Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Act 1998


The following Decision-Making Principles Governing the Retention of Anti-Personnel Mines by the Australian Defence Forces are made under authority of subsection 8(3) of the Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Act 1998 (‘the Act’) and were formulated following consultation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs in accordance with subsection 8(4) of the Act

Decision-Making Principles Governing the Retention of Anti-Personnel Mines by the Australian Defence Forces (ADF)

Pursuant to Australia’s obligations as a State Party to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (The Ottawa Convention) and in observing the Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Act 1998, the following decision making principles would apply when determining whether anti-personnel mines may be used by the ADF:

    Maintaining a demining and countermine capability;

    Maintaining a capability to demolish anti-personnel mines as part of demining, countermine, Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD) or Demolition of Malfunctioned Explosive Ordnance (DMEO) capabilities;

    Demonstrating anti-personnel mines’ effects as part of mine awareness and countermine training; and

    Research into anti-personnel mines’ effects on in-service and trial equipment.

Dated this   6th                                       day of     FEBRUARY            2006






Dr Brendan Nelson

Minister for Defence