A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Child Care Benefit Activities counting towards activity requirements) Determination 2006

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999

I, MALCOLM THOMAS BROUGH, Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, make this Determination under subsection 17A (2) of the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999.

Dated 26 June 2006


Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs



1 Name of Determination

  This Determination is the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Child Care Benefit — Activities counting towards activity requirements) Determination 2006.

2 Commencement

  This Determination commences on 3 July 2006.

3 Interpretation

 (1) In this Determination:

Act means the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999.

annual leave means paid leave from an individual’s employment:

 (a) for recreation; and

 (b) for up to and including 25 days in a calendar year, whether or not the leave is taken as a continuous period.

doctor’s certificate means a certificate signed by a medical practitioner.

leave on account of illness means leave from an individual’s employment because the individual is ill or injured.

parental leave:

 (a) means leave from an individual’s employment:

 (i) for the birth of a child to the individual, or the individual’s partner; or

 (ii) for the adoption of a child by the individual, or the individual’s partner; and

 (b) includes:

 (i) leave taken in preparation for the birth or adoption; and

 (ii) leave taken after the birth or adoption to care for the child.

 (2) An expression used in this Determination that is also used in the Act or the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 has the same meaning in this Determination as it has in the Act or the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999.

4 Activities that count towards meeting activity requirements

  For subsection 17A (2) of the Act, the activities specified in Schedule 1 are activities that count towards meeting the activity requirements for an individual under section 17A of the Act.

Schedule 1 Activities that count towards meeting activity requirements

(section 4)



 1. Actively setting up a business that has not yet started to operate.

 2. For an individual who is unemployed — actively looking for work.

 3. Unpaid voluntary work that provides work experience that gives or increases skills which could normally be expected to enhance a person’s prospects of obtaining paid employment.

 4. Parental leave in relation to a child, except if the period of parental leave already taken by the individual, together with any period of parental leave in relation to that child taken by the individual’s partner, exceeds a total of 12 months.

 5. Annual leave.

 6. Leave on account of illness, except if the leave on account of illness already taken in relation to the particular illness or injury exceeds a total of 2 years.

 7. Long service leave.

 8. Paid leave (other than leave mentioned in items 4 to 7) granted under an individual’s terms and conditions of employment.

 9. For a selfemployed individual  not working because:

 (a) the individual is ill or injured and has obtained a doctor’s certificate stating that the individual is unable to work because of the illness or injury; or

 (b) the individual is taking leave that, if the individual were a paid employee, would be of a kind described as annual leave, long service leave or parental leave.