Airworthiness Directives 2004

 I, DAVID ALAN VILLIERS, delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety

 Authority, acting under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil

 Aviation Safety Regulations 1998:

 (a) revoke the Airworthiness Directives mentioned in

 Schedule 1; and

 (b) make, as separate instruments, each Airworthiness

 Directive mentioned in Schedule 1 and attached.



 David Villiers

 Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority


  20 December 2004

 Note:   Each attached Airworthiness Directive is being re-made in exactly the

 same form as appears in the latest published edition of the Directive.


 Schedule 1 Revocation and Remaking of

 Airworthiness Directives

 Short SD3-60 Series Aeroplanes

 AD Name AD Number

 Engine Flexible Mounts - Inspection and Modification AD/SD3-60/1 Amdt 1

 Main Undercarriage Pintle Pins - Modification AD/SD3-60/2

 Elevator Tab Linkage - Inspection and Modification AD/SD3-60/3

 Main Undercarriage Pintle Pin Bush - Modification AD/SD3-60/4

 Fuselage Frame 475 - Modification AD/SD3-60/5 Amdt 1

 Oil Cooler Left Air Intake Scoop - Modification AD/SD3-60/6

 Fuselage Frame 475 - CANCELLED AD/SD3-60/7

 Elevator Torque Shaft Assembly AD/SD3-60/8 Amdt 2

 Nose Undercarriage Main Fitting AD/SD3-60/9 Amdt 1

 Elevator and Rudder Control Guards - Modification AD/SD3-60/10

 Horizontal Stabilizer Spar Webs - CANCELLED AD/SD3-60/11

 Horizontal Stabilizer Rear Spar AD/SD3-60/12 Amdt 1

 Fuel System - Fuel Pipe Shrouds AD/SD3-60/13

 Tailplane Attachment Fitting Bushes AD/SD3-60/14

 Fuselage Sealing AD/SD3-60/15 Amdt 1

 Flight Data Recorder - Fitting of Cover AD/SD3-60/16

 Nose Landing Gear Main Fitting AD/SD3-60/17

 Take-Off Trim Range AD/SD3-60/18

 Flight Controls - Aileron Control Lever and Rods AD/SD3-60/19

 Electrical Power - Contactor Body AD/SD3-60/20 Amdt 1

 Landing Gear Warning Horn AD/SD3-60/21

 Horizontal Stabilizer Spar Webs AD/SD3-60/22 Amdt 1

 Rudder Gust Lock AD/SD3-60/23 Amdt 2

 Propeller Blade Model M10876K AD/SD3-60/24

 Shock Absorber Pin Locking Bolt AD/SD3-60/25

 Airworthiness Limitations AD/SD3-60/26 Amdt 2

 Fuel Low Pressure Booster Pump AD/SD3-60/27

 Horizontal Stabilizer - Rear Spar Web/Boom AD/SD3-60/28

 Pitot Static Heaters AD/SD3-60/29

 Stub Wing and Outer Wing Strut Attachment Fittings AD/SD3-60/30

 Air-Conditioning System AD/SD3-60/31

 Main Wheel Tyres AD/SD3-60/32

 Rudder Torque Tube Fitting AD/SD3-60/33

 Emergency Lighting System AD/SD3-60/34

 Main Landing Gear Actuator AD/SD3-60/35

 MLG Rear Pintle Pin Bush AD/SD3-60/36 Amdt 1

 Horizontal Stabiliser Attachment Lugs AD/SD3-60/37

 Wing Strut Distance Piece and Adjacent Side Plates Corrosion AD/SD3-60/38 Amdt 1

 LP Levers AD/SD3-60/39

 Flight Controls Rudder Gust Lock System AD/SD3-60/40 Amdt 1

 Propeller Attaching Bolts AD/SD3-60/41

 Shock Absorber Gland Nut AD/SD3-60/42 Amdt 1

 Flap Hydraulic Unit Brackets AD/SD3-60/43

 Strobe Lighting AD/SD3-60/44

 Stub Wing Shear Decks AD/SD3-60/45 Amdt 1

 Inner Flap Sub-Assembly Lever Bracket AD/SD3-60/46

 Diode Inspection and Adjustment AD/SD3-60/47

 Stub Wing Shear Deck and Rib Corrosion AD/SD3-60/48 Amdt 2

 Engine Controls - Inspection and Replacement AD/SD3-60/49

 Emergency Brake Accumulator Mounting Structure AD/SD3-60/50

 Elevator Control Torque Tube Bearing Housing AD/SD3-60/51

 Elevator Trim Control Cables AD/SD3-60/52 Amdt 2

 Engine Mounting Tubes and Fittings AD/SD3-60/53 Amdt 4

 Baggage Bay Fire Extinguisher Adapter Covers - CANCELLED AD/SD3-60/54 Amdt 1

 Revised Engine Limitations Label AD/SD3-60/55

 Air Conditioner System Wiring AD/SD3-60/56

 Flight Control Trim Chain Connecting Link AD/SD3-60/57

 Windshield Wiring AD/SD3-60/58

 Electrical Wiring and Hydraulic Pipelines AD/SD3-60/59

 Elevator Torque Shaft Assembly Bearing Housings AD/SD3-60/60

 Engine Power Check - CANCELLED AD/SD3-60/61

 Engine Intake Anti-Icing  Vane Annunciator AD/SD3-60/62 Amdt 1

 Baggage Bay Fire Extinguisher  Adapter Covers AD/SD3-60/63

 Vertical Stabiliser Shear Attachment Fittings AD/SD3-60/64 Amdt 2

 Main Landing Gear Aft Pintle Pin Bushes AD/SD3-60/65

 Elevator Trim Tab Balance Weight Brackets AD/SD3-60/66

 Fuel Tank Bonding and Inspection AD/SD3-60/67