AusLink (National Land Transport) Act 2005
I, James Eric Lloyd, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, under section 90(5) of the AusLink (National Land Transport) Act 2005, vary the conditions applying to payments under Part 8 of the Act which were determined by me on 2 August 2005 by:
(1) revoking clause 1.6 of the funding conditions and replacing it with the following:
1.6 If a funding recipient receives an amount as interest in respect of an AusLink Roads to Recovery payment in one financial year, the recipient must spend an amount equal to that amount on the construction or maintenance of roads in the next financial year and must be able to demonstrate that it has done so. This condition does not apply to councils which are to receive total funding of less than $1 million according to the list determined by the Minister under section 87(1) of the Act.
Note: Interest earned in respect of an AusLink Roads to Recovery payment is own source funds for the purposes of Part 2 of these conditions.
(2) revoking clause 1.8 of the funding conditions and replacing it with the following:
1.8 Projects undertaken using AusLink Roads to Recovery payments should comply as appropriate with standards and guidelines published from time to time by Austroads, Standards Australia, the government of the State or Territory in which the project is undertaken or the Australian Road Research Board which are applicable to the project.
Dated 30 March 2006
Jim Lloyd
Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads