Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2006/47  Centrelink Special Account Variation and Abolition 2006

I, NICK MINCHIN, Minister for Finance and Administration, make this Determination under subsections 20 (2) and (3) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.

Dated 17 August 2006

Nick Minchin

Minister for Finance and Administration


1 Name of Determination

  This Determination is the Financial Management and Accountability Determination 2006/47 — Centrelink Special Account Variation and Abolition 2006.

2 Commencement

  This Determination commences at the time at which subsection 22 (4) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 is complied with.

 Note    This Determination takes effect in accordance with section 22 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. The Parliament must consider the Determination before it can take effect, and either House may pass a resolution disallowing the Determination. If neither House passes such a resolution, the Determination takes effect on the day immediately after the last day upon which such a resolution could have been passed.

3 Variation

  Schedule 1 varies the determination entitled Determination 1999/01, which established the Centrelink Special Account.

4 Abolition

  The Centrelink Special Account is abolished with effect from the time at which:

(a)         Schedule 1 has taken effect; and

(b)        the balance of the appropriation for the Centrelink Special Account reaches zero.


Schedule 1 Variation

(section 3)

[1] Part (b), after the dot point
