Airworthiness Directives 2004

 I, DAVID ALAN VILLIERS, delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety

 Authority, acting under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil

 Aviation Safety Regulations 1998:

 (a) revoke the Airworthiness Directives mentioned in

 Schedule 1; and

 (b) make, as separate instruments, each Airworthiness

 Directive mentioned in Schedule 1 and attached.



 David Villiers

 Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority


  20 December 2004

 Note:   Each attached Airworthiness Directive is being re-made in exactly the

 same form as appears in the latest published edition of the Directive.


 Schedule 1 Revocation and Remaking of

 Airworthiness Directives

 Radio Communication and Navigation Equipment

 AD Name AD Number

 Bendix Transmitters, Type TA-2 Series - Modular Connecting Lead -  AD/RAD/1

 Bendix Transmitters, Type TA-2 Series - Sub-Panel Cover Plate - Modification  AD/RAD/2

 Collins Transmitter, Type 18S-1, 2 and 3 - Replacement of Resistor R209 -  AD/RAD/3

 Bendix D.F. Receiver Mechanical Filter Circuit - Modification AD/RAD/4

 Collins Glide Slope Receivers, Flag Alarm and Deviation Circuits - Modification AD/RAD/5

 Bendix VHF Nav. Receivers, Flag Alarm and Deviation Circuit Modification AD/RAD/6

 Marconi Automatic Loops - Capacitor Insulation - Modification AD/RAD/7

 Channel Tuning Mechanism AWA VHF Nav/Com Receiver AD704 - Modification AD/RAD/8

 Rexair Amspeaker - Fuse Installation AD/RAD/9 Amdt 1

 VHF Transceiver - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/10

 VHF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/11 Amdt 2

 HF Transceiver - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/12

 VHF Transceiver Circuit Protection - Modification AD/RAD/13 Amdt 1

 HF Transceiver - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/14

 Localiser Flag Circuit - Modification AD/RAD/15

 Localiser and Glide Slope Flag Circuit - Modification AD/RAD/16

 AWA VC-10 VHF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/17

 Aircom VHF Transceiver - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/18

 'Aircom' VHF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/19

 King VHF - KTR-900 Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/20

 Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) Instrumentation AD/RAD/21

 Press-to-Talk Assembly - Modification AD/RAD/22

 Pantronics/Cessna HF Transceiver - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/23

 Sunair HF Transceiver Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/24

 Bayside VHF Transceiver Modification or Retirement AD/RAD/25

 Leigh Emergency Locator Transmitter Systems - Modification AD/RAD/26 Amdt 1

 Chromalloy Rescue Locator Beacon - Withdrawal from Service - CANCELLED AD/RAD/27

 Garrett Rescue 88A Crash Locator Beacon AD/RAD/28

 Sunair HF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/29

 Sunair HF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/30

 Sunair HF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/31

 Garrett Emergency Locator Transmitter AD/RAD/32

 Radio Magnetic Indicator - Modification AD/RAD/33

 Sunair HF Transceiver - Modification AD/RAD/34

 Emergency Locator Transmitters and Crash Locator Beacons - Inspection -  AD/RAD/35 Amdt 1

 Collins ADF Type ADF-650 - Operation From 27.5 Volt Supply AD/RAD/36 Amdt 1

 Narco VHF NAV OBS Gear Assembly - Modification AD/RAD/37

 Collins ATC Transponder TDR-950 - Modification AD/RAD/38

 Lithium-Sulphur Dioxide Batteries AD/RAD/39 Amdt 1

 Narco ADF-141 - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/40

 Fairchild Cockpit Voice Recorder - Inspection and Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/41

 Sunstrand Cockpit Voice Recorders - Modification - CANCELLED AD/RAD/42

 ATC Transponder Systems with Active Mode C AD/RAD/43 Amdt 5

 Collins DME-42 Distance Measuring Equipment AD/RAD/44

 King KDM 7000B Distance Measuring Equipment AD/RAD/45

 Bendix/King VN 411B VHF Nav Receiver AD/RAD/46

 Periodic Testing of ATC Transponders AD/RAD/47 Amdt 1

 Collins TCAS II and TCAS 94 Systems AD/RAD/48

 Collins TPR-720 ATC Radar Beacon System/Mode S Transponders AD/RAD/49

 Periodic Maintenance of Emergency Locator Transmitters - CANCELLED AD/RAD/50 Amdt 1

 Rockwell International/Collins Aviation Division TDR-94D Transponder AD/RAD/51

 Rockwell International, Collins Air Transport Division DME-700 AD/RAD/52

 Australian Domestic Distance Measuring Equipment AD/RAD/53

 Terra Transponders AD/RAD/54

 Rockwell International, Collins Air Transport Division, TCAS II Processors AD/RAD/55

 Honeywell, Commercial Flight Systems Group, TCAS II Processors AD/RAD/56

 AlliedSignal, Air Transport Avionics TCAS II Processors AD/RAD/57

 AlliedSignal CAS-81 TCAS II AD/RAD/58 Amdt 1

 Centaurus Ground Proximity Warning System AD/RAD/59

 GNS-XLS/GNS-XL Warning Placard AD/RAD/60 Amdt 1

 GPS Installation for Non-Precision Approaches - CANCELLED AD/RAD/61

 KLN 89B RAIM Warning AD/RAD/62

 KT 76A ATC Transponder AD/RAD/63

 Skywatch SKY497 AD/RAD/64

 VN 411B VHF Navigation Receiver AD/RAD/65

 Mode S Altitude AD/RAD/66

 Skyforce Avionics Skymap and Tracker II Units AD/RAD/67

 Mode C Transponder Altitude Checks AD/RAD/68 Amdt 2

 AlliedSignal RIA-32A ILS Receiver AD/RAD/69

 Aerodata AeroNav II and III Display Units AD/RAD/70

 Chelton VOR/LOC High Pass Filter Type 7-429/1 AD/RAD/71


 Rockwell Collins CTL-92 Transponder Control Panel AD/RAD/73

 Garmin GNS 430 AD/RAD/74

 TDR-94/TDR-94D Transponders AD/RAD/75

 Honeywell Primus II RNZ-850 or -851 Integrated Navigation Units AD/RAD/76

 Goodrich Avionics Systems TAWS8000 AD/RAD/77 Amdt 1

 Becker AR4201 VHF Transceiver AD/RAD/78

 Thales Avionics TA/RA VSI-TCAS Indicator AD/RAD/79 Amdt 1

 AT150 Transponder AD/RAD/80

 Garmin GTX330/330D Mode S Transponder AD/RAD/81

 Prevent GPS Navigation unit from Providing Erroneous Cross-Deviation AD/RAD/82

 Honeywell MST 67A Transponder AD/RAD/83