Airworthiness Directives 2004

 I, DAVID ALAN VILLIERS, delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety

 Authority, acting under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil

 Aviation Safety Regulations 1998:

 (a) revoke the Airworthiness Directives mentioned in

 Schedule 1; and

 (b) make, as separate instruments, each Airworthiness

 Directive mentioned in Schedule 1 and attached.



 David Villiers

 Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority


  20 December 2004

 Note:   Each attached Airworthiness Directive is being re-made in exactly the

 same form as appears in the latest published edition of the Directive.


 Schedule 1 Revocation and Remaking of

 Airworthiness Directives

 Pilatus Britten Norman BN2A Mk III (Trislander) Series Aeroplanes

 AD Name AD Number

 Rudder Trim Jack Lower Mounting Bracket - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/1

 Aileron Mass Balance Attachment - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/2

 Flap Drive Pick Up Bracket AD/BNT/3 Amdt 1

 Rudder Bar Assembly - Modification AD/BNT/4 Amdt 2

 Flap Hinge Attachments - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/5

 Engine Mounting Frames - Inspection AD/BNT/6 Amdt 1

 Pilots Seats Locking Mechanism - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/7

 Woodward Propeller Governor Drive Shaft - Inspection and Replacement AD/BNT/8

 Elevator Trim Tab Cables - Replacement AD/BNT/9

 Elevator Torque Tube - Inspection and Rework AD/BNT/10

 Wing Bottom Surface Lamination Sta. 112 - Modification AD/BNT/11 Amdt 1

 Rear Fuselage Undersurface - Modification AD/BNT/12


 Hartzell Propeller Blades Installed on Centre Engine - Removal AD/BNT/14

 Undercarriage Lower Bracket and Attachment - Engine Nacelle Area -  AD/BNT/15 Amdt 2

 Rudder Bar Lower Mounting - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/16

 Airframe Structural Fatigue Life Limitations AD/BNT/17 Amdt 2

 Engine Mounting Brackets - Inspection AD/BNT/18

 Passenger Seats - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/19

 Main Undercarriage Leg Outer Casing - Inspection AD/BNT/20

 Flight Compartment Seat Back - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/21

 Aileron Mass Balance Tube - Inspection AD/BNT/22

 Propeller Governors - Inspection and Adjustment - CANCELLED AD/BNT/23 Amdt 1

 Rudder Stop Structure - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/24

 Elevator and Flap Control Rods - Inspection AD/BNT/25 Amdt 1

 Engine Fire Warning - Modification AD/BNT/26

 Rudder Mass Balance Arm Support Brackets - Inspection AD/BNT/27

 Main Undercarriage Leg Tube - Inspection and Modification AD/BNT/28

 Tailplane Attachment Bracket and Rear Pod Structure - Inspection AD/BNT/29


 Engine Controls Attachment Brackets - Modification AD/BNT/31

 Undercarriage Shock Absorber Support Ring - Inspection and Rectification AD/BNT/32

 Engine Control Shaft - Inspection AD/BNT/33

 Wing Mounted Engine Upper Mounting Brackets AD/BNT/34 Amdt 2

 Wing/Fuselage Attachment Pins - Inspection AD/BNT/35

 Wing Tip Tank Fuel Contents Transmitter Floats - Inspection AD/BNT/36

 Primary Structure Corrosion AD/BNT/37 Amdt 2

 Pilots Switch Panel AD/BNT/38

 Nose Wheel Steering Drive Ring - CANCELLED AD/BNT/39

 Main Landing Gear Torque Link AD/BNT/40

 Generator Inspection AD/BNT/41

 Wing Spar Cap AD/BNT/42

 NLG Leg Cylinder Bearing Surfaces AD/BNT/43

 Nose Wheel Steering Drive-Ring AD/BNT/44 Amdt 1

 Control Column Sliding Tube AD/BNT/45 Amdt 1

 Throttle Friction Adjuster AD/BNT/46 Amdt 1

 Main Landing Gear Oleo Attachment Bracket AD/BNT/47 Amdt 4

 Emergency Exit Window AD/BNT/48

 Engine Mounting Brackets AD/BNT/49 Amdt 1

 Rear Engine Mounting Frame NB-51-H-1021 AD/BNT/50

 Left and Right Rudder Bar Pillar and Slider Tube Assemblies AD/BNT/51

 Control Column Universal Joint AD/BNT/52

 Access Panel Bolts AD/BNT/53 Amdt 1

 FHL Landing Gear Units AD/BNT/54

 Folding Passenger Seat Rear Frame AD/BNT/55

 Control Cable Swivel Unit Mounting Bracket AD/BNT/56