Therapeutic Goods Act 1989






Standard for Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Blood Bags


I, TERRY SLATER, delegate of the Minister of State for Health and Aged Care for the purposes of Section 10 of the Therapeutic Goods  Act 1989  and acting under that section,

having consulted with the Therapeutic Goods Committee in accordance with subsection 10(4) of the said Act, HEREBY:


DETERMINE that the matters specified in the following Australian Standards shall constitute the standard for the kind of blood bags described:


(a)     AS 3787.1-1997 General requirements for single-use, sterile plasticized polyvinyl  
         chloride (PVC) packs for human blood Part 1:Single blood packs shall constitute the  
         standard for all single blood packs; and 


(b)    AS 3787.2-1997 General requirements for single-use, sterile, plasticized polyvinyl
         chloride (PVC) packs for human blood Part 2:Multiple blood pack systems  shall
         constitute the standard for all multiple blood pack systems


This order commences on the date this Order is gazetted.



Dated on this 23rd day of February 2001





Signed Terry Slater


Terry Slater

Delegate of the Minister for Health and Aged Care