 Combiner Gearbox R.H. and L.H. AD/AS 355/14 Amdt 1

 Sliding Door Ball Joint - Inspection and Modification AD/AS 355/15 Amdt 1

 Main Gearbox Lubrication System - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/16

 Securaiglon (Ex Laiglon) Safety Belts - Modification AD/AS 355/17

 Main Rotor Sleeve Beams AD/AS 355/18

 Rear RH & LH Steps AD/AS 355/19 Amdt 1

 Engine Fire Extinguishing System AD/AS 355/20

 Starflex Arms and MGB Suspension Bars - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/21

 Main Rotor Head, Main Gearbox and Landing Gear AD/AS 355/22

 Hydraulic System AD/AS 355/23

 Consolidation of Early Airworthiness Directives AD/AS 355/24 Amdt 2

 MGB Suspension Bars AD/AS 355/25

 Tail Rotor Control Spider AD/AS 355/26 Amdt 1

 Winch Attachment Angle Brackets - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/27

 Installation of Automatic Relighting System AD/AS 355/28 Amdt 2

 Tail Rotor Front Drive Shaft - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/29

 Cargo Hook Emergency Manual Control AD/AS 355/30

 Tail Rotor Gearbox Casing AD/AS 355/31

 Servo Control Securing Screws AD/AS 355/32

 Tail Rotor Front Drive Shaft AD/AS 355/33 Amdt 1

 Rotating Swashplate Bearing AD/AS 355/34 Amdt 1

 AC Generation System AD/AS 355/35

 Aft Section Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Bearing AD/AS 355/36 Amdt 1

 Tail Rotor Pitch Control Lever Expansion Pin AD/AS 355/37

 Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Bearings AD/AS 355/38

 Electric Hoist Installation AD/AS 355/39

 Emergency Locator Transmitter Antenna AD/AS 355/40

 Main Rotor Pitch Change Horn Bushes AD/AS 355/41 Amdt 1

 Lucas Air Equipment Hoist - Explosive Squib AD/AS 355/42

 In Door Sliding Windows AD/AS 355/43 Amdt 1

 Engine Fire Detection AD/AS 355/44

 Cyclic Pitch Change Rod AD/AS 355/45

 Main Rotor Shaft Oil Jet AD/AS 355/46

 MGB Suspension Bi-Directional Cross Beam AD/AS 355/47 Amdt 1

 Tail Boom-to-Aircraft Structure Junction Attachment Screws AD/AS 355/48 Amdt 1

 Single-Pole Circuit Breakers AD/AS 355/49

 Tail Rotor Hub Pitch Change Bearings AD/AS 355/50 Amdt 4

 Starter Generators - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/51

 TR Head Pitch Change Plate Bearing Spacer AD/AS 355/52 Amdt 1

 Ferry Fuel Tanks AD/AS 355/53

 This AD yet to be issued AD/AS 355/54

 Electrical Power System Failure - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/55

 Starter Generators - CANCELLED AD/AS 355/56

 Tail Rotor Hub Pitch Change Bearings AD/AS 355/57 Amdt 1

 Rear Bench Cushions AD/AS 355/58 Amdt 1

 Main Rotor Starflex Star AD/AS 355/59 Amdt 3

 Tail Rotor Blade Trailing Edge AD/AS 355/60

 Starter Generators AD/AS 355/61

 BREEZE Electric Hoist AD/AS 355/62

 Tail Servo Control Rod Eye End Fitting AD/AS 355/63 Amdt 1

 Main Servocontrol Rods AD/AS 355/64 Amdt 1

 Horizontal Situation Indicator AD/AS 355/65 Amdt 1

 Sliding Door AD/AS 355/66 Amdt 1

 Main Gearbox Lubrication Pump AD/AS 355/67 Amdt 1

 'TRW-SAMM' Main Servocontrols AD/AS 355/68

 Main Rotor and Tail Rotor  Dynamic Components AD/AS 355/69 Amdt 1

 Electric Hoists AD/AS 355/70

 Electrical Power System AD/AS 355/71 Amdt 1

 Cyclic Control AD/AS 355/72 Amdt 1

 Flight Control Stop Screws AD/AS 355/73 Amdt 1

 Camera System Installation AD/AS 355/74

 MGB Free-Wheel AD/AS 355/75 Amdt 1

 Hoist Hooks AD/AS 355/76

 Rear Structure Junction Frame AD/AS 355/77

 Hoist Operator's Belt Snap Hook AD/AS 355/78

 Hydraulic System - Hydraulic Cut Off Function AD/AS 355/79

 Camera System Installation - 2 AD/AS 355/80

 Hydraulic Fluid in Cold Weather AD/AS 355/81

 BREEZE Hoist Hooks AD/AS 355/82

 Tail Rotor Blade Trailing Edge Tab AD/AS 355/83