Financial Management and Accountability (Determination 2003/06) Special Accounts - Abolition

I, NICK MINCHIN, Minister for Finance and Administration, make this Determination under subsection 20 (3) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.

Dated 23 December 2003

Nick Minchin

Minister for Finance and Administration

1 Name of Determination

  This Determination is the Financial Management and Accountability (Determination 2003/06) Special Accounts - Abolition.

Note   This Determination has effect immediately.

2 Abolition of Special Accounts

  The Special Accounts specified in Schedule 1 are abolished.







Schedule 1  Special Accounts to be abolished


Agency to which Special Account relates  Special Account


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia New Zealand Foundation Account

      Grawemeyer Award Account

      Australia Abroad Council Account

Commonwealth Ombudsman’s Office  Other Trust Moneys Account

Services for Other Governments and
Non-Agency Bodies Account