National Capital Plan
Amendment 52
Zoo Expansion (Part Block 1502 Belconnen)
The National Capital Plan is amended by:
a) Deleting the “Uncommitted Land” land use policy from Part Block 1502 Belconnen and replacing it with a Development Node and extending the Open Space (Park) land use policy to include a strip of land adjoining the Tuggeranong Parkway to accommodate a multiuse corridor. The effect of this is shown in Attachment A.
b) In the “Note C Development Nodes” that follows Figure 17 of the Plan add the following words at the end of the notes:
Development of Part Block 1502 Belconnen is to be limited to a zoo and associated tourist facilities. The development is to be generally screened from the Tuggeranong Parkway with the site having an appropriate open woodland landscape character.
Buildings and structures will be subject to design controls to ensure that they are of high quality complementary to the Lake Burley Griffin western foreshores landscape and are generally unobtrusive when viewed from the Tuggeranong Parkway.
c) The National Capital Authority (NCA) will require a Master Plan to be submitted and approved before the proposal to perform works is submitted to the NCA.
The effect of this is shown in Attachment A.