Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands


Local Government (Amendment) Ordinance 1993

No. 5 of 1993

I, The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Ordinance under the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955.

Dated 28 June 1993.




By His Excellency’s Command,



R. Mcmullan

Minister for the Arts and Administrative Services

for the Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories


An Ordinance to amend the Local Government Ordinance 1992

1.   Short title

1.1   This Ordinance may be cited as the Local Government (Amendment) Ordinance 1993.1

2.   Commencement

2.1   This Ordinance commences on 1 July 1993.

3.   Amendment

3.1   The Local Government Ordinance 19922 is amended as set out in this Ordinance.

4.   Schedule (Amendment of the Local Government Act 1960 (W.A.) (C.K.I.))

4.1   Add at the end:

8.   Section 532 (Land is rateable property)

8.1   Subsection 532 (9):

Omit the subsection.”.



1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on  30 June 1993.

2. No. 9, 1992.